Thanus himself was wondering what the hell happened to him, Kieran could easily take a few demons with little struggle. “Kieran, what happened?” Kieran found it much easier to speak now, although he was breathing very heavily. “I held of around three hundred demons, basically alone… And then three Volrohn jumped me on the way here, full-grown ones, I only just managed to slay them… It was the toughest battle I've had in years.” Kieran said as more of his organs regrew, Darien was almost finished with the healing.
“Volrohn entered Evergreen? That is worrisome. What form did they take.” Thanus asked, as Darien finished up healing. Kieran was far more comfortable now, and even sat up to speak, the crowd still lingered, yet most of them dispersed. “I'm not sure, they looked wolfish, yet stood on hind legs, and they moved too fast to be a regular wolf. They seemed like some sort of half human half wolf hybrid, they could even talk in the form. I've never seen a creature like that before.” Kieran said, much calmer than before as he stood up and stretched his muscles, he was fully healed now, and could probably fight.
“Strange.” Darien said as he finished healing Kieran. “I've never heard of a species like that. Have you Thanus.” Darien asked. “No, I haven't. But I've an idea.” Thanus said, and he did have an idea, one that would help Evergreen and Oakbreach.
“You two go out into the forest, help as many people as you can. But your main objective is the wall, the wall where the barrier switch is. Restore it, combine your powers even. You must make sure it's stronger than ever before.”
“I'm down for that, I actually feel stronger now than I did at the start of the day.” Kieran said as he tested his powers. “Thanks, Darien.” Kieran said happily. Kieran thought he would die today, Thanus knew it.
“It's no problem.” Darien said clearly pleased with himself. “Thanus, what about that thing you wanted Kieran to look for. Do you want us to look for it?” Darien asked.
“Yes, definitely and watch out for yourselves, dangerous things lurk those forests, other than demons.” Thanus said as they all began walking to the exit of the Mages’ Quarter. “Also perhaps change your clothes Darien wearing elegant robes in the forest is an unwise choice. I'll tell your father you can't make it to the dinner.” said Thanus. Darien seemed somewhat disappointed that he wouldn't be going to the dinner. “I'll definitely help, it's the right thing to do.” said Darien. “I'll meet you by the gates Kieran.” Darien said as he left for the forest. Thanus and Kieran nodded at Darien before he left.
“Alright we’re alone now Kieran, and I know your robes are destroyed, but I suggest staying in that, you currently can blend in perfectly with the people of Evergreen, so they won't try and rob you. I'll get assistance from elsewhere.” Thanus said currently scouting his options.
“Who are you getting help from? I don't trust the Oakbreach guard. I think the Rats would be more helpful and The Order of Light is already down there.” Kieran said sternly.
He did have a point whoever Thanus chose to go to would have a big impact, and Oakbreach’s forces may not be that helpful. The Rats were a gamble they were criminals yet they were helpful. He could also maybe go to the church and see the Archbishop, maybe he'd help. The Brothers Fist was also another option, although they did serve Oakbreach, yet they seemed to care for the people and they were close with the Order of Light, so maybe they are the best option.
Whatever Thanus was going to choose he had to do it fast, he only had two hours before the dinner starts.
[Go to the Rats] [Go to the Archbishop] [Go to the Brothers Fist]
Thanus himself was wondering what the hell happened to him, Kieran could easily take a few demons with little struggle. “Kieran, what happen… moreed?” Kieran found it much easier to speak now, although he was breathing very heavily. “I held of around three hundred demons, basically alone… And then three Volrohn jumped me on the way here, full-grown ones, I only just managed to slay them… It was the toughest battle I've had in years.” Kieran said as more of his organs regrew, Darien was almost finished with the healing.
“Volrohn entered Evergreen? That is worrisome. What form did they take.” Thanus asked, as Darien finished up healing. Kieran was far more comfortable now, and even sat up to speak, the crowd still lingered, yet most of them dispersed. “I'm not sure, they looked wolfish, yet stood on hind legs, and they moved too fast to be a regular wolf. They seemed like some sort of half human half wolf hybrid, they could even talk in the form. … [view original content]
Whoa, I did not expect to see Darien in the story already. This was a very pleasant surprise and I certainly enjoyed him quite a lot in this part. From what I can tell so far, you captured his personality really, really well On top of that, I liked that it was yet another super long part. You're doing a great job with the world building so far, keep it up! One thing I like in particular is the magic system, which seems really complicated, but engaging at the same time, so I naturally enjoyed a part filled with mages as an additional bonus to the already enjoyable storyline you're setting up there.
[Go to the Brothers Fist]
Well, Thanus did a bit of the work for me already here. He knows these people better than me and whereas the Rats seem to be a gamble and the Archbishop might be of questionable actual help, these Brothers sound like the best best, as he himself already concluded. So, nothing to add there, I think they are simply the best choice to get the aid necessary.
Thanus himself was wondering what the hell happened to him, Kieran could easily take a few demons with little struggle. “Kieran, what happen… moreed?” Kieran found it much easier to speak now, although he was breathing very heavily. “I held of around three hundred demons, basically alone… And then three Volrohn jumped me on the way here, full-grown ones, I only just managed to slay them… It was the toughest battle I've had in years.” Kieran said as more of his organs regrew, Darien was almost finished with the healing.
“Volrohn entered Evergreen? That is worrisome. What form did they take.” Thanus asked, as Darien finished up healing. Kieran was far more comfortable now, and even sat up to speak, the crowd still lingered, yet most of them dispersed. “I'm not sure, they looked wolfish, yet stood on hind legs, and they moved too fast to be a regular wolf. They seemed like some sort of half human half wolf hybrid, they could even talk in the form. … [view original content]
Thanus himself was wondering what the hell happened to him, Kieran could easily take a few demons with little struggle. “Kieran, what happen… moreed?” Kieran found it much easier to speak now, although he was breathing very heavily. “I held of around three hundred demons, basically alone… And then three Volrohn jumped me on the way here, full-grown ones, I only just managed to slay them… It was the toughest battle I've had in years.” Kieran said as more of his organs regrew, Darien was almost finished with the healing.
“Volrohn entered Evergreen? That is worrisome. What form did they take.” Thanus asked, as Darien finished up healing. Kieran was far more comfortable now, and even sat up to speak, the crowd still lingered, yet most of them dispersed. “I'm not sure, they looked wolfish, yet stood on hind legs, and they moved too fast to be a regular wolf. They seemed like some sort of half human half wolf hybrid, they could even talk in the form. … [view original content]
Thanus himself was wondering what the hell happened to him, Kieran could easily take a few demons with little struggle. “Kieran, what happen… moreed?” Kieran found it much easier to speak now, although he was breathing very heavily. “I held of around three hundred demons, basically alone… And then three Volrohn jumped me on the way here, full-grown ones, I only just managed to slay them… It was the toughest battle I've had in years.” Kieran said as more of his organs regrew, Darien was almost finished with the healing.
“Volrohn entered Evergreen? That is worrisome. What form did they take.” Thanus asked, as Darien finished up healing. Kieran was far more comfortable now, and even sat up to speak, the crowd still lingered, yet most of them dispersed. “I'm not sure, they looked wolfish, yet stood on hind legs, and they moved too fast to be a regular wolf. They seemed like some sort of half human half wolf hybrid, they could even talk in the form. … [view original content]
Alright everyone, I thought I would give you some news. I can't continue writing at this moment due to my computer currently getting repaired, which may take around two weeks. However I may decide to write a part on my phone, so if that happens I'll let you know.
Ah, no worries! Glad you gave us the update. I hope your PC gets repaired soon and I certainly look forward for the next part. If you decide to write one on your phone... well, that would be quite the feat. If you want to, sure, go for it, but that's up to you. No matter when, I am excited for this next part
Alright everyone, I thought I would give you some news. I can't continue writing at this moment due to my computer currently getting repaire… mored, which may take around two weeks. However I may decide to write a part on my phone, so if that happens I'll let you know.
Alright everyone, I thought I would give you some news. I can't continue writing at this moment due to my computer currently getting repaire… mored, which may take around two weeks. However I may decide to write a part on my phone, so if that happens I'll let you know.
Hello, I am aware it has been a long time since I last posted to this story (also on a different account, I lost the email for Arrodor, so my brother thankfully let me use his account) if anyone is still interested in this story I have a part ready, I hope you all enjoy it if you decide to read it. @LiquidChicagoTed@AgentZ46@Mathea@Nolonius@OMGitsWeasel@Lord_EAA
Darien Ashkar - - Evergreen Forest 201 AC
It was around noon by this time Darien and Kieran hadn't left yet, Darien had to change his outfit, which took a bit of time as he only had exotic clothing, he had to visit a clothing store to change his outfit, Purtle at Purts, was the name of the store, a law firm and a clothing store, which was a strange combination.
Darien equipped himself with a common white robe, which was quite baggy, he hid his jewelry inside the robes and tucked the cursed book in their as well.
He exited Purtle at Purts with seemingly no other distractions, the town was awful quiet since the grand dinner was about to start.
Darien quickly made his way to the Oakbreach gate, passing a few guardsman on the way, he found Kieran waiting for him, Kieran was wearing his ripped black robes, three large claw scars could be seen on his stomach from the outside, Darien had managed to heal him to almost full strength, but his scars would take longer to heal.
“You took longer than me,” Kieran said with his arms folded, he had a confident stance and gaze, it was clear he felt great after the healing.
“Unlike you, I had to change outfits,” Darien remarked, Kieran grinned, as Darien continued past him to the gate, Kieran followed as they approached the gate guard side by side.
“I'll do the talking.” Darien told Kieran.
“Go right ahead.” Kieran replied.
“Good evening officer.” Darien gave him a gracious bow out of respect, “Me and my friend here have business in Evergreen.”
The gate guard was a severely obese man, he looked unfit for duty. “Do you have a black card?” the guard asked snobbishly.
“We need a card to leave? Since when?” Darien asked calmly.
“On the order of His Majesty, King Garibald the Great, has requ-” before he could finish Kieran cut him of.
“Actually we do have a card.” Kieran said he then placed two fingers on the guard’s forehead and dark energy escaped his fingers.
“Oh, right, sorry, I must have forgot of course Master Kieran, you may exit.” the guard slowly moved aside as Kieran and Darien left.
Darien was slightly displeased as to what just occurred. “Was that necessary?” Darien said quite forcefully, as he stopped Kieran.
“It would've taken us a long time to get a card, so it was easier that way, I assure you the guard will be fine.” Kieran said quickly.
“Do you do that every time you get in?” Darien asked still displeased.
“Most of the time, although I don't come here often. Oakbreach is one of the last places I want to be in.” Kieran said.
“Alright, but don't do that again without warning me first.” finished Darien as they left Oakbreach.
“I'll try.”
Darien and Kieran had been walking for awhile now, they hadn't spoken much as they were both focused on their surroundings. The forest looked horrible, all the trees were burned out and the coloring of Evergreen was no longer a beautiful vibrant green, but a death charred black, similar to the fallen Aramoor.
This saddened Darien deeply, Kieran didn't talk much during their walk, but Darien was certain this disturbed him too. “There doesn't seem to be anyone around, it looks like we may have an uneventful journey.” Darien said.
“Hopefully.” Kieran remarked bluntly, the high elf didn't reveal much emotion, and Darien had to admit he couldn't read him that well, nor did he know him prior to healing him.
Darien was intrigued, he'd never heard of Kieran before today, and he seemed an interesting elf, “I'm curious, where did you learn your art? What university did you go to? The one's I know of don't teach mind control. ” Darien himself had graduated from the A’lelin School of Magic and the Arcane. “I believe, I would have met you, if you studied in A'lelin. I may be making an assumption here but you don't look much older than me.”
“I’m not, although I've only been to A’lelin once.” Kieran said, with his full attention on the forest and the dirt footpath they were following, while Darien his attention was on the conversation.
“So where did you learn mind control?” Darien asked intrigued.
“No where special. I trained myself for the most part, I met an old human along my travels though, he taught me about more than just dark magic.” Kieran said still actively observing the forest.
“He sounds like an interesting man.” Darien said, as they continued along the dirt footpath. “He passed to natural causes, he was a great man.”
“If he taught you mind control, I doubt he’s all that great.” Darien said rudely, he distrusted darkness, rightfully so considering his environment.
“Darkness isn't all that bad.” Kieran said, “I use it for good, besides that guard, I’ve killed an army of demons today, and three Volrohn. I'd say that outweighs me doing a simple mind trick.” Kieran said calmly but forcefully.
“You may be right, but I would rather see that for myself.” Darien said intently.
“Isn't one of your lead magisters a warlock?” Kieran asked Darien, still focusing on his surroundings, they made no eye contact as they spoke.
“He is, but he considers me beneath him, so I don't speak to him much.” said Darien.
“He sounds like a cunt.” Kieran said, Darien was glad he said that. “He's far more than that, my sister hates him more than me though, and he knows it. He’s a sadistic pig and shouldn't be a magister amongst the elves.” said Darien passionately.
“I'll take it you want to be a magister?” Kieran asked.
“I believe I would be a good magister, although I would never be considered for the role since I am a half-elf. Only a pureblood high elf can be a magister, they're very clear about that.” Darien said.
“I don't see a problem with you being a half-elf.” Kieran said.
“I know, you don't seem like a racist to me, you seem very driven and focused, but overall you seem like a good elf.” Darien finished.
“I'm glad you think that.” Kieran said sarcastically.
“You don't like talking, do you?” asked Darien.
“I don't want to get ambushed by Volrohn again, so yes I don't like talking.” Kieran said.
“Very well” Darien did understand this. truthfully, they probably shouldn't have started talking at all, but Darien has always loved learning about new people.
Darien along with Kieran began entering the Southern Evergreen Forest, they were both quiet and focused on the now dead forest.
Evergreen never was a great forest to live in, but it was sure a beautiful one, and now even that was taken from it, finally the forest reflected how it's citizens felt, depraved. The King of Oakbreach was not a kind man by any means, he was a selfish and lazy one, he barely cared about Oakbreach's own citizens and left his commanders and marshalls to look after them. Darien never did like King Garibald much, and he certainly didn't earn his title, there was nothing great about that man.
Darien felt a deep sadness while walking through the dead forest, he looked over at Kieran who still seemed more agitated than before, maybe Darien's magic didn't work properly, as it should have calmed him down as it had done before, those Volrohn might have gotten him better than Darien thought.
“So what's the objective out here, Thanus didn't tell me what you were doing out here, he just said to recharge the barrier. What are we meant to do after that?” Darien asked warmly.
“A very dangerous thing is what we're doing after that, if you're curious as to why I keep looking around it's because, I was hunting a Suggrosi.” Kieran finished, before Darien almost cut him of, “That must be a lie, the Suggrosi aren't even on this continent. It must be a Volrohn.” Darien said slightly worried.
“It could be a Volrohn, but that doesn't matter it will still fight like a Suggrosi. And with all these demons around the Suggrosi will be ten times more dangerous.” Kieran paused before continuing, “I already battled one of its shadows, that's why we need to recharge the barrier as soon as possible. With no demons, it will have no shadows to fight with.” Kieran said firmly.
“Well let's hurry up then, it's quite depressing being in this forest.” Darien said.
“I know.” Kieran said.
They continued on, they walked for what felt like hours, with little conversation, they slew a few demons along the way, but Kieran slaughtered them so easily Darien barely needed to help.
Darien knew the switch was far, but he didn't realize it would take this long, it was nightfall by now.
Darien had barely seen anything in the forest except ash, the demons must have gone to all the villages which was very worrying.
And then Darien smelt burning wood, and heard the sound of battle, explosives, steel on steel and screaming, nearly all at once. Kieran must have heard it to.
Kieran quickly rushed to the sound, as did Darien, they gained sight of the battle, but could only see fire in the darkness.
