the playable characters

GoT is my fav ttg and so i wanted to revive this forum... do u think well continue the forresters? and who'll be the playable characters?? i say:beskha,gared,malcolm nd rodrik/asher (but R/A would only be 4 a little bit)


  • I think we will go Beskha as she protects Ryon and maybe Malcolm and Talia.
    I also hope we can go Ashrik and Mira but it's probably unlikely

  • They'll likely have Rodrik/Asher similar to Duncan/Royland and there is the matter on whom Talia escaped with. Gared is certain and Beskha would be likely.

  • My predictions are:

    • Gared because obviously.
    • Asher/Rodrik. I know some people think that they won't be playable anymore, but I would really like to continue their story. Even if it proves too hard to make two completely separate outcomes based on the characters and they just become the same character with different voices, I would still like to see it happen.
    • Malcolm, because it was heavily foreshadowed in Season 1. If he wasn't going to play a part in Season 2, why would they make such a big deal of his staying behind in Season 1? I think with him we'll be able to see
    • Beskha or Ryon. We have to have one of the two as Player characters, because that's where a lot of the story will be focused I assume. I don't know which of them it will be. Personally, I hope we get to play as Beskha.
    • The last one is kind of up in the air. So, I personally think we may see things from the perspective of one of the other Whitehill brothers, who have come to take over Ironrath after they drove out the Forresters. Morgryn's plan with Mira was to take her back to Ironrath. I don't think with her being determinant that she will be a player character, but maybe if we get to play as a Whitehill, we will at least see Mira from the outside if she is alive.
  • I think we will only have four playable characters for the second season;

    • Gared - His story is not done yet, first character we played and last for the first season. He's got many more adventures ahead and I cannot wait to see him going back to the Wall - he has to go back there to get to Ironrath! We might even see Finn again!
    • Malcolm - Heavily implied, why would Telltale write him out like that? We will have him as one.
    • Asher/Rodrik - Unless Telltale do the Kenny/Jane death on them, we will continue as the Lord of Ironrath.

    Now it brings be to the fourth and final playable character; this is a toughie as I think we might be in for a surprise.

    • Torrhen Whitehill/Ebbertt Whitehill - It'd be good to gain a perspective of them and it'd totally shake the game up and be amazing.
    • Beskha - Telltale won't give us "a clementine" (aka Ryon), Beskha will be the next character and it'd sorta be a Hound and Arya kind of thing. Bar fight and Ryon kills Whitehill men to avenge his house.. you can decide to let him kill the man, you kill him or tell him to leave him.

    That'd be epic!

  • It would be nice to see things from the Whitehill's perspective. If Ebbert's supposed to be training as a maester, it could be an indication that Gwyn isn't the only Whitehill with some morality. Would be nice to play as Torrhen and be the Jaime of the family. He is likely to get recalled to Highpoint regardless since he is next in line to be the Lord of Highpoint.

    Would be kind of fun to put Gryff in his place, if he survived that is.

  • Not for me, he died. Had to save Ryon regardless.

    It would be nice to see things from the Whitehill's perspective. If Ebbert's supposed to be training as a maester, it could be an indicatio

  • That sounds sick!!!

    IR0NR4TH posted: »

    I think we will only have four playable characters for the second season; * Gared - His story is not done yet, first character we playe

  • do u think Talia might be playable for the next season

    IR0NR4TH posted: »

    I think we will only have four playable characters for the second season; * Gared - His story is not done yet, first character we playe

  • Beskha, Malcolm and Gared are a given in my opinion. To cover the surviving Forrester brother, either Rodrik/Asher are actually playable, or their story will be told through Talia's perspective. Not sure about the obligatory King's Landing POV, other than that it won't be Mira. Sera, perhaps? Or maybe just an entirely new character.

  • Not entirely sure how they're going to handle King's Landing especially since it's going to have to deal with the Sparrows as well. It's a really scary thought if Sera's story ends in the Sept.

  • Rodrik/Asher
    Mira (she attemps and succeeds in escaping) of course you must have your Mira alive

    Malcolm (GoT isn't just about what happens in Westeros)

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