13 Reasons Why - Netflix Series
Hey there, I know I'm a little bit late but I finished 13 Reasons Why last night and haven't seen any TT discussions for it yet. Not sure if one already was started but if not, what did you think?
Overall, I thought it was very sad but really well done. Feel free to discuss your thoughts and I'll probably reply with mine in more detail as well.
Keep in mind, it might be best to stay away from here until you've finished the whole thing to avoid potential SPOILERS.
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I've watched the series, and I have to say in my opinion, its very poorly done.
The way the series portrays suicide is absolute shit house, the series makes it out that suicide is everyone's fault but the person who does it.
You have a problem, deal with it. That simple. No one else is responsible for you. Society isn't your keeper.
My generation seems to have such liberal thinking that suicide and depression is something that society and other people are responsible for.
13 reasons is absolutely unrealistic and offensive because it creates and promotes an idea that small nitpicky things (like shoving someone in the school hallway) justifies the outcome of taking your life.
The show is incredibly manipulative of your emotions and purely and utterly relies on the audience to agree with what is portrayed.
EDIT: I'm a 22 yr old male and I'm experiencing suicidal thoughts on and off, but I'm dealing with it and doing things to be positive.
clay and hannah • say something
i watched the show in one day!
it was so different from the book but it was different in the best way! they added so much extra info and details into the series and it thought it was executed phenomenally!
IMO I feel like there shouldn't be a second season (as its a stand-a-lone book) but with all the unanswered questions on the characters and their fates I wouldn't be surprised if the show is renewed. I would continue watching if renewed.
I get that. But I think the idea is mainly to open our eyes to the problem of bullying and how even words/actions that seem like no big deal can bring someone to a low feeling. It's not like everybody takes their life over one thing, but going through it constantly enough can make someone feel alone and with no better way out.
I'm really sorry to hear about you getting suicidal thoughts though. It's good to know you're dealing with it positively and I hope you sustain that
I haven't read the book but that sounds interesting. How the show added more information, ususally it's the other way around.
I didn't think there would be a second season either but you're right, they have left a few questions to set it up. I think the story of Clay and Tony is pretty much wrapped but then who will carry the next season?
I watched it all in one go. It was alright, but yeah it portrayed suicide unrealistically. Clay was such a stereotypical awkward "nice guy" character that's been regurgitated so many times. Overall it was still pretty good though, but definitely not worth all the hype.
It's an okay show. don't know why it's a 9/10 on imdb, it should at least be a 7.
I thought a few of the earlier things that happened didn't really seem like they should add up to "why" but I was still open to finding out the bigger reasons. Then later on there's some things that are much worse (as you know) which I thought were more "realistic". Just my opinion though, not meaning in any way disrespectful.
As for Clay, yeah he isn't really a fresh take on anyone but none of them are really. They're all pretty much like people you knew in high school and saw in movies before. It's not that they're anything original, but there's a variety of them to keep it an interesting story.
Very complicated subject to talk about.
I'm not sure if showing a suicide on a TV show is the most responsible thing to do, but for me it was justifiably horrifying to watch... actually, I think "hard to watch" can describe a great number of scenes in the show.
Outside of that, I did find the show compelling. I wish they had leaned a little harder into the idea that making the tapes was wrong.
The best part of the whole thing is the acting by some of the leads - mostly Dylan Minnette and Kate Walsh. They carry a lot of questionable writing sometimes.
13 Reasons Why sucks.
I can't believe people are treating that TV show like Gold, honestly.
I did enjoy it and liked the message of it. But I felt sorry for clay lmao poor guy. He went through tape after tape, in despair and wondering what the hell he did wrong to Hannah, then for her to tell him he doesn't deserve to be on there and that its just cos he deserves to know what's going on. If anything she should've put his tape first
I'm 3 episodes in and to be honest, I'm not seeing anything that good about it. Some of the dialogue and acting rivals Life Is Strange for cringe-worthiness. Interesting fact: Coach Patrick is played by Dorian Lockett aka Alvin.
Just finished the first season... I've never felt so empty in my life. I honestly don't know what to say...
It left a lasting impression on me, but that's gone away now. I remember hearing that it got good reviews etc which I suppose gave me incentive, but I didn't watch it until a few months after it came out.
It's interesting and worth watching for its performances, but as previously stated it definitely stretches its premise unrealistically. It emphasizes the blame on other people too much, even though it's saying that they all collectively made it so. Hannah certainly could have done much more which almost made it frustrating because I do believe the show does a good job of making you care about some of the characters.
Evidently it doesn't bother people too much that it makes you feel guilty and that is pretty much how it manages to resonate, though there is a good message behind it, so I suppose that balances it a bit.
I can't see myself watching the second season as soon as it's out, but I may watch it eventually. I don't feel like I'll be missing out if I just decide to skip it though.
I don't really know what they'll be doing in Season 2, because the main part of the story has concluded. In my opinion they should've just ended it right there, but I guess we'll find out what they're gonna do.
Well, I suppose it will be about the aftermath and the trial. It set up other things that could potentially happen and we don't know where all the characters end up, but I'm fine with ambiguity, though that's obviously coming from a lack of interest. I can imagine the story feeling bogged down by just lingering on the events of the first season.
