What is the next season gonna be all about?

So season two is confirmed, But the first episode isn't out yet, So why not try to discover or think what the first episode or season will mainly be focused on? I need to know something!


  • I mainly think it will start out in the portal network to find ivor, That or they will try to help build the town then somehow get distracted.

  • I do not think that they will use old characters (Exept jesse and...) I think jesse and... will go to another world or place and meet a new people...

  • So you think that the story is only jesse chasing ivor but gets caught up in a situation where he meets new friends he has to work with?
    Is a possible thing.

    ali1382 posted: »

    I do not think that they will use old characters (Exept jesse and...) I think jesse and... will go to another world or place and meet a new people...

  • I just hope that the episodes and story is interconnected. I feel like I was in a minority who thought episodes 1-4 were far superior to episodes 5-8, because the story about the Wither Storm held throughout, and there was something to speculate about. With the adventure pack, everything was wrapped up within the episode, and it felt like it never carried as much weight. So with Season 2, I hope they find a new overarching story to keep people invested (me at least)

  • I personally think that the self contained versus Season Narrative episodes depends on what the franchise calls for. Some series benefit more with self contained episodes, others benefit a more Season-arc oriented story.

    I tend to prefer the self-contained episodes, but again, it really varies on what the franchise needs.

    I just hope that the episodes and story is interconnected. I feel like I was in a minority who thought episodes 1-4 were far superior to epi

  • I can see that, but if they were going to do self-contained stories they could have at least brought closure to the Soren deal. I was so sure they were going to cover that in Episode 8

    I personally think that the self contained versus Season Narrative episodes depends on what the franchise calls for. Some series benefit mor

  • I have to agree. I loved the wither storm episodes because it was based off on one thing focused on: Killing the Wither Storm.

    I can see that, but if they were going to do self-contained stories they could have at least brought closure to the Soren deal. I was so sure they were going to cover that in Episode 8

  • I personally preferred the self-contained stories of 5-8. It was a bit refreshing that an episode did not end on a cliffhanger.

    I just hope that the episodes and story is interconnected. I feel like I was in a minority who thought episodes 1-4 were far superior to epi

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