Rocket's Origin Was So Well Done Here.
Seriously, never been much of a Rocket Raccoon fan, mainly because I realized coming into this I didn't actually know his Origin Story, so I found myself pretty touched when I saw the take on it, especially with his love interest. Not entirely sure if he's meant to be an actual Raccoon augmented into a sentient one as his Otter buddy was, but their breakout gave me the feels in a way I didn't think would be possible for two talking animal characters. And yeah, I totally helped her outside and told her how beautiful it was.
And then I felt totally guilty for dealing with Nebula first, and getting to comfort Rocket in his hour of loss was a nice scene. Definitely looking forwards to playing it the other way and seeing if there's any more stuff with Rocket on Halfworld in that regard. (And checking out Rocket's origin story in the comics.)
I didn't know anything about his origin story other than what was mentioned in the films. I took him to Halfworld in E2. There was crying on my end. Loud, ugly crying. Really glad I prioritized his side quest, since I was initially feeling guilty about telling Gamora her sister would have to wait.
Telltale Games should just change their name to "Just F*ck Me Up Games" already. They sure know how to toy with my emotions.
Yeah, it was the fact that the normally self centred and snarky Rocket was reduced to this genuinely sorrowful guy that made me really feel for him when he was by her graveside. I really hope that we will get more of these moments with Gamora, Drax and maybe even Groot in the next few episodes, especially if they're as well written.
And I know, right? Carly in Walking Dead, Reuben in Minecraft, Loader Bot in Borderlands... stop breaking my heart, Telltale!
Yeah. I new Rocket's origin, but Lylla is alive in the comics so I didn't expect to find myself crying.
Yeah... it was heavy. I didn't expect for Lylla to die, let alone for me to be brought to tears (well, not quite, but close enough).
I'm really impressed that the writers got me to care for and understand this already-established relationship and then make me sort-of-almost-cry about it in the span of 15 minutes.
Kudos to you, writers.
I got pretty close to crying, and I wasn't expecting that. At all.
I didn't even know how Peter should react to it. What could I even say to Rocket after all of that? What can anyone say in a situation like that? It was heavy, it was heart-wrenching, goddammit TellTale making me feel my feels again.
Kudos, really. Awesome job, guys.
LOVED IT. everything about the episode. sometimes I wish every title would get the same care this series is gettin' right now! it wasn't cringy and forceful interactions, it was ORGANIC,real & genuine. I really want to say THANK YOU to the GOTG team because lately, you've been restoring my faith in telltale ability to be as great as they were way back when TWDS1 released!
, thank you, I loved this episode. hopefully the rest of the season gets better and better. even the "what happens next" is creative and SO fitting for the guardians crew.
It is probably the most well done part of the episode my only complaint is I have been a total ass to Rocket all game and he still spills his guts to me at the end. I guess they consider each other family but it was still weird.
I assume he was just having a bad day because of those painful memories. Putting all animosity aside, he just needed someone to confide in.
I cried too.
Wow. Seems this scene really was impactful for everyone...
Let's just all cry together guys!
I get that but in terms of the game it still felt weird, I didn't pick the option but it would probably have made more sense that he'd confide in Groot right? Like I said I've been purposefully shitting on Rocket since the first ep.
Better than any of the flashbacks in ANF, that's for sure.
Ehhh..... that's plot for ya.
I did ask if he wanted Groot in one of my playthroughs, but he simply said "No. [I forgot the rest of what he said]."
This was the best part and most well implemented part of the episode.
I don't know, the Kenny flashback in Episode 4 was pretty good.
Best part of the episode, without any shred of a doubt. To agree with what Mercyva said above, nothing about their interaction felt contrived or forced, the writing and voice acting made it come off as genuine and organic. I felt more attached to that otter in 5 minutes than I did for most of the cast of ANF in 5 episodes (not sure if that's a compliment to the GOTG team or an insult to the ANF team, it's probably both).