What's the deal with the last sequence in Ep2?

Obvious Spoilers here so don't read on if you haven't played Ep 2 yet.

In the final fight, Batman gets his left eye damaged, so does Catwoman, so does Penguin, and so does Harvey.
Obviously if you chose to save Selina, then Harvey gets a lot worse, but is there supposed to be some sort of hidden meaning behind them all taking damage in that particular part other than, 'Hey, this is the birth of Two Face?'



  • Maybe it is there to represent each character's dichotomy. I hadn't really thought about it though. It's not something I would be annoyed with if there is no "hidden meaning" behind it but it is very strange either way.

  • edited September 2016

    I really just think the devs didn't notice. I mean it was pretty obvious he was going to turn into two face once he told Bruce "The make-up artist is here, it's time to put my face on." I don't think they needed more foreshadowing than that.

  • Yeah, I was curious if I had missed anything that was obvious to others, I guess it is like you say.
    They are all 1 person with two parts to them ultimately.

    VenomHD posted: »

    Maybe it is there to represent each character's dichotomy. I hadn't really thought about it though. It's not something I would be annoyed with if there is no "hidden meaning" behind it but it is very strange either way.

  • Never noticed that before. I think it was just a cool detail, no deep meaning.

    Or maybe there is? I don't know, Bruce Wayne actually knows every person who got their eye damaged. Another cool detail.

  • edited September 2016

    It was Penguin's right eye that was actually injured, So I don't think there was a connection. Everyone was just getting hit in the eye.

    Edit: Photo

    enter image description here

  • "An Eye for an Eye makes the whole World blind."

  • I wish it showed Selina getting shot in the eye a bit more, I didn't really notice her eye was shot until I rewatched

  • I'm pretty sure Batman's eye getting punched out is just gonna help the Children of Arkham identify Bruce as the guy in the costume.

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