The Warehouse Scene Is A Total Mess

Alright so, you're Batman... You're the world's Greatest Detective.
Now you're Telltale's Batman... You're a fucking idiot.

You finish constructing your far-fetched hologram analysis of the scene at Warehouse 133. You cross reference all the locations a sniper would have had to be to shoot both the canister and that one cop and you get 3 locations.

Oh wait... the entry wound was on the right side of the cop's face.
So? So it's the wrong way. The sniper was on his left. The bullet was still in his head, and the sniper didn't even have the angle to make a ricochet shot.
The only argument you can make for the ricochet is that maybe he's Deadshot, whose super power is to make shots so impossible, they not only make Einstein roll in grave, but get up just to blow his own mind. And no, he's not Deadshot. I think they mention that his name is like Nick or something like that at the party.

The damned bullets don't match!
There must have been a second shooter! It's the fucking Kennedy assassination again!

I have a less solid argument about the guy you interrogate. Who is lying there for no reason (What, is he asleep?).
When know he was lying, because Falcone didn't steal the chemicals, but the advancement of the plot literally hinged on him telling the truth.
Again, this one is more flimsy and you could tear it apart with hypotheticals. It is, however, something the game should have at least tried to explain.


  • And if any kind soul can explain the whole thing to me, debunk my point, then I'll kindly take it back. I could always be wrong.

  • I'm thinking that merc is gonna be in future episodes. And Batman will confront him about his lies. The whole breaking his arm and beating the crap out of him will play a role on how well he responds to you the second time Batman meets him. Something just felt off about that whole warehouse scene and hopefully we'll get full answers later down the road about what really happened.

  • I don't see how he couldn't have made the shot. The bullet was in the right side of his head and the merc shot from the right side balcony. No problems there at all? The rest is just you moaning about a plot point you didn't like.

  • Yeah, but the sniper was to his left.
    The bullet entered from the right, the complete wrong angle.

    You have to remember the cop turned around. He was facing the clawed up merc when he got shot, then he fell down facing away from the merc.

    SemiSweet posted: »

    I don't see how he couldn't have made the shot. The bullet was in the right side of his head and the merc shot from the right side balcony. No problems there at all? The rest is just you moaning about a plot point you didn't like.

  • edited September 2016


  • The whole warehouse scene frustrated me. It seemed way less focused on adapting to your choices as it did trudging through to the next scene (Alfred scolding you no matter what at the end being a glaring issue)

  • Also, the "puzzle" was WAY too easy. Was it even possible to not solve it?
    The Alfred thing is just a bug, though. They'll probably patch it the same day they release Ep 2.

    The whole warehouse scene frustrated me. It seemed way less focused on adapting to your choices as it did trudging through to the next scene (Alfred scolding you no matter what at the end being a glaring issue)

  • Sounds like nitpicking to me.

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