Is Minecraft: Story Mode worth it?

I like the idea of a Telltale Minecraft game, I've seen gameplay of this game but I'm still unsure, so what is everyone's opinion of it? If I had the money should I buy it?

I'm not concerned about season 2 right now, if I did buy season 1 and like it then I'd probably get season 2.

But yeah, what are your thoughts on the game and should I try it out?


  • I recommend playing episode 1 since its free on most platforms..

  • I played the first episode but I'm still a bit indecisive, considering the cost for the entire season.

    I recommend playing episode 1 since its free on most platforms..

  • It's a fun game with lots of bemusing characters, a nice ability to choose from multiple looks for Jessie and generally good humor. The main thing to probably be aware of is that there's no too much feeling of choice and consequence in M:SM, especially more so in the second half of the eight episodes where each episode is more standalone than the first half, which is a more traditional multi episode story.

    I would imagine it will be on sale when the new season starts, so pick it up then?

  • I would wait for a sale if you aren't feeling good about the full price.

    AkiEerie posted: »

    I played the first episode but I'm still a bit indecisive, considering the cost for the entire season.

  • Ah okay that sounds like a good idea, thanks!

    It's a fun game with lots of bemusing characters, a nice ability to choose from multiple looks for Jessie and generally good humor. The main

  • Sounds like a good idea, the full price right now is a bit much I think, I hope that they release it for free during PS+ like they did with Tales from the Borderlands, I doubt it but I can dream haha.

    I would wait for a sale if you aren't feeling good about the full price.

  • edited June 2017

    In my opinion there are plenty of TellTale games I would recommend before Minecraft Story Mode. I would play Tales from the Borderlands​, The Walking Dead, or The Wolf Among Us, and if you love those games and want more TellTale decision-making action, then go for it.

  • Ah nice, I can tell you like it a lot haha. Well if I have the spare change to spend I'll seriously consider it.

    EpixStorm posted: »

    It is! Check out my thread Why this game is just awesome

  • Yeah I played Tales from the Borderlands and loved it, I played a bit of The Walking Dead too and enjoyed it, haven't checked out The Wolf Among Us though.

    In my opinion there are plenty of TellTale games I would recommend before Minecraft Story Mode. I would play Tales from the Borderlands​, T

  • edited June 2017

    Tales from the Borderlands is closest to Minecraft story mode in tone since both are pretty light-hearted, as opposed to The Walking Dead or The Wolf Among Us, which are darker and more serious. So if you prefer games that are less gritty you might like MCSM.

    However, The Walking Dead is my favorite TellTale game of all time. It's what got me into TellTale, actually. The ending is by far the best ending to any TellTale game ever.

    The Wolf Among Us is excellent as well. It has my favorite playable protagonist of any TellTale game, and it's 1980's neo-noire atmosphere is just great. It's awesome. Play it.

    I'm a TellTale junkie and play all their games, and while Minecraft Story Mode wasn't terrible, it was a lot weaker than their other games in my opinion. I would play these games first.

    Edit:. There's also Game of Thrones that was pretty good but requires you to watch the TV show first. Also I haven't gotten around to playing Batman or Guardians of the Galaxy yet, so I can't recommend them.

    AkiEerie posted: »

    Yeah I played Tales from the Borderlands and loved it, I played a bit of The Walking Dead too and enjoyed it, haven't checked out The Wolf Among Us though.

  • Ah okay cool, I'll consider both The Wolf Among us and finishing off The Walking Dead.

    I've read and watched the Game of Thrones series and played a little bit of the first episode, I don't know why i didn't finish it but GoT will probably be the next one I buy considering the fact that I already love Game of Thrones haha.

    Tales from the Borderlands is closest to Minecraft story mode in tone since both are pretty light-hearted, as opposed to The Walking Dead or

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