A WALKING DEAD Interactive fan fiction: The Broken Path [CHARACTER SUBMISSION OPEN]
I've decided to come back and create a fan fiction.
The story is going to focus on the beginning of the outbreak, and the events that unfold around the main character, Sage Nunez, a fifteen year old girl who's trying to make ends meet for her family. The story will mostly be set in Perrine, Florida
Submission Box: Click here to submit a character
I don't know what else to say, or how I'm gonna format this. I have some ideas but mostly for the beginning and end, with some need of filler in the middle, I'll probably just wing that.
Characters submitted: Łukasz Nowak, Jonas, Peter Ashford, Alena Ashford, Emma Tavish
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Just submitted a character. Do you already have a plans when to start the story?
Hi, well, that is a nice surprise
I'm still looking forward to see your writing. You know what they say, the third time's a charm, so I hope that this will have much success at last. I am also interested in submitting one or two characters. One question though, would you mind if I base them on the ones from your last story? I put quite some work into them and would like to see them getting used eventually. Of course I would make some changes as well, mostly to their backstories, though I would keep their personalities for the most case. If that is a problem, I can try to come up with completely new characters as well.
Yes go ahead! I didn't realize people still remembered I started a fan fiction about six months ago but never did it, so go ahead if you can remember the characters.
Also, do you know if you can edit the topic anymore? That's the wrong word but I can't think at the moment haha. I don't see an edit button.
I hope to have it up by saturday. Thanks for the submission!
I will start writing when I have five submissions.
I remember indeed
I have the characters still saved in the folder I save all of my characters for stories in. Though I will probably only keep their personality for the most part and will otherwise rewrite them, backstory-wise and such. Really happy that you're going to give it a try, I honestly look forward for this story to start! I will try to submit my characters until tomorrow.
And yes, I know how to edit a thread! That feature has been a bit broken ever since that forum update came a few months ago and it hasn't been fixed since. However, there is a workaround. You have to enter https://telltale.com/community/post/editdiscussion/ into the adress bar of your browser, followed by the number of your thread, which can be found in the adress bar. So, for this one it would be https://telltale.com/community/post/editdiscussion/110213 and it will take you directly to the page where you can edit the main post of this thread. Also, don't worry about me posting it so openly, this link only works for you as the thread creator, everyone else clicking on it will get an error message.
I submitted a character.
Hey everyone, I've made some changes to the story. One thing I did was change the title, the previous title was more of a filler so it's out of the picture now.
Anyways, I only have two submissions right now. I think this may be because there's a problem with the submission box, I will try to fix that. But if I can't get anymore I won't be able to write the story so please help out.
I'm liking that new title, that sounds very nice! That makes me really curious what kind of storyline you're going to come up with here. I also hope that more readers will join. If you want to, I could try to give you a shout-out over at my story.
Anyways, for now I have resubmitted my old characters. However, I have not rewritten much about them, therefore, they will probably be familiar to the ones you have read before. I tried, but realized that I like them the way they are. I did make them a bit younger though, since I wanted to change at least something. And well, maybe I manage to submit a third character if you'd be okay with that, which would put you at five characters
By the way, I did notice you haven't included a question about the characters' personality, so I added it into the last question about any additional questions, I hope that's okay!
Wait, how have I not seen your post immediately! TWD_25! Does that mean you are back as well?
Hi there! I've submitted a character already, hope you like her
Anyway, I'm interested in the story and can't wait to see what you do with it. ^_^
I love her! Thanks!
I'm going to start writing today! I have finals this week though so I may not post anything else other than today.
It would be really cool for story to start soon. Happy writing.
Hey, I just saw this. I want to join too and I would like to use my characters from your old story. Do you still have them or do I have to rewrite them? And can I submit a new character too? It would be my third.
Hey, man! I'm not trying to rush you but do you have an idea on when you'll release a part?
Well, above, Jane said this:
So I guess, the part was not ready on Monday, so it will likely take until after the finals, which should understandably be the priority here. That said, I am excited for this story as well
I had a feeling it's not gonna work out eventually.
So do you have any intention of starting this story? If not then just break the news. Don't keep us waiting for something that isn't going to happen.
Oh, this would be great if this story will happen after all. But at least a brief statement if it doesn't happen would be highly appreciated. After such a long waiting time and silence, I am not sure what to expect, but I think we deserve some sort of a statement about wether or not this story is still going to happen.
Dont hope for it to happen. I have sent AAA_Jane a message a month ago and was ignored. I sent more messages and was also ignored. He/She doesnt even care enough to answer to my messages in a whole month and it makes me think we will never get an update here. Sorry I have to be so blunt. I was interested in the story but was completely ignored and I think you who sent characters should be treated better and not so unfair.
Whoa, seriously? That is... I don't know, that does not sound hopeful for this story. I mean, at the same time a month is not that long and I have taken longer to answer for messages before. I mean, I can understand that you are upset though, I really can. You're left hanging just as we are and that's not okay, but at the same time, I don't think Jane's not caring for us or the story, or stuff like that. There gotta be other reasons neither of us knows about, I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt here. Who knows, maybe it will start soon and maybe it will be amazing. It's not a bad thing to keep up hopes, right? Let's just remain calm, everyone, and let us wait if Jane has anything to say on the matter. Until then, negativity will only cause more harm than good.
Oh. I saw activity in this topic, which actually I've unfollowed together with couple of other dead stories and thought that @AAA_Jane, which is active every day as I can see finally gave some explanation out. Well, she didn't. Well, good then, story will be kept unfollowed for me even if one day in another universe it will start. Why? Because seeing that the author even ignores people who spent their time for submitting and sending them the answer on their message IS NOT WORTH FOLLOWING.
Thank you, have a nice day everyone. I regret spending my time on this story as on many others which just died or did not even started.