This is why I hate the word filler in this context. It feels like shorthand for "This doesnt interest me." When oftentimes, that "filler" has a lot of crucial information that relates to the storyline.
It's filler, and not the good creamy center kind
I think people often confuse build up to filler, but I'd say there is a fundamental… more difference. Without build up there can't be a story, but filler is just something inconsequential to the story, and I can't really say there was much of that in this episode - more or less everything was set up for the future episodes.
Jaime and Blackfish talk, Blackfish's like "I aint 1v1ing you m8 you have no hand and also you suck, plus there's no way you're getting into… more this castle cos we can last out a siege for years" so Jaime's like "challenge accepted" and basically tricks Edmure into sneaking into the castle and getting it under Lannister control without any need for a battle.
The point of the sequence is that Brynden underestimates Jaime's capabilities, and Jaime promptly proves himself to be just as capable as Tywin was.
I read the chapter (sry for double posting), and what stick to my mind the most (aside from "watery halls" repeatedly being written "watery holes" ) was that Euron is really being made a full-blown villain here, with hardly any shades of grey. I mean, surely it was evident before that he is a villain, but this "confirmed" to me that GRRM is making him the main human villain of the last books. It's also interesting how he admits the kinslaying to Aeron.
I was still shaking my head to Damphair being such a zealot idiot, but on few occasions the chapter did manage to make me feel sorry for him, so props for that. And Euron sure is an asshole so I'll feel sorry for almost anyone he torments - including the bastard girl from this chapter that got her tongue cut off. "If I'd have tongue of everyone who cursed me I could make a cape of them." Lol, I'm starting to feel like you already have enough tongues to make a fucking sail, Euron.
The Valyrian steel armor was nice, not sure what will its significance be in the big picture though. Is it just meant as a confirmation that Euron has indeed been to Valyria?
Overall, an interesting chapter, one of the more interesting of these sample chapters we've got so far. I just hope we'd get the damn book.
I don't like him as a character -not that he is badly written or whatever, just that I don't like this zealot- but his POVs were pretty good… more imo.
It already popped here:
As crazy as it sounds, the guy wrote it as Martin read it. I checked quickly other people talking about it and it looks the same.
What an absolute madman.
Good for good old Jaime then. Im sure he loves being so much like his ruthless father.
But it sounds more like he bested Edmure who proved to not be the sharpest or most strategic knife in the drawer.
You know it sucks because Tommen really had the opportunity to become the best king that Westeros had seen in awhile.
I honestly think if Tyrion was still hand of the King, and Varys was still in kings landing, they could've really did some good. Tywin had the right idea when he was first indoctrinating ideas into Tommen, but he didn't have enough time. Now Tommen is not as harsh as Joffrey, but even easier to manipulate
I can't figure out who I want dead more: Tommen or the High Sparrow. Seriously, Tommen's worse than Joffrey, and I actually LIKED Joffrey.
And yep, Dany is back to her old self again.
I've thought about this a bit - how would have the Sparrow plot changed had it been Joffrey as king instead of Tommen.
Obviously it would have gone differently all the way from season 5 where the Sparrows started to appear at KL. I think that instead of this sneaky rise to power we would have got massive revolts on the streets, because Joffrey certainly wouldn't have tried any kind of diplomacy. He probably would have got High Sparrow killed, which would have resulted an uprising in the city. And as seen in season 2 Joffrey's thought process in such a situation isn't "how do we calm them down?" - it's "kill them all!"
Overall, it would have been chaos with thousands of deaths had Joffrey still ruled. And more likely than not a couple characters we know (maybe even Joff himself) would've died.
I'd say the key here isn't "if only Joffrey had lived", it's "if only Tywin had lived". I think Kevan even mentions that in season 5.
I've thought about this a bit - how would have the Sparrow plot changed had it been Joffrey as king instead of Tommen.
Obviously it would… more have gone differently all the way from season 5 where the Sparrows started to appear at KL. I think that instead of this sneaky rise to power we would have got massive revolts on the streets, because Joffrey certainly wouldn't have tried any kind of diplomacy. He probably would have got High Sparrow killed, which would have resulted an uprising in the city. And as seen in season 2 Joffrey's thought process in such a situation isn't "how do we calm them down?" - it's "kill them all!"
Overall, it would have been chaos with thousands of deaths had Joffrey still ruled. And more likely than not a couple characters we know (maybe even Joff himself) would've died.
