Portal Hallway Discussion

Now I've been thinking a lot recently about the portal hallway. And there are so many things I want to ask. And answers that I want to get are not near me at all!

Question 1: If the portal hallway this a gateway to ALL of the worlds, then what world is the portal hallway IN itself?!

Question 2: Does every portal have the redstone circuit thing that Harper showed us with the blue portal?

Question 3: Do you think there are more portals up the stairs?


  • Well, there was even no next time this time so maybe, just maybe we will see portals right to old builders worlds.

    Sounds legit to me.

  • I think Portal Hallway is in a sort of limbo of all the worlds.

  • edited July 2016

    That's what I was thinking. Or it could be Minecraft's definition of the universe.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    I think Portal Hallway is in a sort of limbo of all the worlds.

  • Well, not ALL the worlds, we STILL have to consider the End and the Nether, they both are not in the Portal Network.

  • Question 1 Answer: Probably the Void somewhere (or maybe... is there a world JUST for the portals...?)
    Question 2 Answer: No, if there was, EVERY portal would have gone down to reveal staircases; if this happened there would be no meaning to episode 8
    Question 3 Answer: Yes, a special portal leading to ALL the old builders

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