Whose death was more satisfying? ******* or ******?

Which death do you think was more satisfying? Joffrey or Ramsay?

I love both of these guys as villains, but I'm gonna say Ramsay. I love karmic deaths in stuff like this.


  • Ramsay. Obviously his death was more brutal, but more importantly, he was killed by someone who actually deserved to get that kill. No disrespect to Olenna, but her killing Joff was basically a political move while Sansa had a personal vengeance with Ramsay.

  • Joffreys death didn't really satisfy as much people as Ramsey's will. I mean it's not like Ramsey stabbed Robert and lied about it.

    Joffrey was lucky enough to die in a way that made people feel bad for him. That won't happen for Ramsey

  • This is the correct answer.

    Ramsay. Obviously his death was more brutal, but more importantly, he was killed by someone who actually deserved to get that kill. No disre

  • Ramsay deserved it, he was a total psychopath. Joffrey was just a spoiled brat, who didn't know any better.

  • Uh... Joffrey was a psycho too. Remember the prostitute?

    ClemRanger posted: »

    Ramsay deserved it, he was a total psychopath. Joffrey was just a spoiled brat, who didn't know any better.

  • Joffrey's death. He killed more babies, also, Ramsay was a psychopath who owned the North, while Joffrey was a psyvhopath who owned the Seven Kingdoms.

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