Game of Thrones Unofficial FAQ (Please Read Before Posting) [Last Updated August 31]
Unofficial FAQs
Seasons 1 and 2
Please note all information here is compiled by volunteer moderators who are not Telltale Staff members.
Community moderators such as Jennifer, Vainamoinen, and Blind Sniper helped write this FAQ. We check our facts thoroughly and have a lot of Telltale experience on our backs, but this is not an 'official' source, we're just volunteers!
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August 31, 2017
- Updated with latest news. Season Two is on hold while the writers wait to see how the narrative of the television show unfolds.
This discussion has been closed.
Season Two FAQ
Visit the Pre-Season News thread for news on Season 2!
(1) What is Game of Thrones: Season Two?
Game of Thrones: Season Two was confirmed in an interview with the Hollywood reporter. It will be a full fledged sequel that won't require the original game to play.
(2) Is George R. R. Martin and HBO involved in the game?
George R. R. Martin's personal assistant and HBO were involved in the first season to make sure the story stayed true to the Game of Thrones universe, and George R.R. Martin was involved in the selection of Telltale as the studio to make the game. Nothing has been revealed for certain, but it's likely that the situation will be similar for season two.
(3) When will the episodes be released?
Job Stauffer has confirmed to IGN that Game of Thrones is on hold while the writers wait to see how the narrative of the television show unfolds.
Release date discussions for each episode will be available here. They will be updated as release date information is revealed.
(4) For which platforms will Game of Thrones: Season Two be available?
Telltale Games has yet to reveal any platforms for season two.
(5) How much does Game of Thrones: Season Two cost?
This is unknown as well, but it's likely to be the current usual cost for Telltale's games of $5 for an episode or a bundle comprising of all episodes that itself averages out to $5 an episode .
(6) I'm new to all that episodic game stuff. How are they doing this?
You can expect to receive a new episode roughly every five to eight weeks. Each episode contains an individual part of a story that is held together through a narrative that connects all of the episodes together into what Telltale calls a season. Think along the lines of a serialized television series such as Lost. An episode usually lasts about as long as a good movie would.
(7) How many episodes will there be?
This hasn't yet been revealed. Season One contained six episodes, while most Telltale seasons consist of five episodes.
(8) What time of the day will the episodes be episodes available?
This depends on the store in question. Most companies update their digital store in the evening in their timezone. Telltale sometimes makes releases at midnight in their timezone (PST) in their store, but this isn't always a certainty.
(9) Will the different platforms release simultaneously?
Almost. Telltale has come a long way since 2009, when the PC and console releases of their episodes were months apart. Nowadays, most platforms released within days of each other, and even these small lags were only due to the different release schedules of XBLA and PSN NA. However, PSN Europe always lagged a bit more. It is to be expected that these lags will also be apparent and unavoidable during the "Game of Thrones: Season Two" release. Be prepared!
(10) Are there concrete release dates for all these episodes?
Ok, here's the really really important part. There absolutely are not!! While Telltale doesn't start each new episode 'from scratch', large parts of the development cycle still take place during these release months. From writing to animation to voice acting to possible gamer input from the forums, it all comes together to form a new episode only weeks and days before release; and eventually, another time frame insecurity is added when console manufacturers receive the final build of the episodes for their quality assurance process.
As a consequence, since Telltale has to sync up release dates with all of their distribution partners, fixed dates will only be announced mere days before an episode releases (in Telltale's blog, on their Twitter, Facebook page, etc.). Don't ever believe dates given by various unofficial sites! These are nothing but estimates, placeholder dates and possibly wishful thinking.
(11) Telltale has so many games in development. Will this affect the quality or development time of this game?
No. Since the success of Walking Dead: Season 1, Telltale has sized up from 70 people to near 350 people, and now have five times the amount of staff members they had during Season 1, so multiple projects at once should not be a concern. They now have a big enough staff to work on four projects at once as well as extra staff members to work on side projects.
