In season 2 what will happen

In season 2 who know what will happen or is there even one use this discussion to post your ideas about season 2 and if there's gonna me one



  • So what could happen?

  • edited June 2016

    Hopefully there won't be a Season 2, and if there is, hopefully it won't be made for a long time.

  • Why do you not want Season 2 to be made so badly?

    Hopefully there won't be a Season 2, and if there is, hopefully it won't be made for a long time.

  • Because we virtually got a Season 2 when they announced the Adventure Pass, this game has been 2 seasons in 1. After this, they need to take a break or retire the game. I'd much rather see a season 2 of games that deserve one, such as Tales From the Borderlands or The Wolf Among Us, or see new games by Telltale. It's not that I don't like this game, it's just that I'd rather see new seasons to other games or new games over another season to a game that really didn't deserve it.

    Super1710 posted: »

    Why do you not want Season 2 to be made so badly?

  • Adventure pass is not Season 2. If you buy all the Episodes, it says think you for buying Season 1. It's not Season 2.

    Because we virtually got a Season 2 when they announced the Adventure Pass, this game has been 2 seasons in 1. After this, they need to take


  • Either way, Season 2 of this game should not happen sooner.

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Adventure pass is not Season 2. If you buy all the Episodes, it says think you for buying Season 1. It's not Season 2.

  • if you don't want season 2, don't play it but don't be a jerk to everyone who wants it

    Hopefully there won't be a Season 2, and if there is, hopefully it won't be made for a long time.

  • He wasn't. He was stating his opinion. He didn't say he hates anyone who wants a season 2 did he?

    Shawn10u posted: »

    if you don't want season 2, don't play it but don't be a jerk to everyone who wants it

  • edited July 2016


  • I don't really feel it needs one but with the way it's going it seems likely. I predict that they will have it set in a different world with a different cast having their own origin story and essentially becoming their own order.

  • I wasn't being a jerk. I have no problem if you want a Season 2, I was just saying that you got a second season already with the Adventure Pass, a sequel seems unnecessary, especially when there are plenty of games that deserve a sequel more than Minecraft. And if this were to get a sequel, fine, I'll play it, because I actually did enjoy Minecraft Story Mode, just not as much as other Telltale games.

    Shawn10u posted: »

    if you don't want season 2, don't play it but don't be a jerk to everyone who wants it

  • I would love for this game to have a season two, but I hope it doesn't come for a while, maybe a year? I mean, I absolutely LOVE this series, but a season two being discussed so soon? We're not even done with the first season, and other games need a second season. I would like for their to be a season two to TWAU (The Wolf Among US) before another season of this game, TWAU was released back in 2013 so we should deserve a season two of that before minecraft. And they would need to think of a new story rather than repeating the other season.

  • You could basically consider the story in Episodes 5-8 to be Season 2. Because of that, I would not exactly be as excited for a Season 2 in my own personal opinion, but I would be curious as to how they would do it.

    For what it's worth, if you guys are sad about Minecraft ending after Episode 8, most series only get five episodes a Season. Even for Series that get more than one Season, people have never gotten so many bonus episodes so quickly. Minecraft got special treatment from Telltale, so you guys can hopefully appreciate that. :)

  • We're not even done with the first season,

    Well, actually, we are - Season 1 is Episodes 1-5. Episodes 6-8 are extra episodes, but I do get your point though. ;)

    shaytale posted: »

    I would love for this game to have a season two, but I hope it doesn't come for a while, maybe a year? I mean, I absolutely LOVE this series

  • edited June 2016

    Nah, I'm considering Episode 5-8 to be Season 2. It's not that I hate this game or something, I do like it, even more than Game of Thrones, but it would get so much hate if Telltale would confirm a Season 2 for it when there are games like TWAU and TFTBL who are the most loved TTGs and deserve sequels. I just hope this game will end with a perferct conclusion, there is no need for unnecesary sequels, which happen a lot to games like Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty. If there's gonna be a Season 2, fine, I'll play it but it shouldn't happen sooner. It deserves a break. ;)

  • I don't treat episodes 6-8 as a season two, TWD season one had an extra episode. I think if they were to have a season two, it would take a while since they'd need to develop a new story, and in my own opinion, I do think it is still season one or else it would have been a different game like TWDM was. But I do get what people mean, it feels like a season two because of the first story ending, but I don't treat it as season two.

    We're not even done with the first season, Well, actually, we are - Season 1 is Episodes 1-5. Episodes 6-8 are extra episodes, but I do get your point though.

  • I think you should know why people hate Minecraft. @MetallicaRules mentioned his opinion politely and someone criticize him like any fanboys from Minecraft fanbase.

    Shawn10u posted: »

    if you don't want season 2, don't play it but don't be a jerk to everyone who wants it

  • Originally, those games were new aswell, which means that your basically saying that the newest games can't get a season 2 so NO games will get a season 2.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Either way, Season 2 of this game should not happen sooner.

  • After all this time, i'll be honest with you. I really hope that there will be a season 2. Minecraft story mode is what got me into Minecraft in the first place, and if it's gone forever, I'm gonna cry for days.

  • Isn't a bit too EARLY to discuss about season 2?

  • edited July 2016

    NO it means that we have a lot of time to discus our opinion on what we think will happen in season 2 and if we think it won't come out or if it will!

  • Why has there not bin any more comments about season 2 for a long time

  • I don't think 6-8 is Season 2 because if you buy all the Episodes including 6-8 it says: "Thank you for purchasing Season 1 of Minecraft: Story Mode."

  • enter image description here

    JimMate789 posted: »

    I don't think 6-8 is Season 2 because if you buy all the Episodes including 6-8 it says: "Thank you for purchasing Season 1 of Minecraft: Story Mode."

  • Finally some more comments :-)

  • Season 2 shouldn't happen sooner. The Adventure Pack is enough so it needs a break

  • I don't agree

  • Me too I don't agree with you

    AronDracula posted: »

    Season 2 shouldn't happen sooner. The Adventure Pack is enough so it needs a break

  • BINE!!!

    Me too I don't agree with you

  • Telltale fanboys:
    "For some reason I don't want any new series to get a season renew. Let them collect dust, and be forgotten so we can talk about how it is underrated in 4-5 years and demand a season even though it's way past due date!"

    Minecraft fanboys:

    It goes wrong either way.

  • edited July 2016

    enter image description here

    Fullerjude posted: »

    I don't agree

  • lolwut

    Me too I don't agree with you

  • Honestly, I really wish there won't be a Season 2. The Adventure Pass is kinda considered as Season 2 and I think it's enough for Minecraft: Story Mode. But if Telltale actually has plans for Season 2, then fine by me. :p

  • I hope there is Season 2. If not, i will cry, then my friends will prank me in the School with saying


    Almost all my friends in school hate MCSM :'(

    After all this time, i'll be honest with you. I really hope that there will be a season 2. Minecraft story mode is what got me into Minecraft in the first place, and if it's gone forever, I'm gonna cry for days.

  • Ok....

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Honestly, I really wish there won't be a Season 2. The Adventure Pass is kinda considered as Season 2 and I think it's enough for Minecraft: Story Mode. But if Telltale actually has plans for Season 2, then fine by me.

  • Good luck with that ;)

    JimMate789 posted: »


  • Really? What would they say about it?

    I hope there is Season 2. If not, i will cry, then my friends will prank me in the School with saying YEAH MCSM GONE! Almost all my friends in school hate MCSM

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