Darien barely made out anything in the dark, but he saw that it was a village, a burning village, and since they were in Southern Evergreen it must have been a village owned by the Melkor’s. It could be the Melkor’s fighting their enemies or demons, but did he really want to get involved with those criminals?
Kieran rushed forward to stop the battle, Darien was unsure, he didn't know if a crime family was worth helping.
I'm so glad you're back. Though i'm surprised Xsensus is your brother. How about that? But regardless I'm so happy. This seems like the age of returning stories .
Hello, I am aware it has been a long time since I last posted to this story (also on a different account, I lost the email for Arrodor, so m… morey brother thankfully let me use his account) if anyone is still interested in this story I have a part ready, I hope you all enjoy it if you decide to read it.
@LiquidChicagoTed @AgentZ46 @Mathea @Nolonius @OMGitsWeasel @Lord_EAA
Darien Ashkar - - Evergreen Forest 201 AC
It was around noon by this time Darien and Kieran hadn't left yet, Darien had to change his outfit, which took a bit of time as he only had exotic clothing, he had to visit a clothing store to change his outfit, Purtle at Purts, was the name of the store, a law firm and a clothing store, which was a strange combination.
Darien equipped himself with a common white robe, which was quite baggy, he hid his jewelry inside the robes and tucked the cursed book in their as well.
He exited Purtle at Purts with seemingly no other distr… [view original content]
Hello, I am aware it has been a long time since I last posted to this story (also on a different account, I lost the email for Arrodor, so m… morey brother thankfully let me use his account) if anyone is still interested in this story I have a part ready, I hope you all enjoy it if you decide to read it.
@LiquidChicagoTed @AgentZ46 @Mathea @Nolonius @OMGitsWeasel @Lord_EAA
Darien Ashkar - - Evergreen Forest 201 AC
It was around noon by this time Darien and Kieran hadn't left yet, Darien had to change his outfit, which took a bit of time as he only had exotic clothing, he had to visit a clothing store to change his outfit, Purtle at Purts, was the name of the store, a law firm and a clothing store, which was a strange combination.
Darien equipped himself with a common white robe, which was quite baggy, he hid his jewelry inside the robes and tucked the cursed book in their as well.
He exited Purtle at Purts with seemingly no other distr… [view original content]
[Help the Family] It's the right thing to do. Even the dark magic user knows that
So glad to see this story return. Not gonna lie, I was convinced it was dead but I'm very pleasantly surprised to see that isn't the case.
Kieran is so awesome! I love his use of dark magic but I also really enjoy those around him disapproving of it.
I've gotta be honest, it's been so long since I've read the story that I don't even remember Darien and I don't have a clue what he and Kieran's goal is right now.
Hello, I am aware it has been a long time since I last posted to this story (also on a different account, I lost the email for Arrodor, so m… morey brother thankfully let me use his account) if anyone is still interested in this story I have a part ready, I hope you all enjoy it if you decide to read it.
@LiquidChicagoTed @AgentZ46 @Mathea @Nolonius @OMGitsWeasel @Lord_EAA
Darien Ashkar - - Evergreen Forest 201 AC
It was around noon by this time Darien and Kieran hadn't left yet, Darien had to change his outfit, which took a bit of time as he only had exotic clothing, he had to visit a clothing store to change his outfit, Purtle at Purts, was the name of the store, a law firm and a clothing store, which was a strange combination.
Darien equipped himself with a common white robe, which was quite baggy, he hid his jewelry inside the robes and tucked the cursed book in their as well.
He exited Purtle at Purts with seemingly no other distr… [view original content]
I've gotta be honest, it's been so long since I've read the story that I don't even remember Darien and I don't have a clue what he and Kieran's goal is right now.
Darien was only in one part besides this, it was actually the last part I wrote, about 5 months ago.
They actually have two goals, one is to recharge Evergreen's barrier so that demons stop coming in and killing villagers. And the other is to hunt that Suggrosi Kieran was talking about.
[Help the Family] It's the right thing to do. Even the dark magic user knows that
So glad to see this story return. Not gonna lie, I was… more convinced it was dead but I'm very pleasantly surprised to see that isn't the case.
Kieran is so awesome! I love his use of dark magic but I also really enjoy those around him disapproving of it.
I've gotta be honest, it's been so long since I've read the story that I don't even remember Darien and I don't have a clue what he and Kieran's goal is right now.
Thank you for this. Agent wasn't the only one who forgot . Infact, I think you should do a recap/summary to get everyone back into the story where we were. Or at the very least do what Liquid does in the Voting Closed announcements and remind us the last thing the characters were going to read about in the next part did.
I've gotta be honest, it's been so long since I've read the story that I don't even remember Darien and I don't have a clue what he and Kier… morean's goal is right now.
Darien was only in one part besides this, it was actually the last part I wrote, about 5 months ago.
They actually have two goals, one is to recharge Evergreen's barrier so that demons stop coming in and killing villagers. And the other is to hunt that Suggrosi Kieran was talking about.
Yes, yes, yes, haha I knew of this marvellous return for slightly longer, gotta admit it here, but it is nonetheless still a very pleasant surprise. I'm glad you managed to return and even though you have been troubled by log-in issues with the Arrodor account (albeit Telltale Support could help you with retrieving the Arrodor account, or at least one of the mods if you wish to edit the thread with this new account, you just gotta ask them), it is nice of your brother to let you use this one. So, welcome back, I really cannot wait to see the story continuing
[Help the Family]
Criminals or not, I see this is a case of sharing an enemy. The Melkor's might not be classical allies and once this is dealt with, they can go back to disliking each other, but as long as they have a common enemy, they should better work together.
Hello, I am aware it has been a long time since I last posted to this story (also on a different account, I lost the email for Arrodor, so m… morey brother thankfully let me use his account) if anyone is still interested in this story I have a part ready, I hope you all enjoy it if you decide to read it.
@LiquidChicagoTed @AgentZ46 @Mathea @Nolonius @OMGitsWeasel @Lord_EAA
Darien Ashkar - - Evergreen Forest 201 AC
It was around noon by this time Darien and Kieran hadn't left yet, Darien had to change his outfit, which took a bit of time as he only had exotic clothing, he had to visit a clothing store to change his outfit, Purtle at Purts, was the name of the store, a law firm and a clothing store, which was a strange combination.
Darien equipped himself with a common white robe, which was quite baggy, he hid his jewelry inside the robes and tucked the cursed book in their as well.
He exited Purtle at Purts with seemingly no other distr… [view original content]
Hello, I am aware it has been a long time since I last posted to this story (also on a different account, I lost the email for Arrodor, so m… morey brother thankfully let me use his account) if anyone is still interested in this story I have a part ready, I hope you all enjoy it if you decide to read it.
@LiquidChicagoTed @AgentZ46 @Mathea @Nolonius @OMGitsWeasel @Lord_EAA
Darien Ashkar - - Evergreen Forest 201 AC
It was around noon by this time Darien and Kieran hadn't left yet, Darien had to change his outfit, which took a bit of time as he only had exotic clothing, he had to visit a clothing store to change his outfit, Purtle at Purts, was the name of the store, a law firm and a clothing store, which was a strange combination.
Darien equipped himself with a common white robe, which was quite baggy, he hid his jewelry inside the robes and tucked the cursed book in their as well.
He exited Purtle at Purts with seemingly no other distr… [view original content]
OH SHEEEZ I forgot. I even pmed you and you replied and I didn't notice a thing. Its good to see the old account back. Oh and goodluck with the next part, trust me when I say it can be hard to get one out sometimes.
Voting is closed! Darien will help the family. This definitely seems like something Darien would do, the future will reveal if it's a smart choice. His next part should be fun to write.
The next part should be out very soon it is a Narigg part, I'll give you a recap as Narigg's last part was 7 months ago.
In Narigg's last part he and Malvor crossed the Sundering Sea to Komladur to enter the portal to Earth, except they were attacked by a leviathan and nearly died. Thanks to Rothakk they lived as they were teleported to Nin Kolduhr as they were plummeting to their demise. Malvor was unconscious as Narigg brutally slaughtered the two dwarves Andron and Galthus, so the two orcs would be able to transform into them. Narigg succeeded hiding the dwarf bodies, and now appears as Galthus Sunbeard, while Malvor appears to be Andron, although Malvor is still unconscious. Narigg saw an elven figure and decided to head towards it for aid. And that is where his next part starts.
It didn't take long for him to decide, approaching the elf would be easier. So that is what he would do.
Narigg now in a much smaller dwarf form struggled to move around as he headed towards the elven figure, there were trees blocking his view making her barely visible, he realized he was a lot slower as a dwarf.
Slowly he moved as his feet almost got stuck into the thick snow after each of his steps, he called out to the elf a few times with a voice he was not used to. She didn't hear him, something was distracting her, as she had her bow drawn and her back turned aiming at something.
Narigg continued on and picked up Andron’s mace as he headed for the elf, he suspected danger ahead and would need a weapon to defend himself.
As he got closer he heard a growling behind him as he turned around he noticed three large snow wolves all approaching Malvor’s unconscious body, Narigg reacted by sprinting towards the elf as fast as his dwarven body could, he was positive he could not take all three of them as Galthus.
Narigg’s dwarf boots trampled swiftly across the snow, as he ran towards the elven figure with his stubby legs slowing him down, “Help! Help! ” he yelled out to the figure ahead of him who was still fighting something, a wolf most likely, he repeated this sentence over and over, until he was finally close enough for the woman to hear him.
Hopefully this would work.
As Narigg reached the elven figure he realized she looked nothing like a warrior, she appeared like a completely soft elf, a wild one at that as she only wore plain leather,nothing like the elegant high elves Narigg was used to seeing. Her hair was light auburn with red highlights, it was tied in a ponytail, most likely to avoid getting in the way as she fought. Narigg was unsure how something this small would be able to protect him from wolves.
But she seemed capable as a number of dead wolves with arrows sticking out of them were surrounding her. She noticed Narigg and rushed over to him.
“Are you alright Galthus?” Selena asked directly, her green eyes looked sincere and calm, even though her body suggested hostility, her face was welcoming, she clearly cared for Galthus in some way.
“Yes.. My father.. They have him.” Narigg said exhaustedly after running towards her for minutes.
Selena narrowed her eyes as she looked towards Malvor. “Stay close to me.” Selena said, as she dashed off abruptly to face the wolves surrounding Malvor.
Narigg tried to stay close but he was too tired and she was far too fast for him to keep up, Galthus was no where near fit to be a warrior if Narigg was already this tired.
Narigg observed the battle for some time hiding himself as he witnessed Selena unleash hell upon the wolves.
Loud howling from more than one wolf could be heard as more wolves rushed Selena, Narigg slowly approached the battle in hopes of helping, it was unclear how many there were, but the elf didn't seem to be struggling, so Narigg took his time, he wouldn't have been much help in his current form anyway. The only real concern was her finding the real Galthus’ and Andron’s bodies.
They were strong white snow wolves that had attacked they were more ferocious than even an enraged orc, and perhaps even stronger than Gorglo. Selena countered this ferocity well as she had trick arrows, and was using them to trap the wolves in place before killing them. Their was a lot more to these wolves. They seemed harder to kill, it was as if they had some sort of healing factor, albeit a slow one, she had only killed three of them, and there were at least six left, with likely more on their way.
Narigg knew he had to jump into the fray, and he did so, he charged in as fast as his small dwarven frame would let him.
The wolves were closing in on Selena now, as she unsheathed both her blades. Meanwhile Narigg wielded the mace that Andron had used against him.
Narigg witnessed Selena parrying a claw, she managed to redirect the blow into one of the other wolves, the wolf howled in pain as it's brother’s claws slashed its neck, killing it.
There were a few wolves surrounding Malvor’s body, Narigg proceeded in that direction. He could hear chaos behind him, as he charged towards the wolves near Malvor.
He slammed the large golden mace down on a wolves head catching it by surprise and killing it instantly, unfortunately Galthus’ body betrayed Narigg as he wasn't fast enough to react to the wolves brother, he heard a fierce scowl, before he was slammed head first into a tree directly behind him.
He was dazed as the large snow wolf continued unrelentingly, it slashed and slashed and Narigg barely managed to block it's claws, Galthus’ body was doing no favors for him.
After an unyielding assault the wolf finally broke Narigg’s guard and lunged its teeth towards the dwarves neck, he felt a sharp pain rupture his neck as he dropped Andron’s mace. Instinctively he attempted to rip the wolf’s jaws of him, but he couldn't find the strength.
He realized he was about to die as the wolf continued biting heavily into his neck, beginning to rip out his throat. Being in Galthus’ body had severely weakened him and it was about to cost him his life.
“Rargh!!!” roared a loud voice, as the wolf that was biting Narigg crashed down onto his fat dwarven gut. Malvor had woken up. He was equipped with the golden armor that Narigg had put on him, he appeared to be sweating as his grey beard was drenched, he looked stern and furious as he pulled Galthus’ silver sword out of the wolves corpse. He looked as if he had killed more than a few wolves before he saved Narigg.
“What the hell is going on!?” Malvor screamed erratically at Narigg as Narigg lay near lifeless against the tree. “Why am I a dwarf!” Malvor shouted with spit coming out of his mouth as he spoke.
Narigg attempted to speak but failed, he could hear perfectly, even his sight was good but his voice had left him, the wolf punctured his voice box and now he couldn't speak. Narigg needed a healer desperately. The best he could do was signal to Malvor, he pointed towards Selena as her sword entered a wolf while her other sword parried a claw.
Malvor looked towards Selena before he turned back to Narigg. “The elf, I know I've been helping her. Now tell me what's going on!” Malvor hadn't noticed Narigg lost his voice. Soon his vision went too, and then he couldn't feel anything.
Darkness at every corner is the only thing he saw now, no matter which direction he went, it always led to the same place. This plane was never ending, it was driving him insane, he felt the blood inside his veins raging to get out. This went on for hours and hours, maybe even years. Was this it? Is this what death was?
Red fluid ran down Narigg’s dwarven throat as Selena’s firm hands slapped him awake. Malvor was behind her sword and mace in hand fending of wolves, with Andron’s shield resting on his back.
“Come on, wake up. We don't have time for this we need to get going.” Selena paused for a moment, she looked back to Malvor fighting the wolves before she looked back to Narigg. “They won't stop, we need to get to Komladur. ” Selena said quickly. She didn't allow him the chance to speak, even though he was unable to.
Selena thrust Narigg over her shoulder with ease, as he now rested upon her, he realized she was actually a half-elf like Rothakk had said, he thought she was a high elf this entire time. “Come on Andron! We need to go!” Selena shouted to Malvor. “Aye! Alright!” Malvor shouted back as his golden mace hit something that yelped loudly. Narigg heard Malvor’s heavy feet storm across the snow as he made his way to Selena, growling sounds followed him.
The half-elf managed to load and aim her bow with only her hand and foot, while Narigg was on her shoulders. She then unleashed a barrage of arcane arrows towards Malvor. Narigg didn't see where they landed but he heard explosions and the growling stopped as Malvor had finally reached them.
“That should scare them for now. We need to find Galthus a healer as he's already started bleeding out. It is safer if we head straight to Komladur and fight of the wolves that stand in our way.” Selena said as she continued onward. Malvor followed, while Narigg was hanging on her shoulder.
“Do you have the package for King Baldahr.” Selena asked looking down at Malvor. Narigg just now realized he never even saw the package, even after killing the dwarves. “No, Galthus must've left it back there.”
“Then I need to go back and get the package.” she said as she handed him Narigg, “Take Galthus to Komladur. We're close by, so it shouldn't take long.” she didn't give Malvor a chance to respond as she had already stormed back into the chaos.
Selena was gone now and Malvor kept moving towards Komladur while carrying Narigg, he didn't even struggle to lift him, they moved on while Narigg struggled to stay awake.