Even though Telltale announces their projects ahead of time, this doesn't mean that each game is in full production. In an interview with Hollywood Reporter, Kevin Bruner stated that "Telltale's approach to game development is much more like television than most other game developers. Across all of our series — The Walking Dead, Minecraft: Story Mode and more — the development process at Telltale spends a significant amount of time upfront in the writer's rooms not just with writers, but designers, directors and creative input from all across the studio. It's not unusual for our games to exist longer on whiteboards and sticky notes and in scripts than they do in traditional game production. It's incredibly similar to how TV often spends so much time in preproduction and planning before moving into actually shooting."
To see what current and future projects Telltale are working on, follow our "Future of Telltale FAQ" thread for frequent updates!
(12) Which languages will be available?
Only English is certain at first (as that is the original language as written by the Telltale writing staff). There is no word on what languages Game of Thrones: Season Two will be translated to or when they will be available, but historically Telltale has released their translations towards the end of the season.
(13) Will there be a bonus/free collector's DVD version for Game of Thrones: Season Two available from the Telltale store?
This has yet to be revealed, but it's possible.
Season One FAQ
(1) What is Game of Thrones: Season One?
Game of Thrones: Season One (also known simply as Game of Thrones) is a six chapter series of episodic games based on the Game of Thrones television series on the HBO network, which itself is based on the Song of Ice and Fire series of novels by George R. R. Martin. It is not a prequel, and the events of the game take place over several years, starting from the time of the end of season three of the television show and end right before the beginning of season five of the show. The game follows the house of Forrester, a house built over fifteen hundred years ago, and seated at Ironrath, an imposing stronghold surrounded by towering ironwood trees.
(2) Is George R. R. Martin and HBO involved in the game?
George R. R. Martin was apparently involved in the selection of Telltale to make a game based on Game of Thrones. Mr. Martin has stated that he wanted Telltale to make the game, as he wanted "a Game of Thrones game to be made by a studio that knows how to create a thrilling and interesting story". He assigned his personal assistant, Ty Franck, to be the story consultant to Telltale for Game of Thrones. Telltale also worked alongside HBO ensure that the game season remained true to the series.
(3) What is the gameplay like?
The core gameplay doesn't deviate much from the choices based gameplay introduced in The Walking Dead in 2012. The game has five playable characters, each from the same house, some from the same family and some who work for the family. So, the choices of each house member affects everyone in the house. Action sequences are handled Telltale style (meaning quick time events and occasional limited direct action sequences).
(4) Do I have to watch the television show or read the novels before I can play Telltale's series?
You will get more from the game if you are aware of the franchise before you play it, but it is not necessary. Telltale does a good job of adding things that people who know the franchise will appreciate, while keeping the game from getting confusing for people who are new to the franchise.
(5) When were the episodes released?
See the release date discussions for the dates that the games were released for each plaform.
Release Date Discussions for each episode can be found here.
(6) For which platforms is Game of Thrones: Season One available?
It is available for PC/Mac, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Android.
(7) How much does Game of Thrones: Season One cost?
It is $5 for one episode and $30 for a season pass. For some systems, such as PC, there is no option to buy episodes individually and you can only buy the whole season. Prices vary by system.
(8) I'm new to Telltale. How do "Episodic" games work?
The way this works is each individual episode contains an individual part of a story that is held together through a narrative that connects all of the episodes together into what Telltale calls a season. Think along the lines of a serialized television series such as Lost.
(9) How many episodes are there?
There are six episodes. The episode titles are Iron From Ice, The Lost Lords, The Sword in the Darkness, Sons of Winter, A Nest of Vipers, and The Ice Dragon.
(10) Which languages will be available?
Only English is certain at first (as that is the original language as written by the Telltale writing staff). There is no word on what languages Game of Thrones will be translated to or when they will be available, but historically Telltale has released their translations towards the end of the season.
(11) Will there be a bonus/free collector's DVD version for Game of Thrones available from the Telltale store?
It's unlikely, as there wasn't one listed at the Telltale website on release, and every collector's disc to date has been listed as a bonus for Telltale store orders from day one.