I'd say the key here isn't "if only Joffrey had lived", it's "if only Tywin had lived". I think Kevan even mentions that in season 5.
I thought the episode was good though probably my least favorite of this season
* Arya leaving the faceless weirdos
* Jam… moreie going to the riverlands (this episode jamie in general)
* Tyrells overall were pretty cool
* Return of freys and edmure (and by the looks of it blackfish)
* Benjen
* Sam and Gilly were okay, I think they are sweet together but still never that interested when we switch to them
* Kings landing feels very meandering this season, this episode was progress however it took a bit too long to get here
* Tommem really is a stupid character
* Dany's speech.The moment shes away from Jorah shes just the worst
* High sparrow on top again.....
Anyway is Marge faking her "conversion". Im guessing so.
It was episode 1 that had Dorne (and was overall a bit boring episode). Episode 2 was the amazing one with the first flashback (the one that had Lyanna), Euron's introduction on the rope bridge, Tyrion unchaining the dragons, Mountain and Wun Wun smashing heads and Jon Snow waking up Still my favorite of the season, episode 5 being very close behind.
GRRM is making him the main human villain of the last books.
Child molestor, kinslayer, kingslayer, psycho, this guy is hell. Yet it shows to Aeron that no God punished his brother..
Btw, the vision in which he saw him on the Iron throne.. I wonder the veracity of this vision with nightshade. But almost every prophecies in books proved they were true. Could Euron manipulates his dream? Also the two dwarves fighting made me think of another vision of Daenerys in the House of Undying: when she saw five dwarves "harrassing" a woman, representing the war of the five kings and Westeros. Could these two dwarves fighting announce the Dance of dragons 2.0? Could it be simply Tyrion and Penny? Does this vision have a meaning in the first place? So many questions :')
The Valyrian steel armor was nice, not sure what will its significance be in the big picture though. Is it just meant as a confirmation that Euron has indeed been to Valyria?
Hum... Maybe. But he acted weird when the Reader asked if he really went there.
Anyway, if it's really a valyrian steel armor, this guy gonna be almost invicible if he knows how to handle a sword. The armor make him invicible (except for the articulation I guess) and he will be able to move damn fast.
I just hope we'd get the damn book.
Dang, me too. I didn't like when he delayed it. I mean, I have no problem with him taking times to finish it but he gave deadlines and he didn't stick to it. Hopefully he stopped writing in the series so he might finish it soon.
But he acted weird when the Reader asked if he really went there.
Yeah, details like that aren't really fresh in my mind at the moment, it's been a while since I read the books. Well, I just recently started my first re-read now that my studies for this year are over, but I'm still at aGoT (just re-read the fever dream with ToJ couple days ago ).
GRRM is making him the main human villain of the last books.
Child molestor, kinslayer, kingslayer, psycho, this guy is hell. Yet it… more shows to Aeron that no God punished his brother..
Btw, the vision in which he saw him on the Iron throne.. I wonder the veracity of this vision with nightshade. But almost every prophecies in books proved they were true. Could Euron manipulates his dream? Also the two dwarves fighting made me think of another vision of Daenerys in the House of Undying: when she saw five dwarves "harrassing" a woman, representing the war of the five kings and Westeros. Could these two dwarves fighting announce the Dance of dragons 2.0? Could it be simply Tyrion and Penny? Does this vision have a meaning in the first place? So many questions :')
The Valyrian steel armor was nice, not sure what will its significance be in the big picture though. Is it just meant as a confirmation that Euron has indeed been to Valy… [view original content]
Exactly. This is Cersei's rule compared to Tywin it shows everything she has in cunning and beauty she has in impulse and stupidity. Reviving the Faith Militant was a stupid move by Cersei. Tywin would have seen coming from a thousand miles away and never would have done it
I think the conversation between the actress and Arya fairly vaguely seems like the foreshadowing of Lady Stoneheart. I still don't think it'll happen but you never know
Well, thats a pretty different interpretation from how I see him. I never saw him as zany. Cowardly, but dangerous. Disloyal but somehow still demanding respect. Dishonorable and twisted. But zany and foolish? No.
I can't figure out who I want dead more: Tommen or the High Sparrow. Seriously, Tommen's worse than Joffrey, and I actually LIKED Joffrey.
And yep, Dany is back to her old self again.