Malvor stopped walking after a few minutes and rested Narigg behind a rock, with a city of trees surrounding them, Narigg still couldn't speak which frustrated him.
“I need to tell you something,” Malvor said breathing heavily. Narigg just sat there, resting. “I know you've been out for a while, but this mission is more dangerous than Rothakk warned us.” Malvor paused to catch his breath.
“The wolves that are attacking. Selena knows what's behind it,” Narigg raised his dwarven eyebrows at this. “The Dark Wolves, Bolzoc and Nakozzon, Selena said something about them, she sounded like they were in the region. They may be giving the commands.” Malvor said nervously.
Tree branches cracked as Malvor was speaking, Narigg could hear arrows being shot, wolves howling and crying. Selena bursted through the branches right in front of them as the two were rested on a rock, a legion of wolves rushed closely behind her. She threw the wrapped package at Malvor while she fought of the wolves with twin swords, she twisted and twirled under many of the wolves attacks.
The battle was getting worse as more wolves joined the fight, Selena managed to distract them for a while with her trick arrows until a booming howl was heard, followed by another evening louder howl, it was so powerful the trees shook.
All the remaining wolves backed of, and let emerge one large white wolf clothed in silver leather, this wolf was much larger than the others, he stood at least twelve foot tall, although he was slender, he walked on his hinds and moved elegantly and regally, like an elven noble, his white fur looked obsessively groomed. His entire right eye socket was a foul green as if he had been corrupted by lye magic, there was a scar going across that eye seemingly from a sword, his left eye was colored blue.
The wolf spoke in a strange tongue to his people. “Ahzetar krer poltorsi,” He said with his claw raised. Narigg noticed his hand was charred black and had green spikes coming out of it, this creature was clearly lye corrupted.
The snow wolves jutted their jaws and growled in response to their master's command, there were at least thirty wolves behind him from Narigg’s observation, they stalked the lone half-elf and dwarves from the trees. This wasn't looking good for the three of them.
Selena visibly tensed up as she saw the wolf approach her, “Bolzoc.” Selena whispered angrily, “I knew you were behind this.” Selena said gripping her swords preparing for a fight.
“Ashkar,” he spoke with a guttural wolfish voice. “Did you really think I would let you live after what you did to me.” Bolzoc paused for a moment as he approached Selena his clawed hands placed regally behind his back. Selena gripped her swords tighter. “Lord Umbracor needs that package, and he would also like to speak with you. I would advise you against disobeying his requests. You remember what happened to your friends. Don't you?” Bolzoc questioned her as he continued approaching her as calmly as a fresh breeze. He stared at her as if she were a snack.
Selena seemed furious, Narigg couldn't see her face as he was behind her but it was very clear she wanted to slaughter this wolf creature. “You won't touch me, but I welcome you to try. I'll take more than just your eye this time.” Selena said furiously.
Bolzoc smiled with his sharp razor like teeth showing. “I was hoping we could come to an understanding, but I see you have not grown one bit, you're still as arrogant as always.” Bolzoc was only a few feet away from Selena now. She raised her blades as he came closer. “I told Voris he should have left you in the mud when you were still a child, but that poor fool never listened.” Bolzoc stopped about four feet away from Selena as he stared at her up and down. Narigg was sure she was about to attack him, but Bolzoc backed away before that could happened.
“Nakozzon, kiert rier zo” Bolzoc growled loudly as a raging large black wolf the size of an ogre rushed onto the snow breaking multiple trees as it's hulking figure stomped around, it was bloodthirsty and ravenous, it's eyes were red and hungry as it circled and stared down it's next meal, Selena. In it's large mouth it held two dwarves. It slung the dwarves beneath Selena’s feet.
The two dwarves were more disfigured than Narigg remembered leaving them, clearly Nakozzon had his fun with their corpses.
“What is this?” Selena asked almost enraged, as her eyes wandered over the mangled bodies. Oh shit was the only thing that crossed Narigg’s mind.
“What is it? Just the dwarves you were meant to protect. They were slaughtered, and now you're protecting their murderers. A strange thing to do Selena. What are you up to? ” Bolzoc asked with a deep laugh, clearly fucking with her.
Selena seemed unsure, almost as if she believed him for a second. “Just shut up Bolzoc. Let's get this over with.” she responded tensely and ready for battle.
“If that is want you want, so be it. Nakozzon your food stands before you.” Bolzoc raised his charred hand towards Selena.
Nakozzon didn't hesitate as he had clearly been anticipating killing her, he lunged swiftly at Selena with a ferocity even Zethra would find hard to match. Selena struggled greatly against the giant beast, it towered over her even when it attacked on all fours, she managed to twirl under its large claws. Nakozzon was unrelenting and remained on the offense, he continued unleashing a storm of claws mixed with attacks from his foul fangs.
Narigg stopped watching the fight as he saw Bolzoc approaching Malvor who was seated beside Narigg. It was Malvor who stood first, Bolzoc was nearly three times his size. “You will not take this package foul beast, not while I'm standing.”
“Good thing you won't be standing for long.” Bolzoc replied as he continued towards Malvor with both hands extended, his twisted claws were like daggers as he unleashed them upon Malvor. Malvor blocked the claws with Andron’s shield, although the shield was already half broken from Narigg’s attack earlier and Bolzoc’s sharp razors split the shield with ease. While Malvor was distracted from the attack, Bolzoc lunged down at him with his fangs, a green glow emitted from his mouth as he went towards Malvor’s neck.
Narigg quickly looked towards Selena and saw Nakozzon pushing her back into the rock from his unrelenting assault, she was struggling greatly, and just barely blocked his overwhelming attacks, he would break her guard soon.
The wolves under Bolzoc’s command watched their master from the shadows as he lunged at his prey. Narigg knew he had to do something, even if he was injured and couldn't speak. He proceeded to move his right hand into his pocket to grab the transformation potions that would turn himself and Malvor back into orcs. He pondered on the idea for a moment, yet he didn't want his cover blown.
[Transform into Narigg and attack Bolzoc] [Transform into Narigg and attack Nakozzon]
[Attack Bolzoc as Galthus] [Attack Nakozzon as Galthus]
Here it is I hope you all enjoy.
@Mathea @Nolonius @OMGitsWeasel @Lord_EAA @LiquidChicagoTed
Narigg Bonecrusher - - Nin Kolduh… morer, 201 AC
It didn't take long for him to decide, approaching the elf would be easier. So that is what he would do.
Narigg now in a much smaller dwarf form struggled to move around as he headed towards the elven figure, there were trees blocking his view making her barely visible, he realized he was a lot slower as a dwarf.
Slowly he moved as his feet almost got stuck into the thick snow after each of his steps, he called out to the elf a few times with a voice he was not used to. She didn't hear him, something was distracting her, as she had her bow drawn and her back turned aiming at something.
Narigg continued on and picked up Andron’s mace as he headed for the elf, he suspected danger ahead and would need a weapon to defend himself.
As he got closer he heard a growling behind him as he t… [view original content]
[Transform into Narigg and attack Nakozzon] We've seen how useless he is in dwarf form and the cover has already been blown. But maybe Selena will hesitate to kill them if Narigg saves her.
Man, I can't help but find it really hard to root for the Orcs after they murdered the dwarves. I really like Selena though, she's really cool. It might have something to do with me really liking Elves, but still I like her!
Here it is I hope you all enjoy.
@Mathea @Nolonius @OMGitsWeasel @Lord_EAA @LiquidChicagoTed
Narigg Bonecrusher - - Nin Kolduh… morer, 201 AC
It didn't take long for him to decide, approaching the elf would be easier. So that is what he would do.
Narigg now in a much smaller dwarf form struggled to move around as he headed towards the elven figure, there were trees blocking his view making her barely visible, he realized he was a lot slower as a dwarf.
Slowly he moved as his feet almost got stuck into the thick snow after each of his steps, he called out to the elf a few times with a voice he was not used to. She didn't hear him, something was distracting her, as she had her bow drawn and her back turned aiming at something.
Narigg continued on and picked up Andron’s mace as he headed for the elf, he suspected danger ahead and would need a weapon to defend himself.
As he got closer he heard a growling behind him as he t… [view original content]
Ah, yes, yes, much happy Selena did not disappoint, very much as expected there. Also, Voris and Umbracor name-dropped, I really have to submit them. I'll get to both as soon as possible, I promise it. And well, this just gave me hype, I really look forward for how things will develop.
[Transform into Narigg and attack Nakozzon]
Well, as Agent has said, Narigg is pretty much useless in his current form. However, as an orc he is a major badass and if there is anyone who can deal with these two, it's him as an orc, not some heavily wounded dwarf. Sure, this is going to be quite a shock for Selena, but if he acts swiftly and saves her life, maybe they can work together on account of her feeling a bit in his debt. Or maybe that is enough for her not to kill him, at the very least.
Here it is I hope you all enjoy.
@Mathea @Nolonius @OMGitsWeasel @Lord_EAA @LiquidChicagoTed
Narigg Bonecrusher - - Nin Kolduh… morer, 201 AC
It didn't take long for him to decide, approaching the elf would be easier. So that is what he would do.
Narigg now in a much smaller dwarf form struggled to move around as he headed towards the elven figure, there were trees blocking his view making her barely visible, he realized he was a lot slower as a dwarf.
Slowly he moved as his feet almost got stuck into the thick snow after each of his steps, he called out to the elf a few times with a voice he was not used to. She didn't hear him, something was distracting her, as she had her bow drawn and her back turned aiming at something.
Narigg continued on and picked up Andron’s mace as he headed for the elf, he suspected danger ahead and would need a weapon to defend himself.
As he got closer he heard a growling behind him as he t… [view original content]
Ah, yes, yes, much happy Selena did not disappoint, very much as expected there. Also, Voris and Umbracor name-dropped, I really have to su… morebmit them. I'll get to both as soon as possible, I promise it. And well, this just gave me hype, I really look forward for how things will develop.
[Transform into Narigg and attack Nakozzon]
Well, as Agent has said, Narigg is pretty much useless in his current form. However, as an orc he is a major badass and if there is anyone who can deal with these two, it's him as an orc, not some heavily wounded dwarf. Sure, this is going to be quite a shock for Selena, but if he acts swiftly and saves her life, maybe they can work together on account of her feeling a bit in his debt. Or maybe that is enough for her not to kill him, at the very least.
Not sure if anyone else is going to vote, but I'll keep the voting open anyway.
The next part should be out soon, it consists of two separate PoVs, Thanus and Darien. I will give you the recap of both their last parts when I close the voting.
Here it is I hope you all enjoy.
@Mathea @Nolonius @OMGitsWeasel @Lord_EAA @LiquidChicagoTed
Narigg Bonecrusher - - Nin Kolduh… morer, 201 AC
It didn't take long for him to decide, approaching the elf would be easier. So that is what he would do.
Narigg now in a much smaller dwarf form struggled to move around as he headed towards the elven figure, there were trees blocking his view making her barely visible, he realized he was a lot slower as a dwarf.
Slowly he moved as his feet almost got stuck into the thick snow after each of his steps, he called out to the elf a few times with a voice he was not used to. She didn't hear him, something was distracting her, as she had her bow drawn and her back turned aiming at something.
Narigg continued on and picked up Andron’s mace as he headed for the elf, he suspected danger ahead and would need a weapon to defend himself.
As he got closer he heard a growling behind him as he t… [view original content]
Hm, I had to read back a bit to answer this question. It is a bit early, but I consider Kieran to be super cool. Naturally, I also loved Selena, though we haven't seen terribly much of her yet. So, Kieran had the larger role so far, so I'm going to name him.
Who's your least favorite character so far?
That one's actually even harder for me to answer. I usually need some time to decide on a least favourite, yet at the same time, it is a label a character can hardly improve from once I gave it to them. I am not particularly fond of Narigg, but at the same time, I don't consider him least favourite character material yet. It's just a tendency, nothing too bad, I doubt he won't improve somewhat in the parts to come.
What are you most looking forward to in the story?
Hehe, knowing the characters I plan to submit (and knowing you know them as well), I cannot wait for them to appear. Well, once I finally manage to submit them of course, but I think they are truly something to look forward for.
Any tips, suggestions, criticisms, etc?
First of all, let me tell you how incredibly happy I am that you have decided to return to work on the story. I believe original fantasy is far too underrepresented in the forums and your world always had potential, especially as you are a very talented writer. And so, your return to the forums was as unexpected as it was welcome and perhaps I should have said this in my reply to the previous question. But yeah, tips, suggestions, criticism, I am always a bit bad at these. Let me just say, I love what you're writing here, so there's definitely a lot you do right with it
Even though the story is still in its early stages, I thought I would ask a few questions
Who's your favorite character so far?
Who's … moreyour least favorite character so far?
What are you most looking forward to in the story?
Any tips, suggestions, criticisms, etc?
Who's your favorite character so far? Since I'm obviously biased towards Kieran, I'm going to say Lydia. I really liked her and loved the dynamic between her and Kieran. However Selena has given me a really strong first impression and we know nothing about her, so she might take over that role.
Who's your least favorite character so far? I want to say Narigg. As my opinion of him very quickly worsened when he killed the dwarves.
Who's your least favorite character so far? I want to say Narigg. As my opinion of him very quickly worsened when he killed the dwarves
I'm afraid that's kind of who Narigg is. He's done a lot worse in his past than just killing dwarves. Although Galthus was a child, and Narigg did not know that, he actually still doesn't.
Sorry for the late reply.
Who's your least favorite character so far? I want to say Narigg. As my opinion of him very quickly worsened… more when he killed the dwarves
I'm afraid that's kind of who Narigg is. He's done a lot worse in his past than just killing dwarves. Although Galthus was a child, and Narigg did not know that, he actually still doesn't.
Well, it has been a very long time. Almost a year actually. If anyone is still interested in this story I have a new part that I will posting very soon. I just have to clean it up a bit. Once again sorry for the very long wait.
Night time was fastly approaching as Thanus walked swiftly across the cobble-stoned streets of Oakbreach his silver hair tied neatly behind him. No one besides Thanus was out at this time, the streets were dead quiet. Thanus presumed they were either at the festival or in their homes resting.
Darien and Kieran would be deep in the forest by this time, hopefully Darien managed to remain disguised, if any citizens of evergreen noticed him that would mean trouble for the two. They were already in enough trouble with demons lurking in the forest.
Thinking of Darien made Thanus think of his father, Voris, which in turn made him think of the Elven people. He didn't have a strong connection to his elven brothers, he never really did, even as a child, he found himself appreciating Dark Elven culture more than his own. A thought he never expressed to anyone, even if Errvaen was a good king, he was never fond of other races.
When The One Above All attacked Osleron two hundred years ago with a giant black cloud that to this day still loomed, that was the only time the races ever properly worked together. Thanus was at the forefront of the battle against The Dark One, and even he doesn't know how they lost.
With all the gods on Osleron, Ainar, the God of Light, Essioth, the Lord of the Arcane, Anlaei, the Goddess of the Moon, even Tholsoth, the Lord of Shadows. The Twelve Great Dragons, Umbracor, Vindora, Aestrann, Udarosa, Vyrnar, Thessyra, Zalrador, Thenia, Zynar, Rhaniar, Valdra, with Sydemur being the only one to side with The One Above All, Umbracor to joined him, but that was after he had already conquered. Most of the gods disappeared after the conquering, Ainar hasn't been seen since neither has Tholsoth, Essioth and Anlaei were still here, Thanus frequently spoke with Essioth.
As for The Twelve of Osleron they were long disbanded after the many purges, they could no longer operate as a team, the Eiwoqir mainly targeted Zynar, Thessyra, Vyrnar, and Zalrador coincidently three of those dragons are missing, the three that's powers were Law, Light, and Justice, three things The One Above All has proven to be against.
