Would there be any Android release ?

So guys it's 23rd September today two days ago the game released for iOS users and what we see they changed there post for Android from late September to comming soon if they had been successful in releasing the game for iOS then why it is taking them so long to release it for Android ! This is not first time they had also done it before they treat Android and iOS users differently you may see that they mostly prefer iOS users more than Android users what shit is this ttg? It was expected better from you


  • I think android is history now to them

  • I think the disparity in releases between platforms is caused by Telltale's updated engine; Batman is the first Telltale title to use their updated engine, so in addition to porting the episode in the first place, I imagine they are also making the appropriate tweaks to the Telltale engine for each platform as well.

  • All makes sense I guess..if it's having such problems on other platforms, and even on their supposed favorite ios, then Android make take awhile longer, maybe I should just forget about it now.move on..thanks ttg.I enjoyed tales from bl.but I'm not going to wait for a game that already has its problems on superior devices, for one that may have the worst and takes awhile to even come out, not even a concrete date. In the end I hope it's because they trying to get it right.

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