Choices Disappearing After Completion

Has anyone else experienced an issue with choices disappearing after completing an episode OR using more than one save file? On the end game credits/statistics and in the choices menu I am missing a few per episode. This is on the PS4 by the way. Hopefully there is a solution because this issue makes having multiple playthroughs almost impossible to keep track of and I have the worry that not everything will properly carry over to the new episodes.


  • For assistance with your problem, feel free to consult the Telltale Support Center. From there, you can search for the solution to your problem depending on which Telltale series you are playing as well as the platform you are playing on.

    If you still need further assistance, you may also try the following:

    I'm going to close this discussion and move it to the archived Support Forum section, but you can still receive help from Telltale Staff members by trying any of the options above.

    [Please note that this message is only posted by volunteer community Moderators. Community Moderators are not Telltale Staff.]

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