Zalrador was the only one they always failed to beat he was far too strong, for even Tanbohr himself failed to best him, or at least that is what people said. With the power of the gods and the dragons on their side there was no way they could lose to a being that no one had ever heard of before, yet somehow, they did. It was something that boggled Thanus’ mind for centuries and even to this day still does. And for some reason, no one in Oakbreach ever mentions The One Above All, they never speak of him, it is like he doesn't exist, in other regions he is all they speak of, a giant black cloud still doomed Oakbreach almost always blocking out the sun, while people tried to ignore it.
Thanus himself was unsure if The One Above All was real, he'd never seen him and Tanbohr and Riftwell seemed far more dangerous, yet the Brotherhood only acknowledged the Ice King as a threat, they didn't bother with Tanbohr since he was on Zodane, he was the Dark Elves and the Flames problem. A stupid thing really, Thanus knew the only reason The Brotherhood wanted to go after Riftwell was due to him having slayed King Errvaen and King Aldric, his own father.
Riftwell was a disgusting creature and it's true he needs to be put down but undead still run rampant in Aramoor and even the Kingdom of Loyalar has undead roaming in their regions with nothing they can do to stop the undead menace.
Oakbreach of course was not without its own problems, demons were constantly waiting outside the Evergreen barrier just waiting to feast upon the souls of the commoners they were stalking, which is what they were currently doing. Thanus hated thinking about the screams and torment the commoners must be enduring at this moment, while Thanus himself was about to enjoy a feast. Darien and Kieran hopefully could stop this catastrophe and maybe The Brother's Fist, whose sanctuary Thanus had just reached.
Thanus walked past many buildings while heading for Daryn Thrak’s headquarters surprisingly there were no men out on watch just like the city the sanctuary seemed abandoned. Thanus heard noises behind a large wooden door one that was a good foot taller than him, he could hear voices mixed with laughter behind it, he proceeded to knock heavily on the door.
It took some time for Thanus to get a response, clearly whoever was in there was enjoying themselves greatly, which was unusual for Thrak the man always seemed somber to Thanus.
The wooden door opened to a stocky man, with pale skin and a bald head, he had dark brown eyes, he appeared to be in his late fifties, he wore a common white shirt and black pants, he was clearly unfit for battle as he was drunk and clumsy, he bumbled around as he struggled to speak. “AYE!” he yelled loudly and the others joined. About six men were in the building, with their swords resting on the table in front of them, yet no sign of Thrak.
“Is your commander here” Thanus asked.
“Commander? Oh,” The drunk paused, grunted and continued, “left hours ago.” he said drunkenly.
“And he just left his men here?” Thanus asked sternly. He knew the answer, the grand dinner was the reason, but still someone had to be on guard.
“What do you mean left his men here? Tis the grand festival, only time we get to enjoy ourselves.” The man said drunk and angered.
“There's no time for joy, commoners are dying while you sit here and stumble around like a fool.” Thanus said with anger he had been holding in for some time as much as he wanted to keep this civil he disliked drunks. The man was clearly angry and stood their drunkenly slouching against the door, staring into Thanus’ Grey-Eye. Thanus didn't have time for this. “Where’s your commander? I need to speak with him.”
“Commoners aren't my problem, now piss off, fore’ I knock your teeth out.” The drunken fool said furiously as he slammed the door shut.
Thanus didn't want a fight but he felt like this man could use a lesson in discipline and he needed to know where Thrak was. The door was locked as he tried opening it and soon after the men went back to laughing and talking as if they forgot Thanus was even there. An arcane blast would surely solve this problem as he was not physically strong enough to break the door. Or perhaps he could find Thrak another way, Thanus leaned more towards option one, it had been awhile since he had been in a fight, and he secretly yearned for it.
[Blast the door open with Arcane] [Search for Thrak elsewhere]
Darien Ashkar - - Evergreen Forest, 201 AC
Helping would be the better choice, even if they were criminals. It was dark and Darien could barely see, Kieran was already far ahead of him, as if the night sky didn't affect his vision.
Darien rushed through the now dead forest heading towards the bright flame ahead of him. As he was running he felt something hard slam into his ribcage as he was tackled into the dirt. Ash was now in his mouth, cold chilling ash, disgusting. Even more frightening was the figure that now held him in a head lock.
Darien heard loud commotion as he tried to entangle his attacker with vines, it didn't work. A blade unsheathed, it sounded like an Oathblade, it definitely was as he heard it sing as it flung through the air towards Kieran, Darien presumed. Followed by a loud blast that sounded like a willowing banshee. Grunts could be heard after that and then a voice followed as the two struggling came out of the darkness.
“Release him or your friend dies.” Kieran said as dark energy trickled from his fingers onto his prisoners neck.
Darien’s captor seemed unfazed by this and pushed his dagger deeper on Darien's neck. Darien could feel the coldness of the blade, it was unsettling. “I can say the same to you elf. Release my friend, or this one dies.” The burly man spoke with a rough deep voice.
“Are you sure? You do know who you are holding? I find it doubtful you could kill him.” Kieran questioned him as his prisoner struggled against his dark powers. Darien was unsure what Kieran was doing, this man had him at his mercy and Kieran was toying with him.
“This puny elf, I could snap him like a twig.” The man laughed.” What type of question is that?” he grinned as he spoke, the dagger pushed even closer to Darien's throat now, any further and his throat would be open.
“As I said, you don't know who you're threatening, even if you managed to kill him, and somehow managed to kill me. You wouldn't last long.”
“And why is that elf? You seem confident in this, what are you getting at?”
“That's Darien Ashkar you're holding, Voris Ashkar’s son, the best mortal healer in all of Osleron and you're about to kill him. You'll have an army at your throat if you do this.”
The man’s expression changed, as he quickly moved the dagger away from Darien's throat. “If I let him go, you release Kalloway.” The man grunted.
“You release him first.” Kieran said forcefully, with dark energy quickly leaving his fingers moving onto Kalloway’s face, it was just about to reach his mouth when he screamed. “I suggest you be quick about it, for his sake.”
“Fine.” The man said defeated, releasing Darien. “You're one crazy fuck you know that!” he said to Kieran.
“I appreciate the compliment.” Kieran said as he released Kalloway, and helped him up.
“Who are you two?” asked Darien, cleaning the dirt of himself.
The younger man plunged his Oathblade sword into the ground, sparks of silver surrounded the sword as he spoke “I am Jason Kalloway, former Fourth Sword of the Brotherhood and son of Connor Kalloway, of course you would know all that Darien, considering we've met before.” he spoke powerfully.
“I remember you, that was ten years ago and we were both children, I can't say I remember you greatly, but it's nice to meet you again.” Darien said looking towards the man who was formerly holding him. “And you are?”
The man shrugged. “Luthor. I ain't got a title so just call me that. You two work for Melkor?”
“No what gives you that impression?” asked Kieran.
“You're both sorcerers. Melkor has a lot of sorcerers in his ranks. You're also running towards Gullest a village Melkor owns. That's why we attacked you.”
“Fair enough, why do you oppose the Melkors? other than them being criminals of course.” asked Kieran intrigued.
“Who doesn't hate the Melkors they fuck over everyone they deal with, I'd kill everyone of those bastards if I could.”
“I've never heard of them.” interjected Darien.
“Well they definitely know who you are and that won't do you any good because they're cunts, all of them. Not a single decent person within their ranks.”
“You know an awful lot about them to know that every single person in their ranks is a cunt. To me it sounds like you worked for them.” Kieran said.
“Well shit. Was it that obvious?” Luthor said.
“Look none of this matters right now, Gullest is under attack and Luthor and Kalloway could be useful.” Darien said to Kieran.
“You're right let's keep going. If you two are done with attacking us, follow me.” finished Kieran.
The now four walked of with Kieran and Lothar leading at the front, Darien and Kalloway at the back. “Is there anything I should know before we arrive at the village?” asked Darien.
“Yes, the inn has been ransacked by Ruth she is currently holding all the villagers hostage inside. While Alora, a melkor heavy, is outside with her soldiers.”
“So it sounds like this will take awhile.” replied Darien. Jason nodded.
The four grew closer to the burning village of Gullest, Darien could smell the burning wood, it was stronger than before, who knows what this Ruth character was doing to these villagers.
Soldiers in tabards of white and green could be seen, they were surrounding the inn, the only building that was not burning. It was not swords these soldiers wielded, but guns, big halfling tech guns, presumably they were what caused the explosions, their armor too, looked tech enhanced. Darien was not fully educated on halfling tech, but he knew those weapons were expensive, and to fully arm soldiers with tech weapons and armor would cost a fortune especially with demons around messing with the halfling trade routes. These Melkors must be well connected.
“You see that tall bitch.” Luthor said to the group. He pointed to a tall Dark Elf, she had green plate armor on, but no tech, which was strange. She wielded a massive double headed black battle axe that had green flames circling around the head. She looked powerful to say the least but young, in Darien's age range most likely, that was a child for a Dark Elf.
“That's Alora, I don't know what she's doing here, she's a fighter not a leader, it's strange Melkor sent her to deal with this.”
“They have halfling tech, and a lot of it at that, how did they afford all of it?” Darien asked.
“Melkor’s as rich as they come, halfling tech isn't the only thing he has in his army.” Luthor said.
“He has an army?”
“A massive one. Some say his army could rival the Brotherhoods.” Luthor said, Darien found that hard to believe.
“We need to hurry this up, we still have the barrier to recharge.” Kieran said.
“That's what you two are out here for?” Luthor said.
“Yes, and it doesn't concern you. I'm going to shadow sneak in through a window of the tavern, and deal with the hostiles, if they flee from the building then the Melkors will have to deal with them. It will quick, it shouldn't even take five minutes.” Kieran said.
“That won’t work, as strong as you are I don’t think you can take Ruth and all of her men.” said Jason.
“I say we charge them head on. You two are spellcasters, you can shield Jason and I as we take down Alora and her men, then we go after Ruth. With the four of us they’ll stand no chance.” said Luthor excitedly.
“How about neither of those options. We should approach Alora and see if we can help her.” Darien said.
“Are you crazy! Alora will kill you. She can't be reasoned with.” Luthor said.
“And we don't have time for that. Demons are still roaming the forests murdering villagers. My plan is the quickest and we're sticking with it.” Kieran said walking of. Darien had to decide instantly. The impulsiveness of Kieran was annoying.
[Protest to go with Luthor’s Plan] [Go with Kieran's Plan] [Attempt to convince the others to go with your plan]
Hey, I haven't really read this story yet, but have you got it archived on the new telltale interactive story discord? We don't know how long the forums will stay up with Telltale closing down.
Thanus Elric Grey-Eye - - Oakbreach City, 201 AC
Night time was fastly approaching as Thanus walked swiftly across the cobble-stoned stre… moreets of Oakbreach his silver hair tied neatly behind him. No one besides Thanus was out at this time, the streets were dead quiet. Thanus presumed they were either at the festival or in their homes resting.
Darien and Kieran would be deep in the forest by this time, hopefully Darien managed to remain disguised, if any citizens of evergreen noticed him that would mean trouble for the two. They were already in enough trouble with demons lurking in the forest.
Thinking of Darien made Thanus think of his father, Voris, which in turn made him think of the Elven people. He didn't have a strong connection to his elven brothers, he never really did, even as a child, he found himself appreciating Dark Elven culture more than his own. A thought he never expressed to anyone, even if Errvaen was a good king, he … [view original content]
Gregoss Tor -- Loral Lands, near the gates of Loyalar City, 201 AC
Arrows flew past as he easily dodged them, it was hard to see in the dark, and the rain made it even harder to fight but thanks to Lady Light's magic he was swifter than he usually is, he used that to his advantage. With a quick slash of his Oathblade the orc he was facing fell, it's blood splashing on his leather tunic, he moved on to his next opponent, with another swift slash they too laid dead.
To his right he could see Uthus Piloet slaughtering orc after orc, his holy spells too strong for them to withstand, golden light embedded their bodies before they shattered, Uthus gave Gregoss a nod, his golden eyes and hair shining as he returned to the slaughter. To his left Gregoss had Drake Jutho, his squire, the boy could barely fight but he stood his ground against the orcs, killing three before being overwhelmed, at that point Gregoss had to jump in, he easily dispatched the orcs Drake had been facing.
"You did well, but I suggest you head back to the city, this battle will get much harder from here." Gregoss said. Drake did as he said, his thin frame running towards his horse. A loud smash suggested to Gregoss that their formation had been broken, this battle had gotten harder indeed.
"Men. On me!" yelled Lady Light, her holy visage emanating towards her soldiers, the soldier’s armor glowed bright yellow as Lady Light continued her speech. "These foul orcs will not take you today! You are soldiers of the king and champions in your own right. Each one of you has proven yourselves today on the field of battle. And you will prove yourselves further. Now charge!" On her orders, the soldiers screamed, charging at the orcs who had just broken their line, the orcs ferocity, was matched with the power of light as sword clashed against axe, orc then human fell, almost in that order.
Gregoss Tor approached Lady Light, "Light, we must talk." Lady Light moved closer towards Gregoss, he could feel her holy warmth, the rain did not affect her as usual. "What is it Gregoss? You have a job do you not?" replied Lady Light, Gregoss looked at her. "I don't follow your orders Light. I serve King Lorien not you. I want to know where the orc commander is. If I take him out these attacks will stop." Lady Light smirked. "Are you saying you can sneak past his whole camp?" Sir Renault Dulain interrupted before Gregoss could speak. "Perhaps, I could help Gregoss my Lady, I am skilled at infiltration, I could get us both behind enemy lines and none would notice." Renault said to Light. Lady Light seemed amused. "Fine, but take Uthus with you two, he will be useful."
Gregoss, Renault and Uthus all rounded together as they planned to infiltrate the orc camp. "How do you intend to do this Renault? There are a lot of orcs here, I find it doubtful you will get us past all of them." Uthus said. Renault stroked his moustache. "Well, you see, I can cast a disguise spell to make us all look like orcs. All of these brutes will be too stupid to notice we're not actually orcs." Renault grinned as he finished his sentence. Gregoss extended his hand. "Make it quick, I want to face the orc leader soon." Renault waved his hand in front of Gregoss, then Uthus, then himself. All three of them transformed into large black orcs. "Unfortunately we still sound like ourselves so we must not talk while we walk through the camp." Renault said. Gregoss nodded.
The disguise seemed to work as the three walked behind the battlefield the battle still raging on. Blood and carcasses were spread all around them, dead humans, elves and orcs, it was not a pretty site, but one Gregoss was used to. After some time, the three arrived near the orc camp, they could see two large black orcs with spears in front of the gate, spikes surrounded the camp, on top of it, and around the mud.
Gregoss approached them without second thought, Uthus and Renault followed. The two placed their spears in front of Gregoss before he could enter. "Ashdautas Vrasubatlat." They both said. Gregoss looked at Renault. "Nar Udautas." Uthus said in a deep raspy voice. Both orcs let out a deep laugh and moved their spears. "Puscor Shataz." said the taller one. Gregoss nodded, as the three walked inside.
They were now out of the orcs view, Gregoss could now see the orc camp proper it was more like a stronghold, spikes everywhere, corpses, carcasses they had a lot of trophies, things they had killed just for sport. Renault and Uthus continued conversing. "I didn't know you knew Darcish." Renault said to Uthus. "I only know that word. I don't know what he said after." Uthus replied, Renault grinned orcishly, "Well, it sounded like shit ass, so they should learn a new language." Uthus laughed, "I know, I've always disliked their tongue they should just speak Orcish." Gregoss sighed. "Will you two be quiet, you're going to blow our cover." Gregoss said.