I can understand your view point because of how much of a threat he was because of the Red Wedding. He just kind of sticks out as comedic to me being an old grouchy and perverted man with all these young wives and a billion kids. Keep in mind he'd be dead as dog shit without the Lannisters and Bolton's backing him. In the books he sends his men north like an idiot and can't hold Riverun. Even his fellow lords either think of him as a joke or a salty old rat
Well, thats a pretty different interpretation from how I see him. I never saw him as zany. Cowardly, but dangerous. Disloyal but somehow still demanding respect. Dishonorable and twisted. But zany and foolish? No.
I think the conversation between the actress and Arya fairly vaguely seems like the foreshadowing of Lady Stoneheart. I still don't think it'll happen but you never know
What Tommen did actually saved a lot of life , Joffrey would have probably done something but it would have caused a huge riot in king's landing , hundreds would have died , on both camp .
I really don't get why so much people hate the High sparrow , the guy is awesome , he can manipulate the shit out of people , overall , he trully serves his faith and the smallfolk and despise the lannisters , He ruled Tommen ,Cersei and jaime, basically all the lannisters in this city like a boss, causing even one of them to join him , What he did to cersei was awesome , i was really happy to see her atonement , and seeing her plans turning against her .
Even Margaery seem to join his wagon ,although she's obviously faking it , but hasn't she been faking it since Renly 's death .
But most of all the reason i like him is because we're getting CleganeBowl 2016 thanks to him, i was afraid they were gonna cancel it .
It's funny because if there was no invasion by Dany and invasion by White Walkers in the horizon this alliance might actually work. Sure, it would reduce the power of Lannisters and Tyrells, but is that really a bad thing? And what comes to the fanaticism of the Sparrows, in a peaceful state and alliance with the crown that would disappear in time. If there wouldn't be the invasions I mentioned before in the horizon (+maybe Cersei going crazy) Tommen could be remembered in history of Westeros as a King who reformed the system
What Tommen did actually saved a lot of life , Joffrey would have probably done something but it would have caused a huge riot in king's landing , hundreds would have died , on both camp .
The only reason to hate him really is the fanaticism that the Sparrows carry out by his encouragement. And when you are that zealous, you also automatically tend to be a bit hypocritical. I don't hate at all that he is diminishing the power of Lannisters and Tyrells, but I don't really agree with his set of values.
I really don't get why so much people hate the High sparrow , the guy is awesome , he can manipulate the shit out of people , overall , he t… morerully serves his faith and the smallfolk and despise the lannisters , He ruled Tommen ,Cersei and jaime, basically all the lannisters in this city like a boss, causing even one of them to join him , What he did to cersei was awesome , i was really happy to see her atonement , and seeing her plans turning against her .
Even Margaery seem to join his wagon ,although she's obviously faking it , but hasn't she been faking it since Renly 's death .
But most of all the reason i like him is because we're getting CleganeBowl 2016 thanks to him, i was afraid they were gonna cancel it .
The only reason I don't root for High Sparrow is because I have quite a fucking strong opinion on religious bullshit rules about what does one do with his/hers genitalia and thus far those were basically the only rules the royals were accused of breaking, no matter how much real sins any of them has committed, in the books and on TV, so it gets hard to reflect on sympathies because of all internal screaming. I believe that's not only my case.
I really don't get why so much people hate the High sparrow , the guy is awesome , he can manipulate the shit out of people , overall , he t… morerully serves his faith and the smallfolk and despise the lannisters , He ruled Tommen ,Cersei and jaime, basically all the lannisters in this city like a boss, causing even one of them to join him , What he did to cersei was awesome , i was really happy to see her atonement , and seeing her plans turning against her .
Even Margaery seem to join his wagon ,although she's obviously faking it , but hasn't she been faking it since Renly 's death .
But most of all the reason i like him is because we're getting CleganeBowl 2016 thanks to him, i was afraid they were gonna cancel it .
I don't thiink it's related to lady stoneheart and i don't really think she'll appear this season . But a youtuber called Mayes T made a very good video on the talk she had with lady crane . Leaving a lot to think of ....
I think the conversation between the actress and Arya fairly vaguely seems like the foreshadowing of Lady Stoneheart. I still don't think it'll happen but you never know
He's a power hungry fanatic who is deliberately trying to usurp the Lannisters and Tyrells. He has Loras imprisoned to being homosexual and tortures Osney Kettleblack. He's a dangerous zealot.
