Watching 'Batman: Unmasked' Episode One before starting Ep.1

So, I was watching the show. The host is great! He made the talk really lively because the other 3 guys were looked super serious for some reason. Recognized a few Telltale employees in the audience too.
The marketing theme going on is that this is 'Telltale's Batman'. I found the idea of Batman being just Bruce Wayne doing crime-fighting stuff also really cool! It's so ingrained in my subconscious that Bruce Wayne and Batman don't want anything to do with each other until somebody close comes in harm's way. Like I never thought of Bruce Wayne as a person who has feelings. Like would he not put on the Batman suit if is feeling kind of shitty today?
I'm still just 7 minutes in to the video. I'll update this post once I finish the episode, before starting the game too.
Oh, and the in-game video player is just buffering all-the-time. I had to watch it on youtube. Guys, its OK embedding a youtube player into the game instead of streaming from your servers. Really.

Link to the episode BTW -


  • I am so glad The Wolf Among Us lead to this game! We and my Fiance played that game together and that really got her into games.

  • Just finished it. Nice! Looking forward to seeing how my non-violent Bruce Wayne will handle this story.

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