Odds of Batman landing on Last Gen Consoles?

I know nothing has been confirmed as of yet, but I just wanna know... What are the odds?
I read the FAQ, and all it said was 'I got nothin''.

They've released Episode 6 of Minecraft Story Mode, just a few days ago, and it released on Last-Gen Consoles. And episodes 7 & 8 will both fly the same flag.
But I, the desperately excited video game addict, just wanna ask, once again... What are the odds?

What birthed this doubt in my head... Was the simple fact that they're using a new engine.
It's 2016, these Last-Gen Consoles are at least two and a half years past their primes, so no one would really blame Telltale for abandoning them.
But, to be honest... Telltale Games have no reason to abandon them. Their games are not hard to run.
They're simple, and small. There's never too much going on, and there's not a lot of platforms that wouldn't be able to run it.
But the doubt still lingers, in the back of my head...
What if they're leaving these consoles behind just because it's their time? Others developers have done it, why not them? ...What are the odds?

What are the odds?


  • There are still plenty of new games being released for previous generation consoles. Even though all of TTG's games are now available for the current generation consoles, I feel like we'll still be getting previous generation console availability until perhaps a couple or a few more years maybe?

  • I kinda have a feeling TellTale may have to at least until they are done with the Minecraft Story Mode since that is getting still on last-gen, but with the new & improve engine and the the fact that The Walking Dead S3 are trying to act as almost standalone game without worrying about the carrying over decisions from the previous seasons.

  • Very High, and I bet it will play like absolute ass.

  • I would hope Telltale would have enough integrity to release a product when it performs well.
    As I said, these games are not revolutionary or huge. These decade-old consoles have practically pulled technical miracles out of their asses.
    Games that look beautiful have run well on these old consoles, it would be a shame to let them go now.

    Very High, and I bet it will play like absolute ass.

  • Nobody is making X360 anymore and PS3, huh I think that may stop soon.

    IDredMan posted: »

    I would hope Telltale would have enough integrity to release a product when it performs well. As I said, these games are not revolutionary

  • the chancesare pretty slim but that dosent mean itwont happen it depends if the consoles run the engine used and if telltale will spare the funds todo it

  • It's good they're doing it for last gen, but seriously it is time to move on people. Hardly any games coming to last Gen these days.

  • So? That doesn't mean there aren't already gems on Last Gen consoles. Just because games stop being released doesn't mean there aren't some good ones to find on last gen. Shit, I'm still stuck in the PS2 era and finding new and amazing games that I put hours into. I found some good ones for 360 recently too. Besides, what about people who can't afford next gen?

    It's good they're doing it for last gen, but seriously it is time to move on people. Hardly any games coming to last Gen these days.

  • Actually that isn't true at all, there are still allot of games releasing for previous gen but the next gen is definitely building up it's exclusive games, I might have to get a PS4 soon...

    It's good they're doing it for last gen, but seriously it is time to move on people. Hardly any games coming to last Gen these days.

  • No not really. Only real games still coming last gen are sports games. That's about it besides a few unique titles now and then. That's how it is on 360 anyways. PS3 does have some stuff coming out but not alot. Mostly jrpgs I believe.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Actually that isn't true at all, there are still allot of games releasing for previous gen but the next gen is definitely building up it's exclusive games, I might have to get a PS4 soon...

  • They would be silly to have anyone but Bioware do it and Bioware is currently juggling 3 IPs, DLC, and an MMO. They're pretty busy. I'd love a remaster too, but it appears like they are looking forward. They're hoping fans love the new story just as much.

  • edited July 2016

    Yes really. All of them are real games. There may be less coming than before but there are still more coming.

    No not really. Only real games still coming last gen are sports games. That's about it besides a few unique titles now and then. That's how it is on 360 anyways. PS3 does have some stuff coming out but not alot. Mostly jrpgs I believe.

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