New shirts this fall!

edited August 2009 in Sam & Max
From Steve Purcell's blog:
Though I'm too late to create any new T-shirts in time for San Diego's Comic Con I'm tossing ideas around for the next round of Sam & Max shirts for the Fall. [...] As I try some others I'll consider posting them here for your opinions, because I think I heard somewhere that people on the internet are more than happy to express their opinions.
There are some very nice pictures, too.


  • edited July 2009
    I do want that Dancing Cactus Motel shirt if the shirt it is printed on fits colorwise. I also liked the rats riding the bicycle but the motel shirt is definitely the best one.
  • edited July 2009
    hmm, new shirts? hopefully they will be available by the time season three dvd can be ordered..hehe.
  • edited July 2009
    I'd love one of the Desoto ones. I missed out last time. :(
  • edited July 2009
    I like them, but not really as shirts.
  • edited July 2009
    Goody! More ways to give Telltale all of my money! I like the rats on the bike. :D
  • edited July 2009
    I'd get the cactus one as a print.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2009
    Megaloman wrote: »
    I do want that Dancing Cactus Motel shirt if the shirt it is printed on fits colorwise. I also liked the rats riding the bicycle but the motel shirt is definitely the best one.

    That's a pretty old shirt at this point (but a good one). The only new one in the blog, I think, is the rats riding the bicycle.
  • edited July 2009
    Jake wrote: »
    That's a pretty old shirt at this point (but a good one). The only new one in the blog, I think, is the rats riding the bicycle.

    Oh, allright. Must've missed it then, since I can't find it in the shop... Is it all sold out?
  • edited July 2009
    A) Cactus Motel B) I'd appreciate it if you guys just had a sizing faq for shirts, and/or made girl-type shirts in extra large. I really do appreciate you having girl-type shirts, I really do, it's just that I'm pretty sure I can't wear them.
  • edited August 2009
    The only ones that I'd consider would be the rats-on-a-bicycle and the Dancing Cactus Motel (if it were on something not white).

    I want to see new shirts in the store. Not just reprints.
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