I really don't get why so much people hate the High sparrow , the guy is awesome , he can manipulate the shit out of people , overall , he t… morerully serves his faith and the smallfolk and despise the lannisters , He ruled Tommen ,Cersei and jaime, basically all the lannisters in this city like a boss, causing even one of them to join him , What he did to cersei was awesome , i was really happy to see her atonement , and seeing her plans turning against her .
Even Margaery seem to join his wagon ,although she's obviously faking it , but hasn't she been faking it since Renly 's death .
But most of all the reason i like him is because we're getting CleganeBowl 2016 thanks to him, i was afraid they were gonna cancel it .
If you're talking about Show High Sparrow he never did anything to Osney Kettleblack.
If you're talking about Book Sparrow he never was homophobic on the first place and would hardly do damage to Loras.
Osney Kettleblack murdered the previous High Septon, fucked Cersei and tried to admit he was Margaery's lover for putting her down. Oh wow, what a dangerous zealot. It's actually delivering justice.
He's a power hungry fanatic who is deliberately trying to usurp the Lannisters and Tyrells. He has Loras imprisoned to being homosexual and tortures Osney Kettleblack. He's a dangerous zealot.
(Laughs). Saying this and being a Stannis supporter is kind of any oxymoron . There are differences between the Sparrow in the books and in the show. He's still a power hungry, brain washing fanatic in any form of the series. Being completely deluded and having ultimate power often don't mix well together. The walk of shame was more of a display of power than anything else. Hence why he didn't make Margaery proceed with it once Tommen aligned himself with the FM. He had the power he wanted and there was no point to it.
You're melting both medium.
If you're talking about Show High Sparrow he never did anything to Osney Kettleblack.
If you're talking ab… moreout Book Sparrow he never was homophobic on the first place and would hardly do damage to Loras.
Osney Kettleblack murdered the previous High Septon, fucked Cersei and tried to admit he was Margaery's lover for putting her down. Oh wow, what a dangerous zealot. It's actually delivering justice.
(Laughs). Saying this and being a Stannis supporter is kind of any oxymoron
How so?
There are differences between the Sparrow in the books and in the show.
Yes, it's you who talked about both characters, show and books.
The walk of shame was more of a display of power than anything else.
"Walk of shame is a punishment in the Seven Kingdoms usually reserved to punish, humiliate and shame a woman publicly for either adultery or whoring."
We can't say Cersei isn't guilty of this. Tywin did one for the mistress of his father. Seeing the laws of Westeros, he's doing things legit. Now does it for himself? I won't say so, all sparrows are people who lost brother, father, sisters, or were raped, etc.. I see it more power for the believers than power for himself.
It's actually delivering justice.
(Laughs). Saying this and being a Stannis supporter is kind of any oxymoron . There are differen… moreces between the Sparrow in the books and in the show. He's still a power hungry, brain washing fanatic in any form of the series. Being completely deluded and having ultimate power often don't mix well together. The walk of shame was more of a display of power than anything else. Hence why he didn't make Margaery proceed with it once Tommen aligned himself with the FM. He had the power he wanted and there was no point to it.
I can't figure out who I want dead more: Tommen or the High Sparrow. Seriously, Tommen's worse than Joffrey, and I actually LIKED Joffrey.
And yep, Dany is back to her old self again.
This is why I hate the word filler in this context. It feels like shorthand for "This doesnt interest me." When oftentimes, that "filler" has a lot of crucial information that relates to the storyline.
Good for good old Jaime then. Im sure he loves being so much like his ruthless father.
But it sounds more like he bested Edmure who proved to not be the sharpest or most strategic knife in the drawer.
I love the actor's portrayal of him as someone zany and over the top as a fool. He wasn't meant to have been taken seriously lol
I read the chapter (sry for double posting), and what stick to my mind the most (aside from "watery halls" repeatedly being written "watery holes"
) was that Euron is really being made a full-blown villain here, with hardly any shades of grey. I mean, surely it was evident before that he is a villain, but this "confirmed" to me that GRRM is making him the main human villain of the last books. It's also interesting how he admits the kinslaying to Aeron.
I was still shaking my head to Damphair being such a zealot idiot, but on few occasions the chapter did manage to make me feel sorry for him, so props for that. And Euron sure is an asshole so I'll feel sorry for almost anyone he torments - including the bastard girl from this chapter that got her tongue cut off. "If I'd have tongue of everyone who cursed me I could make a cape of them." Lol, I'm starting to feel like you already have enough tongues to make a fucking sail, Euron.
