When The Mythos Influences You

Ok, for episode 2 I had a moment when you really get into a game that I have to share.

I've read through wikis, watched the animated shows, and generally know plenty of Batman knowledge. I know the villains, relationships, and the possible references. Basically, I also know how this most of this is going to end up.

Still, I was going to play this my way and hope for the best. Sending out power towards a happy ending or as close as I can get.

Then the phone call between Bruce and Harvey starts giving off major Two-Face foreshadowing with the deal and the camera switching between the sides of Harvey's face. I figured, "Eh, they gotta start it sometime". When you get the choice between saving Selina or Harvey, I literally said out loud: "I know how this ends." I saved Selina.

Is anybody else going into this with previous knowledge or truly winging it?


  • Here's the thing. This is Telltale's Batman. Brand new. Its their story and a lot of typical plot points are being destroyed. I guess you could play it simply because that's how its supposed to be, but I saved Harvey not only because I wanted to change his typical fate, but also because he's a good friend, and one of the few shots of stopping the corruption in Gotham.

  • I'm not gonna lie - the thought of Two-Face kinda lingered in the back of my mind during that choice. However, I also decided that - even ignoring Two-Face - that it was worth saving Harvey because he was more vulnerable than Selina and because he had genuine convictions when it came to saving the city (as his speech showed when he was drugged).

    I was expecting a choice where the ramifications would result in either Two-Face or Penguin rising to power, but I wasn't expecting a choice between protecting Selina or Harvey, so I was surprised there.

    Here's the thing. This is Telltale's Batman. Brand new. Its their story and a lot of typical plot points are being destroyed. I guess you co

  • I kinda new Harvey was going to become Two Face that episode the moment he said "get his face on."

  • I am no meta gamer!

  • edited September 2016

    I'm surprised Harvey got owned by the Penguin. Penguin's a pencil compared to Harvey who's almost as bulky as Lou Ferrigno. I felt bad for Harvey after seeing what happened to him. Seeing Penguin get the best of Harvey and flooring him was as weird as seeing Freddy beat up Jason. Harvey really didn't deserve what Penguin did to him. I personally don't believe he'd make a good mayor or president though but that has nothing to do with what Penguin does to him if you don't save him. It's just a personal opinion that I apologize for making because I don't think it has anything to do with this discussion.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2016

    "get his face on."

    ...how did the reference manage to go over my head for that long? Good catch!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I kinda new Harvey was going to become Two Face that episode the moment he said "get his face on."

  • He did manage to get a good swing in at Penguin, but Penguin was more agile so he backed out.

    I'm surprised Harvey got owned by the Penguin. Penguin's a pencil compared to Harvey who's almost as bulky as Lou Ferrigno. I felt bad for H

  • You got to consider that Penguin had not only a gun pointed at his head, but also a stage light about to come ramming down his face. No matter how big and tough you may look. people can freeze up at moments like that.

    I'm surprised Harvey got owned by the Penguin. Penguin's a pencil compared to Harvey who's almost as bulky as Lou Ferrigno. I felt bad for H

  • I smiled at that line.

    It was just one of things like "I see what you were did there."

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I kinda new Harvey was going to become Two Face that episode the moment he said "get his face on."

  • The mythos definitely influenced my decisions for episode 2. I'm actually re watching Batman TAS and so having literally just seen the Two Face episodes a day before episode 2 came out I couldn't help it. I also couldn't help but pick up on the Batman Beyond reference in episode 2 (which is probably my favorite of the DCAU shows).

    That said I do understand that this is Telltale's version of Batman and I'm not trying to change it but I'm also not opposed to letting my prior knowledge influence my version of Batman (because I think most Batman fans will know the animated series is the best representation of the character).

    I'm going to make the opposite choice on my second save anyway as with all the other Telltale games I thoroughly enjoyed.

  • Definitely me, I couldn't let the chance of having two face pass me by so I chose Selina. He's an awesome batman villain and I wonder how TT will handle him.

  • Actually knowing the mythos is exactly the reason why I chose to defy it by saving Harvey and preventing him from becoming Two-Face.

  • My thoughts exactly :)

    Actually knowing the mythos is exactly the reason why I chose to defy it by saving Harvey and preventing him from becoming Two-Face.

  • Ahh the mythos or cannon. Yes I love Two Face. He has to be in the game or its not a BatMan story. However I will say that I understand the urge to save Dent over Ms Kyle. He does have the more morale story arc. But Bruce is on the Hero's journey it means more to have Harvey suffer here.

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