WIll my iPad run the game?

I am using iPad 2 as it is the only iPad that I have.
Just asking, would it run? I can run previous games at 60fps...


  • Well, I'm not sure if we can answer this question accurately as it has not released on mobile yet. It releases the week of September 20th for IOS. Even though 60fps isn't bad, knowing how may issues the game's release has already had, there's a possibility that there might be issues. Hopefully TTG has fixed all the bugs before that time though.

  • Telltale's Batman is the first title to run on their updated engine, so we do not know which iOS devices will be able to support the game yet. However, an iPad 2 is fairly old at this point so I am skeptical if that is the case. I can imagine Telltale focusing on getting it to run on newer devices first.

    Moderators are only community volunteers, so we do not have any inside info from Telltale - this is my personal speculation as an educated guess from being a long time Telltale fan.

  • What about iPad mini 2

    Telltale's Batman is the first title to run on their updated engine, so we do not know which iOS devices will be able to support the game ye

  • Thanks

    Telltale's Batman is the first title to run on their updated engine, so we do not know which iOS devices will be able to support the game ye

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