Black Screen Error & Can't Play Offline - Any help?
Hi, I have Back to the future game downloaded on my 2010 Macbook Pro - Version 10.9.5 OS X
When I click on the icon to play the game, it won't play. Instead a black screen appears with no text and no menu.
Any help would be appreciated! I have already tried reinstalling and running as a window rather then full screen.
Please don't tell me to contact Telltale Support, I did this 3 times and none of the staff members have got back to me. I Submitted a Request and Contacted the Telltale Support Team via email at I get no response.
This is why I made a thread, wondering if anyone knew what to do. Otherwise I have no option.
I can't even play this game offline as apparently there is an installer you need but I can't find it. I just have the option to download the game in the 'my games' section and thats it. Please if anyone could help that would be great as no staff get back to me.
Here is the screen print picture to show what I see when I try to play the game

....and please don't close this thread. Its only just opened and you need to give people a chance to see it. Theres no help if you just close threads for the sake of it. We need to keep an open discussion on errors that haven't been solved... especially as no staff members will reply back to me when I go to the Telltale Support Center and submit a ticket.. or email them.
Its now nearly a month since I have had this error of not being able to play the game online or offline. When I first got this error I went to the Telltale Support Center and submitted a ticket with the screen shots, description and I have even sent them a 'system information files' using the 'Support Tool' and they still didn't reply. I will send another one, but in the mean time I would appreciate any help if you know of a solution.