Official Table x Table thread

(Mods, please don't remove this or move it. It is just supposed to be a fun joke for the community.)

Hello, you've just seen the light, now accept it. Again.


go crazies with commentz and if u ship it too! =^-^=


  • Thread: A confirmed shipping!

    ooooooooohhhhhh yeah guys I played the game 666 times and I finally realized which ship is going to happen ive been writing stuff on chalkboards 4 yrz now. and I finally realize itz....
    the ship is going to be....

    table x table

    It makes sense, doesn't it? Oh, yes... you can see those tables next to each other just waiting for the ship to be confirmed... 11/10 guarenteedddd too much water loomnyarty conformed.
    bai =^-^=

  • Please post threads that actually lead into legitmate discussion. Thanks.

  • Hello, this is pointless, dude

  • (Mods, please don't remove this or move it. It is just supposed to be a fun joke for the community.)

    I know it's supposed to be a joke, but we still don't want these kinds of threads here. Sorry.

This discussion has been closed.