The Valyrian steel armor was nice, not sure what will its significance be in the big picture though. Is it just meant as a confirmation that Euron has indeed been to Valyria?
Overall, an interesting chapter, one of the more interesting of these sample chapters we've got so far. I just hope we'd get the damn book.
Well, yeah--that's the entire point of his character arc.
You know it sucks because Tommen really had the opportunity to become the best king that Westeros had seen in awhile.
I honestly think if Tyrion was still hand of the King, and Varys was still in kings landing, they could've really did some good. Tywin had the right idea when he was first indoctrinating ideas into Tommen, but he didn't have enough time. Now Tommen is not as harsh as Joffrey, but even easier to manipulate
When Tommen was with the High Sparrow...
There are times like what happened with the High sparrow, where I wish Joffrey was alive
I wonder how Joffrey would have reacted to all of the religious speeches that the High Sparrow makes. He would have probably cut off the man's tongue.
Probably, Joffrey pretty unpredictable with his punishments.
I've thought about this a bit - how would have the Sparrow plot changed had it been Joffrey as king instead of Tommen.
Obviously it would have gone differently all the way from season 5 where the Sparrows started to appear at KL. I think that instead of this sneaky rise to power we would have got massive revolts on the streets, because Joffrey certainly wouldn't have tried any kind of diplomacy. He probably would have got High Sparrow killed, which would have resulted an uprising in the city. And as seen in season 2 Joffrey's thought process in such a situation isn't "how do we calm them down?" - it's "kill them all!"
Overall, it would have been chaos with thousands of deaths had Joffrey still ruled. And more likely than not a couple characters we know (maybe even Joff himself) would've died.
I'd say the key here isn't "if only Joffrey had lived", it's "if only Tywin had lived". I think Kevan even mentions that in season 5.
I thought the episode was good though probably my least favorite of this season
Anyway is Marge faking her "conversion". Im guessing so.
If Tywin still had Tommen under his wing, he'd be much more of a tactical and just King. At least for the Lannisters.
Don't forget episode one/two, and the Dorne storyline. This episode puts that one to shame
It was episode 1 that had Dorne (and was overall a bit boring episode). Episode 2 was the amazing one with the first flashback (the one that had Lyanna), Euron's introduction on the rope bridge, Tyrion unchaining the dragons, Mountain and Wun Wun smashing heads and Jon Snow waking up
Still my favorite of the season, episode 5 being very close behind.
Child molestor, kinslayer, kingslayer, psycho, this guy is hell. Yet it shows to Aeron that no God punished his brother..
Btw, the vision in which he saw him on the Iron throne.. I wonder the veracity of this vision with nightshade. But almost every prophecies in books proved they were true. Could Euron manipulates his dream? Also the two dwarves fighting made me think of another vision of Daenerys in the House of Undying: when she saw five dwarves "harrassing" a woman, representing the war of the five kings and Westeros. Could these two dwarves fighting announce the Dance of dragons 2.0? Could it be simply Tyrion and Penny? Does this vision have a meaning in the first place? So many questions :')
Hum... Maybe. But he acted weird when the Reader asked if he really went there.
Anyway, if it's really a valyrian steel armor, this guy gonna be almost invicible if he knows how to handle a sword. The armor make him invicible (except for the articulation I guess) and he will be able to move damn fast.
Dang, me too. I didn't like when he delayed it. I mean, I have no problem with him taking times to finish it but he gave deadlines and he didn't stick to it. Hopefully he stopped writing in the series so he might finish it soon.
Yeah, details like that aren't really fresh in my mind at the moment, it's been a while since I read the books. Well, I just recently started my first re-read now that my studies for this year are over, but I'm still at aGoT (just re-read the fever dream with ToJ couple days ago
i'm new here...need someone to put me thrrough
Exactly. This is Cersei's rule compared to Tywin it shows everything she has in cunning and beauty she has in impulse and stupidity. Reviving the Faith Militant was a stupid move by Cersei. Tywin would have seen coming from a thousand miles away and never would have done it
I think the conversation between the actress and Arya fairly vaguely seems like the foreshadowing of Lady Stoneheart. I still don't think it'll happen but you never know
Well, thats a pretty different interpretation from how I see him. I never saw him as zany. Cowardly, but dangerous. Disloyal but somehow still demanding respect. Dishonorable and twisted. But zany and foolish? No.
