BATMAN-PS3 EPISODE 1, 2 OR 3 WON'T SAVE gone no farther yet

Hello all,

I recently got the Batman game for my daughters and it seems like a cool game but I have to admit the last two days has been hell for me trying to get it to work. The girls and myelf have redone the first episode 5 times and the second 4 times. No matter what we do it will not save the episodes and starts over everytime. Also when facing Oz's bodyguard I died and it went into lock up mode. Actually whenever you die it goes into lock up mode. I don't mind doing the episodes over a few times but the girls are getting frustrated and i just want this damn game to freaking work properly. Assassins creed, Resident Evil, The Arkham games never seen this many problems. If it says it saves why doesn't the dang game ever save. Please if anyone can help with setup an alternat save with Telltale or something I would greatly appreciate it. I have my telltale linking turned on and off and it didn't seem to make a difference. For the first time out of five finishes of episode 1 I saw comparisons to other plans.

Kind of lost right now so anything anyone can do to help would be great. The girls really want to move on here.


  • For assistance with your problem, feel free to consult the Telltale Support Center. From there, you can search for the solution to your problem depending on which Telltale series you are playing as well as the platform you are playing on.

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