Why no Mouse Sensitivity Setting?

Like many people on PC I have gotten frustrated with the poor Frame rate and performance, but one of my biggest pet peeves has been how slow and "Floaty" the cursor is. It makes selecting dialogue options a pain, more than once I've accidently selected the wrong option the wrong option because of fighting with my mouse. And don't get me stared on the targeting QTEs with the Grappler, for once I'm glad they can't be failed. I don't have these issues with any other games so its not hardware.

Historically Telltale games have been considered better to use a controller on, but why should I have to change my preferred style for one game? Yes a good part of it is the general FPS issues and such that many have mentioned, but at least having the option to fiddle around with it and try and find a point I'm happy with shouldn't be too big a deal.

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