What do you think Telltale will do for Season 2?

Like Whitch are going to be playable characters, or the story, or who is going to die, you know the idea.
I personaly think that Aher/Rodrik will not be playable characters because you will not take the time to do 2 stories with different dialogs and animations each. At least they will appear in Episode 1 and then not until the last episode. I also think that you will play as Talia and maybe a little more grown up Ryon, and as Malcom in Essos and Westeros after Daenerys returns in Season 6 finale. Also, i think that the game will force you to get back to Ironrath (In Gared story), maybe adding a little of gameplay giving Gared more reasons to get back and convincing the others.
I'm actually quite scared cause maybe they will do what they did in "A New Frontier" with Kenny and Jane, killing Rodrik/Asher in the first episode so they will not go to any trouble crating so much stories based in your decisions.
PS: Sorry 4 my english :P
I think Rodrik or Asher will be there when Jon is crowned king in the north in episode 6
If they're going to include the Battle of the Bastards. It would be interesting to see Jon and Sansa pay a visit to the Forresters shortly after they retake Ironrath and request their help to retake Winterfell. Of course there's gotta be a dialogue tree to accept or decline since it is Telltale. As well as throw in more interaction.
They could also show Rodrik/Asher's and Gared's horrified reactions to Rickon's death.
I agree.