Importing save data from PS3 to PS4 problem.

I've backed up the data from WD2 on my PS3 to, followed the steps, linked both my PS3 and PS4 to my telltale account. Selected the save data from the telltale account. Signed into my telltale account through the walking dead new frontier on my PS4, click the import button and got the "NETWORK UNAVAILABLE Please connect your PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system to the PlayStation Network.

I also deleted the game twice and reinstalled it, once I signed out of the telltale account through the WD2 on my PS4, and it gave me the same "NETWORK UNAVAILABLE". So I deleted it again and installed. I'm signed in now.

I'm clearly connected to the internet. I've googled fixes but came across nothing is anyone else having this issue, and have found a fix?

Any help would be appreciated.


  • For assistance with your problem, feel free to consult the Telltale Support Center. From there, you can search for the solution to your problem depending on which Telltale series you are playing as well as the platform you are playing on.

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