It does feel unnecessary because as you said, the main part has concluded. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
I have watched the show and I have depression and... I liked watching the show I really liked watching dark/dramas that takes most people out of their chair (except horror XD) but there are certain things I don't agree with like:
-Three of her reasons I disagree with and I think are just god stupid ''I wish you didn't leave my room for example'' but I don't know it anymore it has been month's since I watched so maybe there is more than I remember.
-The show makes it looks like that everyone is the cause of her death and they are somehow murderes but they aren't she killed herself.
-unnecessary open plots that could've been done in one season: I swear I really start hating Netflix more on open plots than any other company out there like seriously every show I watch there has cliffhanger ending or unexplained shit for the second season. The book from what I heard was a story on it's own but Netflix somehow found a way to make more open plots than I can count with the risk in mind that a show over suicide could possible fail really bad. The first three Harry Potter movies were self contained story's with the only big open plot was Harry's scar... Sorry I am just getting sick of this.
Suicide is a hard subject to do in a show or any medium because everyone has a different view on it than the other and it might just shock people or just make them angry.
Ah yes, bullying, rape, slut shamming, and being stalked are "small nitpicky things". Surely no teenager has ever experienced that in school. How unrealistic.
It doesn't make them out to be murderers, but it shows how them being unkind to her put her in that state of mind.
I thought it was pretty damn good. It was raw, powerful, sad, but it definitely left the impact on me that it wanted. The performances were great, I thought the chemistry between the two leads were great, and I love the editing tricks they pull off with the flashbacks and present day.
I hope season 2 adopts the format that Dear White People did with its show: Have each episode center on one of the kids: Courtney, Jessica, Simon, and etc.
Why is 13 reasons why on Netflix?
I loved 13RW almost as much as I loved the book. I'm hyped for the next season.
It's was amazing. No words!
I will read the book. Already bought It.
I watched it back in September to see what all the hype was about.
Coming from somebody with severe suicidal depression, somebody who has been raped and somebody who has attempted suicide as well as dealt with people in his life contemplating or committing suicide, I think this show is fucking wretched.
I think it deals with every situation portrayed in a soulless and disgusting way, nothing feels realistic, the acting and pacing of the story is all just fucking poor, and it barely treats depressive issues with ANY respect. Shit, the show romanticizes mental illness and suicide, like it's a good thing and a beautiful thing. It's sickness and it can literally ruin somebody's life. And it's not just the fact that the show's offensive either. It's just poorly made too.
The shot composition is fucking boring, the score is disgustingly bad, the pacing of the episodes are either too fast or way too slow, it's filled to the brim with cliches that they do NOTHING creative with. It's just a fucking shitty show. As somebody with so many mental issues that have literally destroyed his entire teenage life, I'm not sure what offends me more, these corporate assholes thinking making a show romanticizing depression is a good idea, or the people who are head over heels in love with the show and think it's the second coming of jesus fucking christ.
You want a REAL show about depression that takes it's issues seriously? Go watch Bojack Horseman.
I couldn't fully watch Hannah's suicide in it's entirety, I don't wanna sound weird but that was well put together. Yah I know its fiction but goddamn
It's really realistic...
Wow sorry to hear that (hope all is well
) And I've seen multiple people having this argument at the height of the series, about how far fetched it is and it being a hopeless cash cow and Selena Gomez not knowing wtf she's talking about. imo it's really sick to publicize matters such as depression for revenue in any format.
I watched it right after it came out, haven't read the book. I was at my lowest point at the time so after I had finished the season I felt even emptier than before. But I liked it despite it's faults, the depiction of everything was so different compared to what we're used to with these dark topics. Then I started reading discussions about it and was surprised by the amount of people saying it romanticizes suicide.
I think completely opposite. Just because it handles suicide doesn't automatically mean romanticizing. These things are important to be talked about, sensitive and difficult for sure, but these things in the series happen all the time in the world. Forget the tapes, the series is based on a young adults book, aimed for young adults, of course there will be stupid things in the plot and cliches. What was important in that series was showing how bullying, slut shaming, stalking, rape, suicide and things that happen in real life too affects people; those who do it, suffer it and those affected by proxy. Their mistakes, Hanna's mistakes.
It was realistic and that makes it so horrible. The suicide scene, it's the opposite of romanticizing, there's no dramatic wailing, no sad music on the background it's just Hanna killing herself, like it happens in real life. The way I had decided to do it somewhere I'll never be found once I was done with The Plan. Really fucked me up actually seeing it happen in front of my own eyes. That was in no way encouraging it.
Definitely wasn't what stopped me, but sure halted my Plan long enough for something to happen which got me talking and getting help. Which was the whole point from the makers of the series.. holy shit I just now made that connection with my own existence.
Haven't seen it all I remember was that when I heard the premise all I could think was "damn she's salty"
You guys watched Season 2?
What You think about It?
And there it is. For a show about suicide, you really don't want that.
Damn, "Jennifer Aniston", you nearly had me fooled. But finally, your neural network slipped up and made a comment that doesn't make sense both in context and out.
The contradiction of a disinterest in school, with a few comments later having an interest in a teaching career tipped me off that this is just reading the thread title and coming up with some answer that kinda fits the situation.
Not sure how you can mess up a comment about one of the most popular netflix series in recent years, but there it is...