The bastard king
So do you like or dislike our friend Jon Snow? Did he deserve the tittle of king in the North? Was it logical?
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So do you like or dislike our friend Jon Snow? Did he deserve the tittle of king in the North? Was it logical?
Personally I think of him as a boring character who does the minimum and gets all the good stuff(please that resurrection was s h i t).Part of his plot during asoiaf is the result of lucky(elected lord commander even if all his mates didn't trust him, defeating the other bastard thanks to Littlrfinger and yeah neather made sense to me when the man leaved the Night's Watch).So we have Tyrion, Daernerys,Cersei and this guy who are the favourite characters of the show producers so they bless them with powerful "plot armours" and bad writing to protect them from even death.
Even if in the halfway they delete other characters storyline and presence in the story(Stannis,Dorne,Greyjoys all deserved better) all to focus in characters whose personal POV is lazier to write and put on TV.Let me remember the part of Jaime's storyline when he travels across the Riverlands to put an end to the last Stark loyalists(they only brought their late version killing off the Blackfish off screen that was shameless)
I don't care if the bastard is "Azor Ahai" or whatever they want or his father was an ice dragon,little plot twist that make him less boring.
And with his proclamation as king they raped all the characters of the northern lords(see Wyman Manderly losing development to a Mormont's child) why would they follow him for defeating the bad guy? you're king that easy?When you broke the universe logic you end going down with it
I expect better from a writer such as GRR Martin
I really liked Jon the first few seasons. Ever since he "killed the boy", he became a boring and unrelatable character imo.
That said, his resurrection isn't BS (people saw it coming from miles away), nor special treatment, since other characters got brought back to life in the books, and it was quite clear that his story wasn't quite finished yet. I also don't get why you're angry at George R.R. Martin of all people, who had little to do with the latest season of the show.
Noooo mate you don't understand.I'm not angry with asoiaf's writer I'm angry with the show producers.
I sayed that GRR Martin would do better than them easily
Maybe my English is s h i t but I think that my comment was well written and understandable.
GRRM would do better because he would write the story of one season 6 years.