XBOX 360 (free account) TWD save file migration: 'No Save Found' on Telltale cloud

I haven't been playing on my old XBOX 360 for a long time, and my XBOX Live Gold account has reverted to its free (Silver) status. Now I'm planning to play 'A New Frontier' on my PS4 but I have to use my previous S2 save file from my X360.

I turned the X360 console on today and updated everything, including the TWD Season 2's latest patch that features the 'upload to the Telltale cloud' option.

Then I followed every instruction on creating my own Telltale account, paired my XBOX account as instructed, and I uploaded my completed save file to the Telltale cloud and everything seems to be fine from the X360 uploading...

EXCEPT THAT IT DOES NOT SHOW on my account's page.

Does anybody here having encountered a similar issue? I would be grateful if you can share me some info you know. Thanks.

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