Changing Username - New Site Problems

edited November 2006 in Site Support
Hi there. I admit I'm not a regular forumite, but I am a regular customer so I'd quite like to sort this out.

Simply put, it started with me not being sure what my username was when I came to login on your new site. There are only a few possibilities and only a couple of different passwords, but none seemed to work. My e-mail is still registered, I just couldn't log on.

I asked to be sent a new password, which was duly sent. When I went to change it the Forum said I needed to log on, even though I'd just done so.

The little panel at the top of the page said I needed a Username. I thought I'd get to choose one - I clicked it and not much happened, save getting a tinted screen apart from a central box where part of the homepage was peeking through.

After backing up and logging in with my email, my username is now stuck as my email address! How do I change it back? And also, none of my previous Telltale purchases (the Bone games) are showing up on the Past Purchases page. What happens when I want to reinstall either game?


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2006
    Don't worry about the past purchases section. That doesn't show purchases made from the old site yet. We hope to add that info within the next few days.

    The new versions of the Bone games may activate automatically if you're using the same computer you installed on before. If they don't, click Activation Support and follow the instructions to get a manual activation key. (You'll just need to email your hardware fingerprint code to

    As for your username, this is something Doug (tabacco) should be able to fix for you. Send him a PM with what you want the username to be or just post it here.
  • edited October 2006
    If it's okay I'll have "The Tingler", or if you can't have spaces "The_Tingler" will be great. Sans the quote marks, obviously.

    Is that fine or should I PM Doug anyway?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2006
    Its better to send him a PM so he'll have a record of it.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2006
    For the record, I just heard Doug say "ah, the Tingler" from over at his desk. I can only hope that means he's fixing your account.
  • edited October 2006
    Should be fixed now
  • edited November 2006
    Yay! Thanks guys!
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