What was/were the most shocking, satisfying and dissapointing death/s on the TV show?

edited July 2016 in Game Of Thrones

Mine :

Most satisfying :

1.Joffrey : After what he did to Ned, Sansa and Robert's poor bastards it was more than satisfying to see that little psycho fuck die however i wonder what would he have done with the sparrows if he was still alive hmmmm.

2.Ramsay Bolton : I waited so long to see that fuck face die and he died the most satisfying way possible, his last words were to a dog :-}

3.Late Walder Frey : His sons baked into a pie and served to him and having his throat slit by a smiling stark, That old twat really deserved what he got :)

Most Shocking :

1.Oberyn Martell : He was a very cool character i didn't expect him to die that way , his head crushed like a watermelon :-s

2.Roose Bolton : i know Ramsay was a psychopath but i didn't expect him to kill his father , I really hated Roose for the Red Wedding but he was a very interesting character.

P.S : unfortunately Ned, Robb and Jon's deaths were spoiled for me so i dunno how would i have reacted to their deaths :\

Most dissapointing :

1.Blackfish : So he returned after a long time just to die offscreen WTF?

2.Doran Martell And His Son : So the sand snakes decided to avenge oberyn's death by killing what remained of his family Well Done!!!

I love to know what you guys think and uhh i'm sorry for my bad English.


  • edited July 2016

    Most shocking:

    enter link description here

    Most satisfying:

    enter link description here

    Most disappointing: Robert's death.

  • i kinda agree with Robert's death. idk i didnt expect him to drop so fast but it kinda was lame. such a loud guy kinda deserved to go in glory.

    Most shocking: enter link description here Most satisfying: enter link description here Most disappointing: Robert's death.

  • basically what you have my man. like all of them.

  • And on top of that, he died to a fucking pig!

    jamex1223 posted: »

    i kinda agree with Robert's death. idk i didnt expect him to drop so fast but it kinda was lame. such a loud guy kinda deserved to go in glory.

  • Well Cersei is to blame for that

    And on top of that, he died to a fucking pig!

  • I don't know if I'm ever satisfied by a death. I think most characters who were killed off in GOT were killed off for good reasons but there's a couple that disappointed me.

    • Trystanne Martell- I understand why Doran was killed off and honestly, I expected it (still made me sad though), but Trystanne's death was such a waste! He had so much potential and it feels like he died just cause.
    • Rickon Stark- I really liked Rickon and hoped he'd develop and be the one to lead House Stark.
    • Margaery Tyrell- I just really like Margaery.
    • Lancel Lannister- He got really interesting and I was excited to see how he'd turn out.
  • Most satisfying deaths are all those characters that aren't canon as per books.

    Most shocking: Hodor's death was done well

  • Most disappointing: Blackfish and house Martel
    Most shocking:Hodor
    Most satisfying: Joffery

  • Most satisfying: Joffrey

    Most shocking: Roose Bolton

    Most disappointing: Ser Barristan Selmy

  • I don't agree with Barristan's death he killed around 13 sons before he fell, he died a hero.

    CunningFox posted: »

    Most satisfying: Joffrey Most shocking: Roose Bolton Most disappointing: Ser Barristan Selmy

  • Disappointing as in he shouldn't have died in the first place. His death did nothing for the show other than for shock value.

    shayan80 posted: »

    I don't agree with Barristan's death he killed around 13 sons before he fell, he died a hero.

  • Don't worry he is still alive in the books

    CunningFox posted: »

    Disappointing as in he shouldn't have died in the first place. His death did nothing for the show other than for shock value.

  • edited July 2016

    Suppose you're right
    enter image description here

    CunningFox posted: »

    Disappointing as in he shouldn't have died in the first place. His death did nothing for the show other than for shock value.

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