So you think we will see the joker

I've always been a big Joker fan and really hope to him


  • I hope so! him, riddler, two face, and scarecrow are my favorite batman villains.

  • I'm not sure. I'm leaning towards no. The children of Arkham seem to be the main antagonists and the Joker just wouldn't work with them.

    I'm hoping Telltale will save the Joker for season 2 and focus on the children of Arkham for this season.

  • When Renee started laughing a little, I thought for a second she got induced with Joker gas.

    I personally hope that Joker doesn't appear or at least in this season. I want a Batman story without the Joker.

  • Maybe a reference to Joker but not a full blown appearance unless it's in the final minutes of Episode 5

  • edited September 2016

    I doubt so, the thing about Joker is that he's a more personal Batman villain than any other one, so I think they should save him for next season and currently focus on our main antagonists, The Children of Arkham!

  • edited September 2016

    Hopefully not for season 1. Season 2 on the other hand I would be all about it.

    Have him show up at the end of Episode 5 with his maniacal laugh. It would be epic.

    And please let Mark Hamill play him.

  • edited September 2016

    I hope not. The children of Arkham seem to be the main threat this season. They can put Joker in Season 2 or something.

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