
edited August 2009 in Sam & Max
whatever happened to him... i've played alot of sam and max whatever and idk what happened to him. in the first season he was behind alot of the evil...


  • edited August 2009
    I think he died.
    Or something.
    Play Abe Lincoln Must Die all the way through.
  • edited August 2009
    He was eclipsed by Superball in popularity and having them both would be redundant.
  • edited August 2009
    He died after Sam and Max hit the statue he was riding on with a nuke. He looked pretty dead to me.

    And you can see him in Hell in one of the Satan berating his employees scenes. If you look at the burned teddy bear in Sam's personal Hell when Max is there, Sam asks why they didn't see any of the Toy Mafia in Hell, and Max says they're not popular enough. I think.
  • edited August 2009
    i thought at the end of the Abe Lincoln must die you see chuckles get back up
  • edited August 2009
    Actually, I saw Chuckles in the background during What's New Beelzebub?. I don't remember when this was though. Pay attention next time you play. ;)
  • edited August 2009
    Yeah, i saw him run around in the background in hell during one of the final cutscenes.
    It seemed pretty random though.
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