Should there be crowd play in Minecraft story mode?

This is just a little request to telltale about there being crowd play implemented in Minecraft story mode. I really enjoyed all 8 episodes of Minecraft story mode and when I found out about this crowd play system, I was really hoping it would be in the game. If there was some way to just include it into the game, that would be so cool.

But I doubt that's ever going to happen, and the chance of telltale seeing this is like 1%. But what do you think?


  • I don't think that there should be a 'crowd play' option in any Telltale game and most people don't use it anyway. I would much rather they added back the 'rewind' feature instead, and most people prefer that.

    But no, I don't think that they will add it to Minecraft: Story Mode, because I think they are just focusing on adding it to their latest games, such as Batman and The Walking Dead: A New Frontier.

  • Yeah, you have a point. They will probably not add in crowd play for any of their older games but I do hope they bring back the rewind option.

    Sophiee994 posted: »

    I don't think that there should be a 'crowd play' option in any Telltale game and most people don't use it anyway. I would much rather they

  • Well, it is in season 2. insert phrases from Crowd Play in ANF

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