A bit tired when writing this up, eh?

edited October 2006 in Site Support
The typos can be found at this link:


"Telltale is rolling out the six-episode Sam & Max Season One starting this Wednesday with the pilot episode, "Culture Shock." The season picks up again in early '07 with the final five episodes running one a month January through May.elltale is rolling out the six-episode Sam & Max Season One starting this Wednesday with the pilot episode, "Culture Shock." Starting this January, the re While each episode will be made availble individually for purchase through our store, for those looking for a little extra (or a better deal) the complete Season Collection is the perfect fit."

Looks like someone wrote one thing, decided to re-write it, then forgot to take out the old write-up.

How it should read:

"Telltale is rolling out the six-episode Sam & Max Season One starting this Wednesday with the pilot episode, "Culture Shock." The season picks up again in early '07 with the final five episodes running one a month January through May. While each episode will be made availble individually for purchase through our store, for those looking for a little extra (or a better deal) the complete Season Collection is the perfect fit."


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