After walking deeper into the orc settlement, they all realized that no orcs were here besides the ones at the gate, the rest were on the battlefield. "Renault remove the disguise spell." Gregoss told Renault, Renault followed his command and with a wave of his hand they all returned to their original forms. "Uthus do you have your holy spells prepared?" Gregoss asked Uthus. "Always Gregoss. I don't go anywhere without them." Uthus replied. "Good, because you're going to burn this place. I do not believe there is anyone currently here, besides the orcs out front. You blow this place up and they will all come back. Do you think you have it in you?" Gregoss asked Uthus. "Yes, of course. I’ll get started, this will take a great deal of my power." Uthus placed his hands to the sky as a large beam of gold energy came flowing down, it crashed into Uthus' hands making him stumble back, his eyes shone bright pupiless gold as the energy transformed him. "I suggest you stand back!" his voice booming as he spoke to Gregoss.
"Renault. Let's go!" said Gregoss, Renault followed him as they ran back to the entrance. "How are we going to deal with those orcs at the front?" Renault asked as they ran. "We're going to kill them." Gregoss said. "Oh, fair point." Renault replied. Uthus could be seen in the background his form shifting into one of pure light, he was now a good twenty feet tall. With that Gregoss saw two orcs rushing into the settlement, he unsheathed his Oathblade bastard sword it shined silver as he did so, he took a defensive stance, Renault unsheathed his rapier. The two orcs charged at Gregoss seeing him as the bigger threat. The two spears came at him separately, he parried one spear to the left and it got stuck in the mud leaving the orc open for Renault to attack, he did so thrusting his rapier into the orc's large throat, it coughed blood as it died. The other orc looked furious, it let out a bellowing cry. "YOU NO TAKE ORC!!!" it charged spear first. "I'll let you handle this one." Gregoss said to Renault, as he pushed him towards the orc.
Renault tried to go on the offensive, but his aggression was no match for the orc. While Renault was close to the orc, it threw it's spear away, this gave Renault an opportunity to attack one he capitalized on, yet it didn't go as expected, as he thrust his rapier into the orc's chest it didn't penetrate, the orc's rage was enough for him to shrug it off. The orc roared as he lifted Renault with both hands he slammed his body hard into the cold mud, Renault shouted in pain, the orc began pounding on his face. "YOU NO TAKE ORC!!!" It shouted. While it was beating Renault, Gregoss went up and cut its head right of, his Oathblade took the head cleanly, the orc died instantly.
Gregoss helped Renault up, his leg appeared to be broken. "Sorry about that, I thought you could take him." Gregoss said. Renault grunted leaning on Gregoss. "No, it's my fault, I shouldn't haven't let it touch me." he sighed. "Lady Light will heal you when we get out of here, I promise." As Gregoss and Renault were about to exit the settlement, Gregoss noticed nearly all the buildings behind him were eviscerated by Uthus' holy magic, he also noticed a large obsidian ogre blocking the way out.
"I have to deal with that ogre ahead, I'll be quick then we'll leave." Renault nodded. Gregoss placed him on the ground, he then approached the large ogre, as he approached it he noticed its right hand had been replaced with a glowing black axe, it's entire obsidian body was covered with runic tattoos that shined a bright red, it's eyes to were pupiless red, it smelled like death.
The ogre eyed Gregoss up and down, grinning with foul teeth as it spoke "Tor! Azgar warned me about you, I can't wait to destroy your weak human body. I will enjoy eating you and your friend over there. You both look delicious, humans are my favourite meal." The ogre's red eyes grew brighter. Gregoss' Oathblade was already unsheathed. "Are you going to keep talking or are we going to fight?" The ogre stopped grinning, "I don't want you dead yet Tor, I want to savour your flesh. Live humans taste so much better." Gregoss shrugged. "Well, I wouldn't know but it's a shame you won't taste one again." He slashed the ogre's fat gut as he finished his sentence, the Oathblade easily carved through the ogre's flesh, but it healed instantly, the runes did that Gregoss assumed. "My turn!" roared the ogre. It swung its big axe hand towards Gregoss head, he easily dodged.
A large black blast hit Gregoss mid dodge it knocked him back a good twenty feet, he landed quickly on his feet as he now had two opponents to face the ogre was joined by an obsidian orc with a yellow staff, a sorcerer. Gregoss summoned his sword back to him and quickly approached the two. His sword facing them. The orc had yellow catlike eyes, it spoke in a devilish tongue one Gregoss did not understand. Gregoss charged for the sorcerer, his sword in hand. The ogre got in his way, so he slid under it and sliced into its leg, he then pierced the sorcerer in the stomach as he finished sliding, his Oathblade cut through the sorcerer's magical defense the sword entered the orc's stomach deep until the hilt reached his gut, then Gregoss made it disappear, reappear and slashed at his neck. The sorcerer teleported before he could finish him. He felt a heavy punch hit his jaw as soon as the sorcerer teleported which knocked him into the ogre behind him, the ogre held him down with one hand.
Above him stood Azgar the Foul, a tall grey skin orc, with black runes all over his body, his eyes were black, pupiless, he was heavily framed and wore no armor, his dark twisted axe was pointed towards Gregoss' legs, he cast a spell that shackled them he did the same to his hands and mouth. He then moved the axe to Gregoss' throat as the ogre held him down. "Gregoss. Nice to see you again, I see your holy friend has destroyed my place. A shame really, now I suppose I'll have to take your city as you have taken mine." Azgar looked behind the ogre. "Drolzuc retrieve the golden boy who destroyed our home and Gregoss' wounded friend too, we’ll make him watch as we torture them both, Gregoss deserves to suffer for what he's done." Azgar looked back down at Gregoss, his axe pushing closer to his throat. "It's unlikely you'll care when we kill your 'friends'. You certainly never cared about me." Gregoss had no idea what he was talking about, he only knew Azgar as an enemy nothing more they had never been ally’s, which made the orcs words even more confusing. Azgar moved his axe from Gregoss' throat, he placed a hand on his ogre's shoulder. "Drag him to the kitchen's, if they are still here, we will make him watch."
After being dragged through dirt for many minutes, he could see the orc settlement was truly demolished Uthus did his job well. After some time, he was finally thrown onto the ground. "I told you I would eat you." The ogre whispered before he walked of leaving Gregoss alone. Gregoss’ stayed there for a while before Uthus and Renault were dragged into the demolished kitchen hut, they were bound just as he was but heavily wounded, as before Renault's leg was broken, but the bruises were not there before, it seems Azgar had already started his fun. The two were both unconscious. The two were placed in front of Gregoss'. Azgar removed the bindings from Gregoss' mouth. "I'll let you decide who we torture first."
Thanus himself was wondering what the hell happened to him, Kieran could easily take a few demons with little struggle. “Kieran, what happened?” Kieran found it much easier to speak now, although he was breathing very heavily. “I held of around three hundred demons, basically alone… And then three Volrohn jumped me on the way here, full-grown ones, I only just managed to slay them… It was the toughest battle I've had in years.” Kieran said as more of his organs regrew, Darien was almost finished with the healing.
“Volrohn entered Evergreen? That is worrisome. What form did they take.” Thanus asked, as Darien finished up healing. Kieran was far more comfortable now, and even sat up to speak, the crowd still lingered, yet most of them dispersed. “I'm not sure, they looked wolfish, yet stood on hind legs, and they moved too fast to be a regular wolf. They seemed like some sort of half human half wolf hybrid, they could even talk in the form. I've never seen a creature like that before.” Kieran said, much calmer than before as he stood up and stretched his muscles, he was fully healed now, and could probably fight.
“Strange.” Darien said as he finished healing Kieran. “I've never heard of a species like that. Have you Thanus.” Darien asked. “No, I haven't. But I've an idea.” Thanus said, and he did have an idea, one that would help Evergreen and Oakbreach.
“You two go out into the forest, help as many people as you can. But your main objective is the wall, the wall where the barrier switch is. Restore it, combine your powers even. You must make sure it's stronger than ever before.”
“I'm down for that, I actually feel stronger now than I did at the start of the day.” Kieran said as he tested his powers. “Thanks, Darien.” Kieran said happily. Kieran thought he would die today, Thanus knew it.
“It's no problem.” Darien said clearly pleased with himself. “Thanus, what about that thing you wanted Kieran to look for. Do you want us to look for it?” Darien asked.
“Yes, definitely and watch out for yourselves, dangerous things lurk those forests, other than demons.” Thanus said as they all began walking to the exit of the Mages’ Quarter. “Also perhaps change your clothes Darien wearing elegant robes in the forest is an unwise choice. I'll tell your father you can't make it to the dinner.” said Thanus. Darien seemed somewhat disappointed that he wouldn't be going to the dinner. “I'll definitely help, it's the right thing to do.” said Darien. “I'll meet you by the gates Kieran.” Darien said as he left for the forest. Thanus and Kieran nodded at Darien before he left.
“Alright we’re alone now Kieran, and I know your robes are destroyed, but I suggest staying in that, you currently can blend in perfectly with the people of Evergreen, so they won't try and rob you. I'll get assistance from elsewhere.” Thanus said currently scouting his options.
“Who are you getting help from? I don't trust the Oakbreach guard. I think the Rats would be more helpful and The Order of Light is already down there.” Kieran said sternly.
He did have a point whoever Thanus chose to go to would have a big impact, and Oakbreach’s forces may not be that helpful. The Rats were a gamble they were criminals yet they were helpful. He could also maybe go to the church and see the Archbishop, maybe he'd help. The Brothers Fist was also another option, although they did serve Oakbreach, yet they seemed to care for the people and they were close with the Order of Light, so maybe they are the best option.
Whatever Thanus was going to choose he had to do it fast, he only had two hours before the dinner starts.
[Go to the Rats] [Go to the Archbishop] [Go to the Brothers Fist]
[Go to the brothers fist]
Whoa, I did not expect to see Darien in the story already. This was a very pleasant surprise and I certainly enjoyed him quite a lot in this part. From what I can tell so far, you captured his personality really, really well
On top of that, I liked that it was yet another super long part. You're doing a great job with the world building so far, keep it up! One thing I like in particular is the magic system, which seems really complicated, but engaging at the same time, so I naturally enjoyed a part filled with mages as an additional bonus to the already enjoyable storyline you're setting up there.
[Go to the Brothers Fist]
Well, Thanus did a bit of the work for me already here. He knows these people better than me and whereas the Rats seem to be a gamble and the Archbishop might be of questionable actual help, these Brothers sound like the best best, as he himself already concluded. So, nothing to add there, I think they are simply the best choice to get the aid necessary.
[Go to the brothers fist]
[Go to the Rats]
[Go to the Brothers Fist]
Alright everyone, I thought I would give you some news. I can't continue writing at this moment due to my computer currently getting repaired, which may take around two weeks. However I may decide to write a part on my phone, so if that happens I'll let you know.
Ah, no worries! Glad you gave us the update. I hope your PC gets repaired soon and I certainly look forward for the next part. If you decide to write one on your phone... well, that would be quite the feat. If you want to, sure, go for it, but that's up to you. No matter when, I am excited for this next part
How is your computer situation? Any updates?
Hello, I am aware it has been a long time since I last posted to this story (also on a different account, I lost the email for Arrodor, so my brother thankfully let me use his account) if anyone is still interested in this story I have a part ready, I hope you all enjoy it if you decide to read it.
@LiquidChicagoTed @AgentZ46 @Mathea @Nolonius @OMGitsWeasel @Lord_EAA
Darien Ashkar - - Evergreen Forest 201 AC
It was around noon by this time Darien and Kieran hadn't left yet, Darien had to change his outfit, which took a bit of time as he only had exotic clothing, he had to visit a clothing store to change his outfit, Purtle at Purts, was the name of the store, a law firm and a clothing store, which was a strange combination.
Darien equipped himself with a common white robe, which was quite baggy, he hid his jewelry inside the robes and tucked the cursed book in their as well.
He exited Purtle at Purts with seemingly no other distractions, the town was awful quiet since the grand dinner was about to start.
Darien quickly made his way to the Oakbreach gate, passing a few guardsman on the way, he found Kieran waiting for him, Kieran was wearing his ripped black robes, three large claw scars could be seen on his stomach from the outside, Darien had managed to heal him to almost full strength, but his scars would take longer to heal.
“You took longer than me,” Kieran said with his arms folded, he had a confident stance and gaze, it was clear he felt great after the healing.
“Unlike you, I had to change outfits,” Darien remarked, Kieran grinned, as Darien continued past him to the gate, Kieran followed as they approached the gate guard side by side.
“I'll do the talking.” Darien told Kieran.
“Go right ahead.” Kieran replied.
“Good evening officer.” Darien gave him a gracious bow out of respect, “Me and my friend here have business in Evergreen.”
The gate guard was a severely obese man, he looked unfit for duty. “Do you have a black card?” the guard asked snobbishly.
“We need a card to leave? Since when?” Darien asked calmly.
“On the order of His Majesty, King Garibald the Great, has requ-” before he could finish Kieran cut him of.
“Actually we do have a card.” Kieran said he then placed two fingers on the guard’s forehead and dark energy escaped his fingers.
“Oh, right, sorry, I must have forgot of course Master Kieran, you may exit.” the guard slowly moved aside as Kieran and Darien left.
Darien was slightly displeased as to what just occurred. “Was that necessary?” Darien said quite forcefully, as he stopped Kieran.
“It would've taken us a long time to get a card, so it was easier that way, I assure you the guard will be fine.” Kieran said quickly.
“Do you do that every time you get in?” Darien asked still displeased.
“Most of the time, although I don't come here often. Oakbreach is one of the last places I want to be in.” Kieran said.
“Alright, but don't do that again without warning me first.” finished Darien as they left Oakbreach.
“I'll try.”
Darien and Kieran had been walking for awhile now, they hadn't spoken much as they were both focused on their surroundings. The forest looked horrible, all the trees were burned out and the coloring of Evergreen was no longer a beautiful vibrant green, but a death charred black, similar to the fallen Aramoor.
This saddened Darien deeply, Kieran didn't talk much during their walk, but Darien was certain this disturbed him too. “There doesn't seem to be anyone around, it looks like we may have an uneventful journey.” Darien said.
“Hopefully.” Kieran remarked bluntly, the high elf didn't reveal much emotion, and Darien had to admit he couldn't read him that well, nor did he know him prior to healing him.
Darien was intrigued, he'd never heard of Kieran before today, and he seemed an interesting elf, “I'm curious, where did you learn your art? What university did you go to? The one's I know of don't teach mind control. ” Darien himself had graduated from the A’lelin School of Magic and the Arcane. “I believe, I would have met you, if you studied in A'lelin. I may be making an assumption here but you don't look much older than me.”
“I’m not, although I've only been to A’lelin once.” Kieran said, with his full attention on the forest and the dirt footpath they were following, while Darien his attention was on the conversation.
“So where did you learn mind control?” Darien asked intrigued.
“No where special. I trained myself for the most part, I met an old human along my travels though, he taught me about more than just dark magic.” Kieran said still actively observing the forest.
“He sounds like an interesting man.” Darien said, as they continued along the dirt footpath. “He passed to natural causes, he was a great man.”
“If he taught you mind control, I doubt he’s all that great.” Darien said rudely, he distrusted darkness, rightfully so considering his environment.
“Darkness isn't all that bad.” Kieran said, “I use it for good, besides that guard, I’ve killed an army of demons today, and three Volrohn. I'd say that outweighs me doing a simple mind trick.” Kieran said calmly but forcefully.
“You may be right, but I would rather see that for myself.” Darien said intently.
“Isn't one of your lead magisters a warlock?” Kieran asked Darien, still focusing on his surroundings, they made no eye contact as they spoke.
“He is, but he considers me beneath him, so I don't speak to him much.” said Darien.
“He sounds like a cunt.” Kieran said, Darien was glad he said that. “He's far more than that, my sister hates him more than me though, and he knows it. He’s a sadistic pig and shouldn't be a magister amongst the elves.” said Darien passionately.
