It's so bad I want my money back!

Here's the review I wrote:
BATMAN - The Telltale Series is SO bad!!!!
I waited for it to come out for at least two years, and now that it's finally here, I quit after 20 minutes, that is, if you don't count the time it took to save on iOS.
It's clear that the only experience with DC Comics the people who made this game have, is the horrible tv series "the arrow".
Bruce Wayne is supposed to be a man with a great sense of humor, mostly smiling and is a ladies man, and a complete opposite of batman. The telltale Bruce Wayne is grim, arrogant, awkward and talks too much! When speaking to Alfred in the batcave he always respects him, and is usually focused on the mission, while the telltale Bruce treats Alfred like he would any person who needs to hear a speech about "this city".
The batman, at least the part I survived before quitting, and every other action scene feels like it's set up to work whether you follow the instructions or not. I stopped playing in a certain scene and batman kept throwing punches without me playing! When I did use the arrows, they almost never worked (they light up when they do) I play on iPhone 6, so it's not an issue of compatibility.

But what eventually got me to quit, along with the fact that Bruce kept saying "this city" about a 1000 times a minute (putting him in competition with the horrible writers of the arrow), was the "interpretation" of the penguin. I'm trying to avoid spoilers, but that's where I said "that's it"! Even when telltale finally fix the bugs in the iOS version, this game is an embarrassment to the DC, and WB legacy of the batman story.

I want my money back!


  • I waited for it to come out for at least two years

    Impossible since this game was only announced in like November or December of 2015.

    If anything, this is one of the best interpretations of The Penguin I have seen in any form of Batman media. It's clear that Telltale is going for a more realistic approach in terms of both character and design, not as some fat, small man with a top hat and cane/umbrella, and it's been really interesting to watch so far. This character is far more intriguing than previous incarnations, and his involvement has been one of the highlights of the game so far.

    The thing you have to remember is that this is Telltale's interpretation of Batman, and that every interpretation of Batman, whether it's one of the hundreds of comics, or the Burton/Nolan movies, or TAS, or the Rocksteady games, is that all of them treat the character of Bruce Wayne/Batman differently. None of them are entirely the same, they all offer something different to his character that makes them stand out from each other, and this one is no exception. The reason they do this is for the sake of character and story telling. Don't expect this game to be entirely similar to some comic or other version of Batman, because if it was, then what's the point of making this game? Telltale did this because they wanted to put their own spin and offer their own perspective on the character of Batman and Bruce Wayne, and it's worked amazing so far.

  • Gee same dude, December 2015 sure was 2 years ago.

  • DC Comics told Telltale that they could make their own take. And they did.

    What, you wanna hear the same 'ol story being repeated again?

    And it can't be much of a embarrassment if it's getting better reviews than Arkham Knight.

  • If he's only played the first 20 minutes he shouldn't have really seen Oswald in the first place. You literally just get a second long glimpse at him.

    I waited for it to come out for at least two years Impossible since this game was only announced in like November or December of 201

  • It's pretty obvious (if anyone bothered to read your tantrum text) that you're either a child who doesn't understand change or you're a child that is attempting to troll.

  • Maybe you should have played it on a real gaming console.

  • Well critics and gamers have more favorable response to this game than Arkham Knight but it's your opinion. Give it a try again and here is a video of Batman Telltale writer Zack Keller explaining how they come up with the plot lines of this game: BATMAN: Unmasked

  • Embarrassing!!!

    the only embarrassing thing here is that you think december 2015 was 2 years ago

  • Yeah I hope they do fix the bugs

  • I knew eventually someone would rant because the characters aren't the exact same as classic Batman interpretations.

    I say Telltale's is better!

  • Yeah true

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I knew eventually someone would rant because the characters aren't the exact same as classic Batman interpretations. I say Telltale's is better!

  • I don't blame you, it's incredibly rough for a Telltale game. If you still want something similar, pick up The Wolf Among Us for a smoother superhero-type game.

  • Have to disagree. I myself find Batman and Bruce in general to be a shitty person and hero from every interpretation I've read, watched, or played. I always liked the Batman series because of the villains and not the hero Batman. That being said, I think this is the most enjoyable Batman and Bruce character interpretation I've come across. He seems to be more relatable. I really hated him in Arkhem City, he was a total douche. Especially when he corrected Vicki when she said he was a millionaire instead of a billionaire. You want to talk about being arrogant, that's as arrogant as you can get. I wish more interpretations could be like this, maybe I'd actually like Batman.

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