Worse than Joffrey? You mean as an ineffectual king?
Joffrey actually did something about it when something didn't go his way.
Tommen is too scared to.
That's what I mean.
I can understand your view point because of how much of a threat he was because of the Red Wedding. He just kind of sticks out as comedic to me being an old grouchy and perverted man with all these young wives and a billion kids. Keep in mind he'd be dead as dog shit without the Lannisters and Bolton's backing him. In the books he sends his men north like an idiot and can't hold Riverun. Even his fellow lords either think of him as a joke or a salty old rat
Tywin Lannister actually made the difference.
I really hope it doesnt happen, its one of the dumber turns of the books for me.
The Dany hate is real man. Just look at the videos on the game of thrones youtube channel.
I dont think its that bad, plenty of people still like her
I have to say, Margeary still looks remarkably beautiful despite her modest commoner clothing and imprisonment.
What Tommen did actually saved a lot of life , Joffrey would have probably done something but it would have caused a huge riot in king's landing , hundreds would have died , on both camp .
I really don't get why so much people hate the High sparrow , the guy is awesome , he can manipulate the shit out of people , overall , he trully serves his faith and the smallfolk and despise the lannisters , He ruled Tommen ,Cersei and jaime, basically all the lannisters in this city like a boss, causing even one of them to join him , What he did to cersei was awesome , i was really happy to see her atonement , and seeing her plans turning against her .
Even Margaery seem to join his wagon ,although she's obviously faking it , but hasn't she been faking it since Renly 's death .
But most of all the reason i like him is because we're getting CleganeBowl 2016 thanks to him, i was afraid they were gonna cancel it .
It's funny because if there was no invasion by Dany and invasion by White Walkers in the horizon this alliance might actually work. Sure, it would reduce the power of Lannisters and Tyrells, but is that really a bad thing? And what comes to the fanaticism of the Sparrows, in a peaceful state and alliance with the crown that would disappear in time. If there wouldn't be the invasions I mentioned before in the horizon (+maybe Cersei going crazy) Tommen could be remembered in history of Westeros as a King who reformed the system
The only reason to hate him really is the fanaticism that the Sparrows carry out by his encouragement. And when you are that zealous, you also automatically tend to be a bit hypocritical. I don't hate at all that he is diminishing the power of Lannisters and Tyrells, but I don't really agree with his set of values.
The only reason I don't root for High Sparrow is because I have quite a fucking strong opinion on religious bullshit rules about what does one do with his/hers genitalia and thus far those were basically the only rules the royals were accused of breaking, no matter how much real sins any of them has committed, in the books and on TV, so it gets hard to reflect on sympathies because of all internal screaming. I believe that's not only my case.
I don't thiink it's related to lady stoneheart and i don't really think she'll appear this season . But a youtuber called Mayes T made a very good video on the talk she had with lady crane . Leaving a lot to think of ....
enter link description here
He's a power hungry fanatic who is deliberately trying to usurp the Lannisters and Tyrells. He has Loras imprisoned to being homosexual and tortures Osney Kettleblack. He's a dangerous zealot.
You're melting both medium.
If you're talking about Show High Sparrow he never did anything to Osney Kettleblack.
If you're talking about Book Sparrow he never was homophobic on the first place and would hardly do damage to Loras.
Osney Kettleblack murdered the previous High Septon, fucked Cersei and tried to admit he was Margaery's lover for putting her down. Oh wow, what a dangerous zealot. It's actually delivering justice.
(Laughs). Saying this and being a Stannis supporter is kind of any oxymoron
. There are differences between the Sparrow in the books and in the show. He's still a power hungry, brain washing fanatic in any form of the series. Being completely deluded and having ultimate power often don't mix well together. The walk of shame was more of a display of power than anything else. Hence why he didn't make Margaery proceed with it once Tommen aligned himself with the FM. He had the power he wanted and there was no point to it.
How so?
Yes, it's you who talked about both characters, show and books.
"Walk of shame is a punishment in the Seven Kingdoms usually reserved to punish, humiliate and shame a woman publicly for either adultery or whoring."
We can't say Cersei isn't guilty of this. Tywin did one for the mistress of his father. Seeing the laws of Westeros, he's doing things legit. Now does it for himself? I won't say so, all sparrows are people who lost brother, father, sisters, or were raped, etc.. I see it more power for the believers than power for himself.