“I'll take it you want to be a magister?” Kieran asked.
“I believe I would be a good magister, although I would never be considered for the role since I am a half-elf. Only a pureblood high elf can be a magister, they're very clear about that.” Darien said.
“I don't see a problem with you being a half-elf.” Kieran said.
“I know, you don't seem like a racist to me, you seem very driven and focused, but overall you seem like a good elf.” Darien finished.
“I'm glad you think that.” Kieran said sarcastically.
“You don't like talking, do you?” asked Darien.
“I don't want to get ambushed by Volrohn again, so yes I don't like talking.” Kieran said.
“Very well” Darien did understand this. truthfully, they probably shouldn't have started talking at all, but Darien has always loved learning about new people.
Darien along with Kieran began entering the Southern Evergreen Forest, they were both quiet and focused on the now dead forest.
Evergreen never was a great forest to live in, but it was sure a beautiful one, and now even that was taken from it, finally the forest reflected how it's citizens felt, depraved. The King of Oakbreach was not a kind man by any means, he was a selfish and lazy one, he barely cared about Oakbreach's own citizens and left his commanders and marshalls to look after them. Darien never did like King Garibald much, and he certainly didn't earn his title, there was nothing great about that man.
Darien felt a deep sadness while walking through the dead forest, he looked over at Kieran who still seemed more agitated than before, maybe Darien's magic didn't work properly, as it should have calmed him down as it had done before, those Volrohn might have gotten him better than Darien thought.
“So what's the objective out here, Thanus didn't tell me what you were doing out here, he just said to recharge the barrier. What are we meant to do after that?” Darien asked warmly.
“A very dangerous thing is what we're doing after that, if you're curious as to why I keep looking around it's because, I was hunting a Suggrosi.” Kieran finished, before Darien almost cut him of, “That must be a lie, the Suggrosi aren't even on this continent. It must be a Volrohn.” Darien said slightly worried.
“It could be a Volrohn, but that doesn't matter it will still fight like a Suggrosi. And with all these demons around the Suggrosi will be ten times more dangerous.” Kieran paused before continuing, “I already battled one of its shadows, that's why we need to recharge the barrier as soon as possible. With no demons, it will have no shadows to fight with.” Kieran said firmly.
“Well let's hurry up then, it's quite depressing being in this forest.” Darien said.
“I know.” Kieran said.
They continued on, they walked for what felt like hours, with little conversation, they slew a few demons along the way, but Kieran slaughtered them so easily Darien barely needed to help.
Darien knew the switch was far, but he didn't realize it would take this long, it was nightfall by now.
Darien had barely seen anything in the forest except ash, the demons must have gone to all the villages which was very worrying.
And then Darien smelt burning wood, and heard the sound of battle, explosives, steel on steel and screaming, nearly all at once. Kieran must have heard it to.
Kieran quickly rushed to the sound, as did Darien, they gained sight of the battle, but could only see fire in the darkness.
Darien barely made out anything in the dark, but he saw that it was a village, a burning village, and since they were in Southern Evergreen it must have been a village owned by the Melkor’s. It could be the Melkor’s fighting their enemies or demons, but did he really want to get involved with those criminals?
Kieran rushed forward to stop the battle, Darien was unsure, he didn't know if a crime family was worth helping.
[Help the Family] [Stop Kieran]
[Help the Family]
I'm so glad you're back. Though i'm surprised Xsensus is your brother. How about that? But regardless I'm so happy. This seems like the age of returning stories
Nice the story is back! [Help the Family] If we help them they might help us in return.
[Help the Family] It's the right thing to do. Even the dark magic user knows that
So glad to see this story return. Not gonna lie, I was convinced it was dead but I'm very pleasantly surprised to see that isn't the case.
Kieran is so awesome! I love his use of dark magic but I also really enjoy those around him disapproving of it.
I've gotta be honest, it's been so long since I've read the story that I don't even remember Darien and I don't have a clue what he and Kieran's goal is right now.
Darien was only in one part besides this, it was actually the last part I wrote, about 5 months ago.
They actually have two goals, one is to recharge Evergreen's barrier so that demons stop coming in and killing villagers. And the other is to hunt that Suggrosi Kieran was talking about.
Thank you for this. Agent wasn't the only one who forgot
. Infact, I think you should do a recap/summary to get everyone back into the story where we were. Or at the very least do what Liquid does in the Voting Closed announcements and remind us the last thing the characters were going to read about in the next part did.
Yes, yes, yes, haha
I knew of this marvellous return for slightly longer, gotta admit it here, but it is nonetheless still a very pleasant surprise. I'm glad you managed to return and even though you have been troubled by log-in issues with the Arrodor account (albeit Telltale Support could help you with retrieving the Arrodor account, or at least one of the mods if you wish to edit the thread with this new account, you just gotta ask them), it is nice of your brother to let you use this one. So, welcome back, I really cannot wait to see the story continuing 
[Help the Family]
Criminals or not, I see this is a case of sharing an enemy. The Melkor's might not be classical allies and once this is dealt with, they can go back to disliking each other, but as long as they have a common enemy, they should better work together.
[Help the Family]
Yay you're back! I was hoping this story would pop back up eventually.
Alright guys I got my account back.
I've been working on a new part and it should be out in a few days, I'll keep the voting open until then.
OH SHEEEZ I forgot. I even pmed you and you replied and I didn't notice a thing. Its good to see the old account back. Oh and goodluck with the next part, trust me when I say it can be hard to get one out sometimes.
Voting is closed! Darien will help the family. This definitely seems like something Darien would do, the future will reveal if it's a smart choice. His next part should be fun to write.
The next part should be out very soon it is a Narigg part, I'll give you a recap as Narigg's last part was 7 months ago.
In Narigg's last part he and Malvor crossed the Sundering Sea to Komladur to enter the portal to Earth, except they were attacked by a leviathan and nearly died. Thanks to Rothakk they lived as they were teleported to Nin Kolduhr as they were plummeting to their demise. Malvor was unconscious as Narigg brutally slaughtered the two dwarves Andron and Galthus, so the two orcs would be able to transform into them. Narigg succeeded hiding the dwarf bodies, and now appears as Galthus Sunbeard, while Malvor appears to be Andron, although Malvor is still unconscious. Narigg saw an elven figure and decided to head towards it for aid. And that is where his next part starts.
Here it is I hope you all enjoy.
@Mathea @Nolonius @OMGitsWeasel @Lord_EAA @LiquidChicagoTed
Narigg Bonecrusher - - Nin Kolduhr, 201 AC
It didn't take long for him to decide, approaching the elf would be easier. So that is what he would do.
Narigg now in a much smaller dwarf form struggled to move around as he headed towards the elven figure, there were trees blocking his view making her barely visible, he realized he was a lot slower as a dwarf.
Slowly he moved as his feet almost got stuck into the thick snow after each of his steps, he called out to the elf a few times with a voice he was not used to. She didn't hear him, something was distracting her, as she had her bow drawn and her back turned aiming at something.
Narigg continued on and picked up Andron’s mace as he headed for the elf, he suspected danger ahead and would need a weapon to defend himself.
As he got closer he heard a growling behind him as he turned around he noticed three large snow wolves all approaching Malvor’s unconscious body, Narigg reacted by sprinting towards the elf as fast as his dwarven body could, he was positive he could not take all three of them as Galthus.
Narigg’s dwarf boots trampled swiftly across the snow, as he ran towards the elven figure with his stubby legs slowing him down, “Help! Help! ” he yelled out to the figure ahead of him who was still fighting something, a wolf most likely, he repeated this sentence over and over, until he was finally close enough for the woman to hear him.
Hopefully this would work.
As Narigg reached the elven figure he realized she looked nothing like a warrior, she appeared like a completely soft elf, a wild one at that as she only wore plain leather,nothing like the elegant high elves Narigg was used to seeing. Her hair was light auburn with red highlights, it was tied in a ponytail, most likely to avoid getting in the way as she fought. Narigg was unsure how something this small would be able to protect him from wolves.
But she seemed capable as a number of dead wolves with arrows sticking out of them were surrounding her. She noticed Narigg and rushed over to him.
“Are you alright Galthus?” Selena asked directly, her green eyes looked sincere and calm, even though her body suggested hostility, her face was welcoming, she clearly cared for Galthus in some way.
“Yes.. My father.. They have him.” Narigg said exhaustedly after running towards her for minutes.
Selena narrowed her eyes as she looked towards Malvor. “Stay close to me.” Selena said, as she dashed off abruptly to face the wolves surrounding Malvor.
Narigg tried to stay close but he was too tired and she was far too fast for him to keep up, Galthus was no where near fit to be a warrior if Narigg was already this tired.
Narigg observed the battle for some time hiding himself as he witnessed Selena unleash hell upon the wolves.
Loud howling from more than one wolf could be heard as more wolves rushed Selena, Narigg slowly approached the battle in hopes of helping, it was unclear how many there were, but the elf didn't seem to be struggling, so Narigg took his time, he wouldn't have been much help in his current form anyway. The only real concern was her finding the real Galthus’ and Andron’s bodies.
They were strong white snow wolves that had attacked they were more ferocious than even an enraged orc, and perhaps even stronger than Gorglo. Selena countered this ferocity well as she had trick arrows, and was using them to trap the wolves in place before killing them. Their was a lot more to these wolves. They seemed harder to kill, it was as if they had some sort of healing factor, albeit a slow one, she had only killed three of them, and there were at least six left, with likely more on their way.
Narigg knew he had to jump into the fray, and he did so, he charged in as fast as his small dwarven frame would let him.
The wolves were closing in on Selena now, as she unsheathed both her blades. Meanwhile Narigg wielded the mace that Andron had used against him.
Narigg witnessed Selena parrying a claw, she managed to redirect the blow into one of the other wolves, the wolf howled in pain as it's brother’s claws slashed its neck, killing it.
There were a few wolves surrounding Malvor’s body, Narigg proceeded in that direction. He could hear chaos behind him, as he charged towards the wolves near Malvor.
He slammed the large golden mace down on a wolves head catching it by surprise and killing it instantly, unfortunately Galthus’ body betrayed Narigg as he wasn't fast enough to react to the wolves brother, he heard a fierce scowl, before he was slammed head first into a tree directly behind him.
He was dazed as the large snow wolf continued unrelentingly, it slashed and slashed and Narigg barely managed to block it's claws, Galthus’ body was doing no favors for him.
After an unyielding assault the wolf finally broke Narigg’s guard and lunged its teeth towards the dwarves neck, he felt a sharp pain rupture his neck as he dropped Andron’s mace. Instinctively he attempted to rip the wolf’s jaws of him, but he couldn't find the strength.
He realized he was about to die as the wolf continued biting heavily into his neck, beginning to rip out his throat. Being in Galthus’ body had severely weakened him and it was about to cost him his life.
“Rargh!!!” roared a loud voice, as the wolf that was biting Narigg crashed down onto his fat dwarven gut. Malvor had woken up. He was equipped with the golden armor that Narigg had put on him, he appeared to be sweating as his grey beard was drenched, he looked stern and furious as he pulled Galthus’ silver sword out of the wolves corpse. He looked as if he had killed more than a few wolves before he saved Narigg.
“What the hell is going on!?” Malvor screamed erratically at Narigg as Narigg lay near lifeless against the tree. “Why am I a dwarf!” Malvor shouted with spit coming out of his mouth as he spoke.
Narigg attempted to speak but failed, he could hear perfectly, even his sight was good but his voice had left him, the wolf punctured his voice box and now he couldn't speak. Narigg needed a healer desperately. The best he could do was signal to Malvor, he pointed towards Selena as her sword entered a wolf while her other sword parried a claw.
Malvor looked towards Selena before he turned back to Narigg. “The elf, I know I've been helping her. Now tell me what's going on!” Malvor hadn't noticed Narigg lost his voice. Soon his vision went too, and then he couldn't feel anything.
Darkness at every corner is the only thing he saw now, no matter which direction he went, it always led to the same place. This plane was never ending, it was driving him insane, he felt the blood inside his veins raging to get out. This went on for hours and hours, maybe even years. Was this it? Is this what death was?
Red fluid ran down Narigg’s dwarven throat as Selena’s firm hands slapped him awake. Malvor was behind her sword and mace in hand fending of wolves, with Andron’s shield resting on his back.
“Come on, wake up. We don't have time for this we need to get going.” Selena paused for a moment, she looked back to Malvor fighting the wolves before she looked back to Narigg. “They won't stop, we need to get to Komladur. ” Selena said quickly. She didn't allow him the chance to speak, even though he was unable to.
Selena thrust Narigg over her shoulder with ease, as he now rested upon her, he realized she was actually a half-elf like Rothakk had said, he thought she was a high elf this entire time. “Come on Andron! We need to go!” Selena shouted to Malvor. “Aye! Alright!” Malvor shouted back as his golden mace hit something that yelped loudly. Narigg heard Malvor’s heavy feet storm across the snow as he made his way to Selena, growling sounds followed him.
The half-elf managed to load and aim her bow with only her hand and foot, while Narigg was on her shoulders. She then unleashed a barrage of arcane arrows towards Malvor. Narigg didn't see where they landed but he heard explosions and the growling stopped as Malvor had finally reached them.
“That should scare them for now. We need to find Galthus a healer as he's already started bleeding out. It is safer if we head straight to Komladur and fight of the wolves that stand in our way.” Selena said as she continued onward. Malvor followed, while Narigg was hanging on her shoulder.
“Do you have the package for King Baldahr.” Selena asked looking down at Malvor. Narigg just now realized he never even saw the package, even after killing the dwarves. “No, Galthus must've left it back there.”
“Then I need to go back and get the package.” she said as she handed him Narigg, “Take Galthus to Komladur. We're close by, so it shouldn't take long.” she didn't give Malvor a chance to respond as she had already stormed back into the chaos.
Selena was gone now and Malvor kept moving towards Komladur while carrying Narigg, he didn't even struggle to lift him, they moved on while Narigg struggled to stay awake.
Malvor stopped walking after a few minutes and rested Narigg behind a rock, with a city of trees surrounding them, Narigg still couldn't speak which frustrated him.
“I need to tell you something,” Malvor said breathing heavily. Narigg just sat there, resting. “I know you've been out for a while, but this mission is more dangerous than Rothakk warned us.” Malvor paused to catch his breath.
“The wolves that are attacking. Selena knows what's behind it,” Narigg raised his dwarven eyebrows at this. “The Dark Wolves, Bolzoc and Nakozzon, Selena said something about them, she sounded like they were in the region. They may be giving the commands.” Malvor said nervously.
Tree branches cracked as Malvor was speaking, Narigg could hear arrows being shot, wolves howling and crying. Selena bursted through the branches right in front of them as the two were rested on a rock, a legion of wolves rushed closely behind her. She threw the wrapped package at Malvor while she fought of the wolves with twin swords, she twisted and twirled under many of the wolves attacks.
The battle was getting worse as more wolves joined the fight, Selena managed to distract them for a while with her trick arrows until a booming howl was heard, followed by another evening louder howl, it was so powerful the trees shook.
All the remaining wolves backed of, and let emerge one large white wolf clothed in silver leather, this wolf was much larger than the others, he stood at least twelve foot tall, although he was slender, he walked on his hinds and moved elegantly and regally, like an elven noble, his white fur looked obsessively groomed. His entire right eye socket was a foul green as if he had been corrupted by lye magic, there was a scar going across that eye seemingly from a sword, his left eye was colored blue.
The wolf spoke in a strange tongue to his people. “Ahzetar krer poltorsi,” He said with his claw raised. Narigg noticed his hand was charred black and had green spikes coming out of it, this creature was clearly lye corrupted.
