Would "Inspector Columbo" work as an episodic detective game?

Okay, seeing as Telltale also releases CSI Games, i thought about the possibility of releasing episodic Columbo Case Games. You know, the Inspector Columbo played by the famous Peter Falk

There are Sherlock Holmes and Poirot Games out there, but heck, there still is no Columbo Game. Anyone else loves the idea of creating a game out of this classic TV Series? It could be split up to one case per episode.
I don´t know it its possible for Telltale to aquire the license, but hell, i sure would LOVE to play a Columbo game, even if it couldnt be voiced by Peter Falk himself.
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I don't think an episodic Punisher adventure game would be very good. "Use gun with Criminal" isn't a very hard puzzle to solve, let alone when it'd be done 30 times per episode. The only thing that might trip some people up would be the "Use ammo with gun" puzzles.
I think as a medium it would come across a lot like Full throttle conceptually. Sam and Max has a gun, but you can always find ways so that the player can not just use a gun to solve his way through things. And the Punisher is like Ben in that he won't just open the door; he'll kick it in. Getting to see the Punisher go all out guns blazing would probably be a treat that you would get in a cutscene once you've solved a puzzle or chapter.
EDIT: However it still wouldn't be my first pick for an episodic series.
That´s partially true, but you could twist that around a little for the game. For example, you don´t have to reveal who the murder is. You don´t have to follow the show, but create own cases aswell.
Yes, there even exists a Poirot Adventure where you played a fictional character, and Poirot gives you help along the way. Would also be a nice idea.
Is there even a way for Telltale to aquire the license for it?
One Case per Month would be quite nice, and should work well with the episodic format. If i had a coding team aswell as the license at hand, i´d do this one myself. It´s just a lovely intelligent TV Show, i was really sad to hear that Peter is not doing so well.
I'd love to personally annoy the crap out of some murderer, watch him get more frustrated as I get closer to nabbing him, setting the trap for him to fall into. That would be awesome.
Some roles are just so iconic that they shouldn't be messed with in any way, shape, or form -- and Peter Falk's portrayal of Columbo is one of them. It would utterly fail as an adventure game for anybody who has any real love for the character. Yes, there are the Sherlock Holmes games and the Poirot games, but so many actors have played those parts that it bothers so few that they are not voiced by Jeremy Brett or David Suchet or Basil Rathbone.
Columbo is a perfect marriage of actor to part -- a marriage that lasted for 35 years. And they should never, ever be separated.
Peter Falk is Columbo, and vice-versa; and the entire property should be left as-is now and forever.