Will Harper be in ep8? THRED

Or will she find a new world first? or maybe she will die in ep8? let me know what you think!


  • Well she is an Old Builder, meaning she's kind of important to the plot of Episode 8, so yeah, it's just a hunch that she'll be in it.

  • Yeah

    Well she is an Old Builder, meaning she's kind of important to the plot of Episode 8, so yeah, it's just a hunch that she'll be in it.

  • Honestly, I think they just didnt include her in the screenshot. But I think she may be in the back round some where. And I don't think she died and if she did......

  • She'll definitely be in Episode 8, judging on the basis that MC:SM starts exactly where you left off, like a real TV series. Most of the episodes ended with a cliffhanger.

  • True.

    She'll definitely be in Episode 8, judging on the basis that MC:SM starts exactly where you left off, like a real TV series. Most of the episodes ended with a cliffhanger.

  • One of the game designers actually responded to me when I posted something about her and Ivor and when I asked episode 8 he said I'll have to wait and see

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