The snow wolves jutted their jaws and growled in response to their master's command, there were at least thirty wolves behind him from Narigg’s observation, they stalked the lone half-elf and dwarves from the trees. This wasn't looking good for the three of them.
Selena visibly tensed up as she saw the wolf approach her, “Bolzoc.” Selena whispered angrily, “I knew you were behind this.” Selena said gripping her swords preparing for a fight.
“Ashkar,” he spoke with a guttural wolfish voice. “Did you really think I would let you live after what you did to me.” Bolzoc paused for a moment as he approached Selena his clawed hands placed regally behind his back. Selena gripped her swords tighter. “Lord Umbracor needs that package, and he would also like to speak with you. I would advise you against disobeying his requests. You remember what happened to your friends. Don't you?” Bolzoc questioned her as he continued approaching her as calmly as a fresh breeze. He stared at her as if she were a snack.
Selena seemed furious, Narigg couldn't see her face as he was behind her but it was very clear she wanted to slaughter this wolf creature. “You won't touch me, but I welcome you to try. I'll take more than just your eye this time.” Selena said furiously.
Bolzoc smiled with his sharp razor like teeth showing. “I was hoping we could come to an understanding, but I see you have not grown one bit, you're still as arrogant as always.” Bolzoc was only a few feet away from Selena now. She raised her blades as he came closer. “I told Voris he should have left you in the mud when you were still a child, but that poor fool never listened.” Bolzoc stopped about four feet away from Selena as he stared at her up and down. Narigg was sure she was about to attack him, but Bolzoc backed away before that could happened.
“Nakozzon, kiert rier zo” Bolzoc growled loudly as a raging large black wolf the size of an ogre rushed onto the snow breaking multiple trees as it's hulking figure stomped around, it was bloodthirsty and ravenous, it's eyes were red and hungry as it circled and stared down it's next meal, Selena. In it's large mouth it held two dwarves. It slung the dwarves beneath Selena’s feet.
The two dwarves were more disfigured than Narigg remembered leaving them, clearly Nakozzon had his fun with their corpses.
“What is this?” Selena asked almost enraged, as her eyes wandered over the mangled bodies. Oh shit was the only thing that crossed Narigg’s mind.
“What is it? Just the dwarves you were meant to protect. They were slaughtered, and now you're protecting their murderers. A strange thing to do Selena. What are you up to? ” Bolzoc asked with a deep laugh, clearly fucking with her.
Selena seemed unsure, almost as if she believed him for a second. “Just shut up Bolzoc. Let's get this over with.” she responded tensely and ready for battle.
“If that is want you want, so be it. Nakozzon your food stands before you.” Bolzoc raised his charred hand towards Selena.
Nakozzon didn't hesitate as he had clearly been anticipating killing her, he lunged swiftly at Selena with a ferocity even Zethra would find hard to match. Selena struggled greatly against the giant beast, it towered over her even when it attacked on all fours, she managed to twirl under its large claws. Nakozzon was unrelenting and remained on the offense, he continued unleashing a storm of claws mixed with attacks from his foul fangs.
Narigg stopped watching the fight as he saw Bolzoc approaching Malvor who was seated beside Narigg. It was Malvor who stood first, Bolzoc was nearly three times his size. “You will not take this package foul beast, not while I'm standing.”
“Good thing you won't be standing for long.” Bolzoc replied as he continued towards Malvor with both hands extended, his twisted claws were like daggers as he unleashed them upon Malvor. Malvor blocked the claws with Andron’s shield, although the shield was already half broken from Narigg’s attack earlier and Bolzoc’s sharp razors split the shield with ease. While Malvor was distracted from the attack, Bolzoc lunged down at him with his fangs, a green glow emitted from his mouth as he went towards Malvor’s neck.
Narigg quickly looked towards Selena and saw Nakozzon pushing her back into the rock from his unrelenting assault, she was struggling greatly, and just barely blocked his overwhelming attacks, he would break her guard soon.
The wolves under Bolzoc’s command watched their master from the shadows as he lunged at his prey. Narigg knew he had to do something, even if he was injured and couldn't speak. He proceeded to move his right hand into his pocket to grab the transformation potions that would turn himself and Malvor back into orcs. He pondered on the idea for a moment, yet he didn't want his cover blown.
[Transform into Narigg and attack Bolzoc] [Transform into Narigg and attack Nakozzon]
[Attack Bolzoc as Galthus] [Attack Nakozzon as Galthus]
[Attack Nakozzon as Galthus]
[Transform into Narigg and attack Nakozzon] We've seen how useless he is in dwarf form and the cover has already been blown. But maybe Selena will hesitate to kill them if Narigg saves her.
Man, I can't help but find it really hard to root for the Orcs after they murdered the dwarves. I really like Selena though, she's really cool. It might have something to do with me really liking Elves, but still I like her!
Ah, yes, yes, much happy
Selena did not disappoint, very much as expected there. Also, Voris and Umbracor name-dropped, I really have to submit them. I'll get to both as soon as possible, I promise it. And well, this just gave me hype, I really look forward for how things will develop.
[Transform into Narigg and attack Nakozzon]
Well, as Agent has said, Narigg is pretty much useless in his current form. However, as an orc he is a major badass and if there is anyone who can deal with these two, it's him as an orc, not some heavily wounded dwarf. Sure, this is going to be quite a shock for Selena, but if he acts swiftly and saves her life, maybe they can work together on account of her feeling a bit in his debt. Or maybe that is enough for her not to kill him, at the very least.
I'm not sure about forgiveness. They did murder two people.
Well Narigg killed them yes, Malvor was unconscious and had nothing to do with it. Of course Selena doesn't know that.
Not sure if anyone else is going to vote, but I'll keep the voting open anyway.
The next part should be out soon, it consists of two separate PoVs, Thanus and Darien. I will give you the recap of both their last parts when I close the voting.
[Transform into Narigg and attack Nakozzon]
Even though the story is still in its early stages, I thought I would ask a few questions
Who's your favorite character so far?
Who's your least favorite character so far?
What are you most looking forward to in the story?
Any tips, suggestions, criticisms, etc?
Who's your favorite character so far?
Hm, I had to read back a bit to answer this question. It is a bit early, but I consider Kieran to be super cool. Naturally, I also loved Selena, though we haven't seen terribly much of her yet. So, Kieran had the larger role so far, so I'm going to name him.
Who's your least favorite character so far?
That one's actually even harder for me to answer. I usually need some time to decide on a least favourite, yet at the same time, it is a label a character can hardly improve from once I gave it to them. I am not particularly fond of Narigg, but at the same time, I don't consider him least favourite character material yet. It's just a tendency, nothing too bad, I doubt he won't improve somewhat in the parts to come.
What are you most looking forward to in the story?
Hehe, knowing the characters I plan to submit (and knowing you know them as well), I cannot wait for them to appear. Well, once I finally manage to submit them of course, but I think they are truly something to look forward for.
Any tips, suggestions, criticisms, etc?
First of all, let me tell you how incredibly happy I am that you have decided to return to work on the story. I believe original fantasy is far too underrepresented in the forums and your world always had potential, especially as you are a very talented writer. And so, your return to the forums was as unexpected as it was welcome and perhaps I should have said this in my reply to the previous question. But yeah, tips, suggestions, criticism, I am always a bit bad at these. Let me just say, I love what you're writing here, so there's definitely a lot you do right with it
Who's your favorite character so far? Since I'm obviously biased towards Kieran, I'm going to say Lydia. I really liked her and loved the dynamic between her and Kieran. However Selena has given me a really strong first impression and we know nothing about her, so she might take over that role.
Who's your least favorite character so far? I want to say Narigg. As my opinion of him very quickly worsened when he killed the dwarves.
Sorry for the late reply.
I'm afraid that's kind of who Narigg is. He's done a lot worse in his past than just killing dwarves. Although Galthus was a child, and Narigg did not know that, he actually still doesn't.
I'm not complaining, I can accept that Narigg isn't exactly a good person. Still it's hard for me to see him in a positive light now.
Well, it has been a very long time. Almost a year actually. If anyone is still interested in this story I have a new part that I will posting very soon. I just have to clean it up a bit. Once again sorry for the very long wait.
Thanus Elric Grey-Eye - - Oakbreach City, 201 AC
Night time was fastly approaching as Thanus walked swiftly across the cobble-stoned streets of Oakbreach his silver hair tied neatly behind him. No one besides Thanus was out at this time, the streets were dead quiet. Thanus presumed they were either at the festival or in their homes resting.
Darien and Kieran would be deep in the forest by this time, hopefully Darien managed to remain disguised, if any citizens of evergreen noticed him that would mean trouble for the two. They were already in enough trouble with demons lurking in the forest.
Thinking of Darien made Thanus think of his father, Voris, which in turn made him think of the Elven people. He didn't have a strong connection to his elven brothers, he never really did, even as a child, he found himself appreciating Dark Elven culture more than his own. A thought he never expressed to anyone, even if Errvaen was a good king, he was never fond of other races.
When The One Above All attacked Osleron two hundred years ago with a giant black cloud that to this day still loomed, that was the only time the races ever properly worked together. Thanus was at the forefront of the battle against The Dark One, and even he doesn't know how they lost.
With all the gods on Osleron, Ainar, the God of Light, Essioth, the Lord of the Arcane, Anlaei, the Goddess of the Moon, even Tholsoth, the Lord of Shadows. The Twelve Great Dragons, Umbracor, Vindora, Aestrann, Udarosa, Vyrnar, Thessyra, Zalrador, Thenia, Zynar, Rhaniar, Valdra, with Sydemur being the only one to side with The One Above All, Umbracor to joined him, but that was after he had already conquered. Most of the gods disappeared after the conquering, Ainar hasn't been seen since neither has Tholsoth, Essioth and Anlaei were still here, Thanus frequently spoke with Essioth.
As for The Twelve of Osleron they were long disbanded after the many purges, they could no longer operate as a team, the Eiwoqir mainly targeted Zynar, Thessyra, Vyrnar, and Zalrador coincidently three of those dragons are missing, the three that's powers were Law, Light, and Justice, three things The One Above All has proven to be against.
Zalrador was the only one they always failed to beat he was far too strong, for even Tanbohr himself failed to best him, or at least that is what people said. With the power of the gods and the dragons on their side there was no way they could lose to a being that no one had ever heard of before, yet somehow, they did. It was something that boggled Thanus’ mind for centuries and even to this day still does. And for some reason, no one in Oakbreach ever mentions The One Above All, they never speak of him, it is like he doesn't exist, in other regions he is all they speak of, a giant black cloud still doomed Oakbreach almost always blocking out the sun, while people tried to ignore it.
Thanus himself was unsure if The One Above All was real, he'd never seen him and Tanbohr and Riftwell seemed far more dangerous, yet the Brotherhood only acknowledged the Ice King as a threat, they didn't bother with Tanbohr since he was on Zodane, he was the Dark Elves and the Flames problem. A stupid thing really, Thanus knew the only reason The Brotherhood wanted to go after Riftwell was due to him having slayed King Errvaen and King Aldric, his own father.
Riftwell was a disgusting creature and it's true he needs to be put down but undead still run rampant in Aramoor and even the Kingdom of Loyalar has undead roaming in their regions with nothing they can do to stop the undead menace.
Oakbreach of course was not without its own problems, demons were constantly waiting outside the Evergreen barrier just waiting to feast upon the souls of the commoners they were stalking, which is what they were currently doing. Thanus hated thinking about the screams and torment the commoners must be enduring at this moment, while Thanus himself was about to enjoy a feast. Darien and Kieran hopefully could stop this catastrophe and maybe The Brother's Fist, whose sanctuary Thanus had just reached.
Thanus walked past many buildings while heading for Daryn Thrak’s headquarters surprisingly there were no men out on watch just like the city the sanctuary seemed abandoned. Thanus heard noises behind a large wooden door one that was a good foot taller than him, he could hear voices mixed with laughter behind it, he proceeded to knock heavily on the door.
It took some time for Thanus to get a response, clearly whoever was in there was enjoying themselves greatly, which was unusual for Thrak the man always seemed somber to Thanus.
The wooden door opened to a stocky man, with pale skin and a bald head, he had dark brown eyes, he appeared to be in his late fifties, he wore a common white shirt and black pants, he was clearly unfit for battle as he was drunk and clumsy, he bumbled around as he struggled to speak. “AYE!” he yelled loudly and the others joined. About six men were in the building, with their swords resting on the table in front of them, yet no sign of Thrak.
“Is your commander here” Thanus asked.
“Commander? Oh,” The drunk paused, grunted and continued, “left hours ago.” he said drunkenly.
“And he just left his men here?” Thanus asked sternly. He knew the answer, the grand dinner was the reason, but still someone had to be on guard.
“What do you mean left his men here? Tis the grand festival, only time we get to enjoy ourselves.” The man said drunk and angered.
“There's no time for joy, commoners are dying while you sit here and stumble around like a fool.” Thanus said with anger he had been holding in for some time as much as he wanted to keep this civil he disliked drunks. The man was clearly angry and stood their drunkenly slouching against the door, staring into Thanus’ Grey-Eye. Thanus didn't have time for this. “Where’s your commander? I need to speak with him.”
“Commoners aren't my problem, now piss off, fore’ I knock your teeth out.” The drunken fool said furiously as he slammed the door shut.
Thanus didn't want a fight but he felt like this man could use a lesson in discipline and he needed to know where Thrak was. The door was locked as he tried opening it and soon after the men went back to laughing and talking as if they forgot Thanus was even there. An arcane blast would surely solve this problem as he was not physically strong enough to break the door. Or perhaps he could find Thrak another way, Thanus leaned more towards option one, it had been awhile since he had been in a fight, and he secretly yearned for it.
[Blast the door open with Arcane] [Search for Thrak elsewhere]
Darien Ashkar - - Evergreen Forest, 201 AC
Helping would be the better choice, even if they were criminals. It was dark and Darien could barely see, Kieran was already far ahead of him, as if the night sky didn't affect his vision.
Darien rushed through the now dead forest heading towards the bright flame ahead of him. As he was running he felt something hard slam into his ribcage as he was tackled into the dirt. Ash was now in his mouth, cold chilling ash, disgusting. Even more frightening was the figure that now held him in a head lock.
Darien heard loud commotion as he tried to entangle his attacker with vines, it didn't work. A blade unsheathed, it sounded like an Oathblade, it definitely was as he heard it sing as it flung through the air towards Kieran, Darien presumed. Followed by a loud blast that sounded like a willowing banshee. Grunts could be heard after that and then a voice followed as the two struggling came out of the darkness.
“Release him or your friend dies.” Kieran said as dark energy trickled from his fingers onto his prisoners neck.
Darien’s captor seemed unfazed by this and pushed his dagger deeper on Darien's neck. Darien could feel the coldness of the blade, it was unsettling. “I can say the same to you elf. Release my friend, or this one dies.” The burly man spoke with a rough deep voice.
“Are you sure? You do know who you are holding? I find it doubtful you could kill him.” Kieran questioned him as his prisoner struggled against his dark powers. Darien was unsure what Kieran was doing, this man had him at his mercy and Kieran was toying with him.
“This puny elf, I could snap him like a twig.” The man laughed.” What type of question is that?” he grinned as he spoke, the dagger pushed even closer to Darien's throat now, any further and his throat would be open.
“As I said, you don't know who you're threatening, even if you managed to kill him, and somehow managed to kill me. You wouldn't last long.”
“And why is that elf? You seem confident in this, what are you getting at?”
“That's Darien Ashkar you're holding, Voris Ashkar’s son, the best mortal healer in all of Osleron and you're about to kill him. You'll have an army at your throat if you do this.”
The man’s expression changed, as he quickly moved the dagger away from Darien's throat. “If I let him go, you release Kalloway.” The man grunted.
