Chapter 2 release date?
When is The Siege of Spinner Cay going to be release?
I know it's supposed to be about a month after chapter 1 but with august being less than 2 weeks away, I sorta expected a release date by now.
Do you think it will be released before or after Chapter 1's release on Wii?
Wii's release of ch.1 will seem outdated if it comes out after ch.2 is released on PC.
I remember EFMI's release on ps2 seemed really outdated because it was a while after I finished it on PC.
Regardless, I do think this method of releasing the game works a lot better for MI because I would be pretty disappointed if I had no more MI to look forward to in the coming months.
I would have definitely finished all 5 chapters by now otherwise.
I know it's supposed to be about a month after chapter 1 but with august being less than 2 weeks away, I sorta expected a release date by now.
Do you think it will be released before or after Chapter 1's release on Wii?
Wii's release of ch.1 will seem outdated if it comes out after ch.2 is released on PC.
I remember EFMI's release on ps2 seemed really outdated because it was a while after I finished it on PC.
Regardless, I do think this method of releasing the game works a lot better for MI because I would be pretty disappointed if I had no more MI to look forward to in the coming months.
I would have definitely finished all 5 chapters by now otherwise.
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Therefore a release date would just make people angry if it could not be fulfilled.
They estimate it'll be released just before midnight on the 31st of August P(D?)ST.
I heard that too, but you forgot to mention 2010.
That does not mean that it has to be exactly one month between each episode. Telltale could release part 1 on july 1st and part 2 on august 31st and still call it "monthly". Not that I think they would do such a thing.
I was always excited to drink grog one day. When i read what it really was i was damn disappointed and refused to try it. No battery acid at all!
still, it would be fun to try the recipe given by the important looking pirates someday..
Yes, one version is rum, water and sugar. I felt like WTF when i learned about that while jobbing at a bar. Childhood dreams destroyed. It's like learning
Yeah, unlike what Wikipedia says, it's not coming out on the 9th, where they get those infernal suggestions is beyond me.
Well, you worked at wrong bar, my friend. Grog is made of: rum, tea (or water), sugar, cinamon, orange juice (optional), carnation (optional, but is gives nice flavor)
I think it would be more piraty to chuck out the rest of the ingredients and just down the rum. At least it would be keeping with the 'spirit' of things. Terrible pun, I know.
..just to clear that part of the discussion up...
the rest is optional
August 9th is a Sunday, so that is not the correct date.
i love how you put that in spoiler
/jumps off cliff
Does that narrow it down at all?
Where did you get the impression that it will be released on a Tuesday? Telltale doesnt have to release episode 2 on the same day of the week as episode 1.
But Narwhal was released on a Tuesday.
No, they don't.
I'm guessing either August 11th or August 18th.
August 11th would be nice, as I'm off work then ^_^;;