What's your favorite chapter?

Simple, what's your favorite chapter(s) in all the books?

Also what is favorite book?


  • Favorite chapter: the epilogue of A dance of dragons. My favorite book is A storm of swords

  • I'd have to think for a while about my favorite chapter, but my favorite book has to be A Dance of Dragons. There were just so many new and unique POV characters that I felt like the world of ASOIAF was really vibrant and complex and fleshed out.

  • AGoT: the last Dany chapter, when the raven arrives in Ned chapter, the Lysa raven telling them the Lannisters killed Jon, the chapter of bran when the raven comes with the news of Ned;s death.

    ACoKs: the Jon one where he finds sam looking for the maps beyond the wall.

    and gor ASoS: the one where Robb makes jon his Heir.

    mind you im only on the second book, but ive listened to some chapters on YT.

  • I also liked Theon one in The winds of winter

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