“You release him first.” Kieran said forcefully, with dark energy quickly leaving his fingers moving onto Kalloway’s face, it was just about to reach his mouth when he screamed. “I suggest you be quick about it, for his sake.”
“Fine.” The man said defeated, releasing Darien. “You're one crazy fuck you know that!” he said to Kieran.
“I appreciate the compliment.” Kieran said as he released Kalloway, and helped him up.
“Who are you two?” asked Darien, cleaning the dirt of himself.
The younger man plunged his Oathblade sword into the ground, sparks of silver surrounded the sword as he spoke “I am Jason Kalloway, former Fourth Sword of the Brotherhood and son of Connor Kalloway, of course you would know all that Darien, considering we've met before.” he spoke powerfully.
“I remember you, that was ten years ago and we were both children, I can't say I remember you greatly, but it's nice to meet you again.” Darien said looking towards the man who was formerly holding him. “And you are?”
The man shrugged. “Luthor. I ain't got a title so just call me that. You two work for Melkor?”
“No what gives you that impression?” asked Kieran.
“You're both sorcerers. Melkor has a lot of sorcerers in his ranks. You're also running towards Gullest a village Melkor owns. That's why we attacked you.”
“Fair enough, why do you oppose the Melkors? other than them being criminals of course.” asked Kieran intrigued.
“Who doesn't hate the Melkors they fuck over everyone they deal with, I'd kill everyone of those bastards if I could.”
“I've never heard of them.” interjected Darien.
“Well they definitely know who you are and that won't do you any good because they're cunts, all of them. Not a single decent person within their ranks.”
“You know an awful lot about them to know that every single person in their ranks is a cunt. To me it sounds like you worked for them.” Kieran said.
“Well shit. Was it that obvious?” Luthor said.
“Look none of this matters right now, Gullest is under attack and Luthor and Kalloway could be useful.” Darien said to Kieran.
“You're right let's keep going. If you two are done with attacking us, follow me.” finished Kieran.
The now four walked of with Kieran and Lothar leading at the front, Darien and Kalloway at the back. “Is there anything I should know before we arrive at the village?” asked Darien.
“Yes, the inn has been ransacked by Ruth she is currently holding all the villagers hostage inside. While Alora, a melkor heavy, is outside with her soldiers.”
“So it sounds like this will take awhile.” replied Darien. Jason nodded.
The four grew closer to the burning village of Gullest, Darien could smell the burning wood, it was stronger than before, who knows what this Ruth character was doing to these villagers.
Soldiers in tabards of white and green could be seen, they were surrounding the inn, the only building that was not burning. It was not swords these soldiers wielded, but guns, big halfling tech guns, presumably they were what caused the explosions, their armor too, looked tech enhanced. Darien was not fully educated on halfling tech, but he knew those weapons were expensive, and to fully arm soldiers with tech weapons and armor would cost a fortune especially with demons around messing with the halfling trade routes. These Melkors must be well connected.
“You see that tall bitch.” Luthor said to the group. He pointed to a tall Dark Elf, she had green plate armor on, but no tech, which was strange. She wielded a massive double headed black battle axe that had green flames circling around the head. She looked powerful to say the least but young, in Darien's age range most likely, that was a child for a Dark Elf.
“That's Alora, I don't know what she's doing here, she's a fighter not a leader, it's strange Melkor sent her to deal with this.”
“They have halfling tech, and a lot of it at that, how did they afford all of it?” Darien asked.
“Melkor’s as rich as they come, halfling tech isn't the only thing he has in his army.” Luthor said.
“He has an army?”
“A massive one. Some say his army could rival the Brotherhoods.” Luthor said, Darien found that hard to believe.
“We need to hurry this up, we still have the barrier to recharge.” Kieran said.
“That's what you two are out here for?” Luthor said.
“Yes, and it doesn't concern you. I'm going to shadow sneak in through a window of the tavern, and deal with the hostiles, if they flee from the building then the Melkors will have to deal with them. It will quick, it shouldn't even take five minutes.” Kieran said.
“That won’t work, as strong as you are I don’t think you can take Ruth and all of her men.” said Jason.
“I say we charge them head on. You two are spellcasters, you can shield Jason and I as we take down Alora and her men, then we go after Ruth. With the four of us they’ll stand no chance.” said Luthor excitedly.
“How about neither of those options. We should approach Alora and see if we can help her.” Darien said.
“Are you crazy! Alora will kill you. She can't be reasoned with.” Luthor said.
“And we don't have time for that. Demons are still roaming the forests murdering villagers. My plan is the quickest and we're sticking with it.” Kieran said walking of. Darien had to decide instantly. The impulsiveness of Kieran was annoying.
[Protest to go with Luthor’s Plan] [Go with Kieran's Plan] [Attempt to convince the others to go with your plan]
Hey, I haven't really read this story yet, but have you got it archived on the new telltale interactive story discord? We don't know how long the forums will stay up with Telltale closing down.
Here's a link.
I have another part for you guys since I haven't posted in some time.
@Mathea @Nolonius @OMGitsWeasel @Lord_EAA @LiquidChicagoTed @AgentZ46
Gregoss Tor -- Loral Lands, near the gates of Loyalar City, 201 AC
Arrows flew past as he easily dodged them, it was hard to see in the dark, and the rain made it even harder to fight but thanks to Lady Light's magic he was swifter than he usually is, he used that to his advantage. With a quick slash of his Oathblade the orc he was facing fell, it's blood splashing on his leather tunic, he moved on to his next opponent, with another swift slash they too laid dead.
To his right he could see Uthus Piloet slaughtering orc after orc, his holy spells too strong for them to withstand, golden light embedded their bodies before they shattered, Uthus gave Gregoss a nod, his golden eyes and hair shining as he returned to the slaughter. To his left Gregoss had Drake Jutho, his squire, the boy could barely fight but he stood his ground against the orcs, killing three before being overwhelmed, at that point Gregoss had to jump in, he easily dispatched the orcs Drake had been facing.
"You did well, but I suggest you head back to the city, this battle will get much harder from here." Gregoss said. Drake did as he said, his thin frame running towards his horse. A loud smash suggested to Gregoss that their formation had been broken, this battle had gotten harder indeed.
"Men. On me!" yelled Lady Light, her holy visage emanating towards her soldiers, the soldier’s armor glowed bright yellow as Lady Light continued her speech. "These foul orcs will not take you today! You are soldiers of the king and champions in your own right. Each one of you has proven yourselves today on the field of battle. And you will prove yourselves further. Now charge!" On her orders, the soldiers screamed, charging at the orcs who had just broken their line, the orcs ferocity, was matched with the power of light as sword clashed against axe, orc then human fell, almost in that order.
Gregoss Tor approached Lady Light, "Light, we must talk." Lady Light moved closer towards Gregoss, he could feel her holy warmth, the rain did not affect her as usual. "What is it Gregoss? You have a job do you not?" replied Lady Light, Gregoss looked at her. "I don't follow your orders Light. I serve King Lorien not you. I want to know where the orc commander is. If I take him out these attacks will stop." Lady Light smirked. "Are you saying you can sneak past his whole camp?" Sir Renault Dulain interrupted before Gregoss could speak. "Perhaps, I could help Gregoss my Lady, I am skilled at infiltration, I could get us both behind enemy lines and none would notice." Renault said to Light. Lady Light seemed amused. "Fine, but take Uthus with you two, he will be useful."
Gregoss, Renault and Uthus all rounded together as they planned to infiltrate the orc camp. "How do you intend to do this Renault? There are a lot of orcs here, I find it doubtful you will get us past all of them." Uthus said. Renault stroked his moustache. "Well, you see, I can cast a disguise spell to make us all look like orcs. All of these brutes will be too stupid to notice we're not actually orcs." Renault grinned as he finished his sentence. Gregoss extended his hand. "Make it quick, I want to face the orc leader soon." Renault waved his hand in front of Gregoss, then Uthus, then himself. All three of them transformed into large black orcs. "Unfortunately we still sound like ourselves so we must not talk while we walk through the camp." Renault said. Gregoss nodded.
The disguise seemed to work as the three walked behind the battlefield the battle still raging on. Blood and carcasses were spread all around them, dead humans, elves and orcs, it was not a pretty site, but one Gregoss was used to. After some time, the three arrived near the orc camp, they could see two large black orcs with spears in front of the gate, spikes surrounded the camp, on top of it, and around the mud.
Gregoss approached them without second thought, Uthus and Renault followed. The two placed their spears in front of Gregoss before he could enter. "Ashdautas Vrasubatlat." They both said. Gregoss looked at Renault. "Nar Udautas." Uthus said in a deep raspy voice. Both orcs let out a deep laugh and moved their spears. "Puscor Shataz." said the taller one. Gregoss nodded, as the three walked inside.
They were now out of the orcs view, Gregoss could now see the orc camp proper it was more like a stronghold, spikes everywhere, corpses, carcasses they had a lot of trophies, things they had killed just for sport. Renault and Uthus continued conversing. "I didn't know you knew Darcish." Renault said to Uthus. "I only know that word. I don't know what he said after." Uthus replied, Renault grinned orcishly, "Well, it sounded like shit ass, so they should learn a new language." Uthus laughed, "I know, I've always disliked their tongue they should just speak Orcish." Gregoss sighed. "Will you two be quiet, you're going to blow our cover." Gregoss said.
After walking deeper into the orc settlement, they all realized that no orcs were here besides the ones at the gate, the rest were on the battlefield. "Renault remove the disguise spell." Gregoss told Renault, Renault followed his command and with a wave of his hand they all returned to their original forms. "Uthus do you have your holy spells prepared?" Gregoss asked Uthus. "Always Gregoss. I don't go anywhere without them." Uthus replied. "Good, because you're going to burn this place. I do not believe there is anyone currently here, besides the orcs out front. You blow this place up and they will all come back. Do you think you have it in you?" Gregoss asked Uthus. "Yes, of course. I’ll get started, this will take a great deal of my power." Uthus placed his hands to the sky as a large beam of gold energy came flowing down, it crashed into Uthus' hands making him stumble back, his eyes shone bright pupiless gold as the energy transformed him. "I suggest you stand back!" his voice booming as he spoke to Gregoss.
"Renault. Let's go!" said Gregoss, Renault followed him as they ran back to the entrance. "How are we going to deal with those orcs at the front?" Renault asked as they ran. "We're going to kill them." Gregoss said. "Oh, fair point." Renault replied. Uthus could be seen in the background his form shifting into one of pure light, he was now a good twenty feet tall. With that Gregoss saw two orcs rushing into the settlement, he unsheathed his Oathblade bastard sword it shined silver as he did so, he took a defensive stance, Renault unsheathed his rapier. The two orcs charged at Gregoss seeing him as the bigger threat. The two spears came at him separately, he parried one spear to the left and it got stuck in the mud leaving the orc open for Renault to attack, he did so thrusting his rapier into the orc's large throat, it coughed blood as it died. The other orc looked furious, it let out a bellowing cry. "YOU NO TAKE ORC!!!" it charged spear first. "I'll let you handle this one." Gregoss said to Renault, as he pushed him towards the orc.
Renault tried to go on the offensive, but his aggression was no match for the orc. While Renault was close to the orc, it threw it's spear away, this gave Renault an opportunity to attack one he capitalized on, yet it didn't go as expected, as he thrust his rapier into the orc's chest it didn't penetrate, the orc's rage was enough for him to shrug it off. The orc roared as he lifted Renault with both hands he slammed his body hard into the cold mud, Renault shouted in pain, the orc began pounding on his face. "YOU NO TAKE ORC!!!" It shouted. While it was beating Renault, Gregoss went up and cut its head right of, his Oathblade took the head cleanly, the orc died instantly.
Gregoss helped Renault up, his leg appeared to be broken. "Sorry about that, I thought you could take him." Gregoss said. Renault grunted leaning on Gregoss. "No, it's my fault, I shouldn't haven't let it touch me." he sighed. "Lady Light will heal you when we get out of here, I promise." As Gregoss and Renault were about to exit the settlement, Gregoss noticed nearly all the buildings behind him were eviscerated by Uthus' holy magic, he also noticed a large obsidian ogre blocking the way out.
"I have to deal with that ogre ahead, I'll be quick then we'll leave." Renault nodded. Gregoss placed him on the ground, he then approached the large ogre, as he approached it he noticed its right hand had been replaced with a glowing black axe, it's entire obsidian body was covered with runic tattoos that shined a bright red, it's eyes to were pupiless red, it smelled like death.
The ogre eyed Gregoss up and down, grinning with foul teeth as it spoke "Tor! Azgar warned me about you, I can't wait to destroy your weak human body. I will enjoy eating you and your friend over there. You both look delicious, humans are my favourite meal." The ogre's red eyes grew brighter. Gregoss' Oathblade was already unsheathed. "Are you going to keep talking or are we going to fight?" The ogre stopped grinning, "I don't want you dead yet Tor, I want to savour your flesh. Live humans taste so much better." Gregoss shrugged. "Well, I wouldn't know but it's a shame you won't taste one again." He slashed the ogre's fat gut as he finished his sentence, the Oathblade easily carved through the ogre's flesh, but it healed instantly, the runes did that Gregoss assumed. "My turn!" roared the ogre. It swung its big axe hand towards Gregoss head, he easily dodged.
A large black blast hit Gregoss mid dodge it knocked him back a good twenty feet, he landed quickly on his feet as he now had two opponents to face the ogre was joined by an obsidian orc with a yellow staff, a sorcerer. Gregoss summoned his sword back to him and quickly approached the two. His sword facing them. The orc had yellow catlike eyes, it spoke in a devilish tongue one Gregoss did not understand. Gregoss charged for the sorcerer, his sword in hand. The ogre got in his way, so he slid under it and sliced into its leg, he then pierced the sorcerer in the stomach as he finished sliding, his Oathblade cut through the sorcerer's magical defense the sword entered the orc's stomach deep until the hilt reached his gut, then Gregoss made it disappear, reappear and slashed at his neck. The sorcerer teleported before he could finish him. He felt a heavy punch hit his jaw as soon as the sorcerer teleported which knocked him into the ogre behind him, the ogre held him down with one hand.
Above him stood Azgar the Foul, a tall grey skin orc, with black runes all over his body, his eyes were black, pupiless, he was heavily framed and wore no armor, his dark twisted axe was pointed towards Gregoss' legs, he cast a spell that shackled them he did the same to his hands and mouth. He then moved the axe to Gregoss' throat as the ogre held him down. "Gregoss. Nice to see you again, I see your holy friend has destroyed my place. A shame really, now I suppose I'll have to take your city as you have taken mine." Azgar looked behind the ogre. "Drolzuc retrieve the golden boy who destroyed our home and Gregoss' wounded friend too, we’ll make him watch as we torture them both, Gregoss deserves to suffer for what he's done." Azgar looked back down at Gregoss, his axe pushing closer to his throat. "It's unlikely you'll care when we kill your 'friends'. You certainly never cared about me." Gregoss had no idea what he was talking about, he only knew Azgar as an enemy nothing more they had never been ally’s, which made the orcs words even more confusing. Azgar moved his axe from Gregoss' throat, he placed a hand on his ogre's shoulder. "Drag him to the kitchen's, if they are still here, we will make him watch."
After being dragged through dirt for many minutes, he could see the orc settlement was truly demolished Uthus did his job well. After some time, he was finally thrown onto the ground. "I told you I would eat you." The ogre whispered before he walked of leaving Gregoss alone. Gregoss’ stayed there for a while before Uthus and Renault were dragged into the demolished kitchen hut, they were bound just as he was but heavily wounded, as before Renault's leg was broken, but the bruises were not there before, it seems Azgar had already started his fun. The two were both unconscious. The two were placed in front of Gregoss'. Azgar removed the bindings from Gregoss' mouth. "I'll let you decide who we torture first."
[Torture Renault] [Torture Uthus] [Don't Decide]