**TellTale,, ** I'm sure I'm not the only person who would like to know,, Why don't you just go back to the "TRIED & TRUE" previous engine you have been using?,, then people like myself that have been enjoying you're other games,, who have been waiting a long time for "BATMAN" could enjoy it also. Apparently no one took into consideration the persons,, like myself that can't afford to upgrade to more expensive "TECHNOLOGY",, when everything was just fine,, "ARE WE" sure the computer manufacture's aren't "GREASING" pockets so we have to keep updating otherwise perfectly operating equipment??? Good question........ Duane L. Quall Jr....


  • edited August 2016

    The Telltale engine has been played with so many times that the glue and sticks holding it together have probably fallen apart like a grade school popsicle stick house art project. Seriously though, they've needed to upgrade engines for a while. The engine wasn't made for what they've been doing with it and they probably came to a wall with what they wanted to do. They just released the first episode.

    There have been growing pains before too. There have been many problems that they've had to patch with the previous engine as well. I recall an episode of BTTF launching just plain broken on PC and JP had numerous glitches with it's episodes(the beginning of their visual novel trend). Granted, we had more communication at those times and were told they were aware of which issues and which they were working on. I was a bit surprised that with all the issues, we haven't heard anything(I've been away for 3 years though and maybe they don't do it anymore).

    Edit: I guess they sort of do here

  • Well I'm a "DIE HARD" TellTale fan,, so it won't chase me off,, it just suck's,, I've been so looking forward to their episodic style take on batman. So I guess I'm still in wait mode then.. Duane L. Quall Jr.

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