Who Here Has Social Anxiety And/Or Awkwardness?
Just a curious question.
I don't want any hate here!
Everyone has problems, just some are different to others.
There's no need to feel bad or to pick on others!
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Just a curious question.
I don't want any hate here!
Everyone has problems, just some are different to others.
There's no need to feel bad or to pick on others!
Most definitely. I sometimes tend to get mixed up and stutter.
Guy: Hello, how are you?
Me (getting tensed up, quick say something): Hi, how are you?
Why can't have a choice tree in my head pop up every time?! ;___;
Anti-social to an extent. Hell, I had to do a speech today so it's a hinder.
Yeah but things are getting better. I just try to remind myself that most people are good and im generally safe, its hard sometimes.
Most definitely. I'm horrible at making small-talk and I overanalyze everything either before or after I say it. How it's legal for me to talk to people makes me question my faith in America.
If it counts as a social anxiety, I really don't know how to make friends. As a child I always persuaded myself that I'm fine on my own, but going through teenage years has proven me wrong. Now I seek friendship... and keep failing at that.
I'm a type A girl and I'm trying hard to befriend my classmates but they only seem to use me because I help them with homework. We do hang out together sometimes although I always feel out of place. We can't get close for some reason. I see how well they get on with each other and constantly get jealous and angry.
Basically, school is my main society. I barely know anyone outside it. It looks like I can't even build relationship unless it's neccessary (like in school).
I tried making friends online and failed again. I'm either interested in someone who doesn't care about me and the other way around. Every online chatting I start slowly fades. I just get left with nothing.
I have no idea what do I do wrong. Nobody called me boring or anything. I have a good sense of humor and I can be really talkative when I'm in the right mood. But people don't want to get to know me better for some reason
Maybe I look too introverted and it drives them back?
I do, cripplingly so. I rarely leave my home and when I do, my wife always does the talking. It's one of the many reasons I'm on disability.
I cry when my last resort is to ask a store employee for help.
Ain't it fun
Ain't good to be on your own
Blah blah blah
Ain't it fun that. Blah blah blah
I sometimes stutter and say half the word of what I wanted to say. Jesus that is emberassing me all the time.
I'm not a part of this system .
I usally throw these on the ground .
I do and it makes every aspect of life way harder than it needs to be
I think you're interesting online!
By the way, what did you get for question 12?
Just kidding, but I am always happy to read your posts. People might want to get to know you better if you try to get to know them better first.
Google glasses in the future will have a telltale GUI whenever someone starts talking to you XD
For me, I find it easier to talk to someone if there is a good reason or need for it... Not that I excel at it though...
Lee gets on by only because he has to talk to people to survive. But before that, he was pretty anti-social considering he murdered someone....
Y'know, it's considered normal now-a-days for kids to only know people from school because... SCHOOL IS SO IMPORTANT OMGZ!!
Making friends is hard. But you shouldn't be friends with people for the sake of it if they only use you. That defeats the purpose.
Besides, there's nothing wrong with being introverted! It's just part of who you are.
It doesn't mean your an anti-social freak, it just means you need some time to yourself every now and then.
...It will also let you know if someone will remember what you just did or not...
"Hi, how are yo- * trips over * Woah!"
"Phew, they're not gonna remember that!"
How did you manage that?!
Without revealing specifics, me
Well, that doesn't mean he was anti-social. He didn't deliberately set out to kill them...
It takes time to get used to a crowd. I had 3 speeches so the first two built up my confidence which made me manage to do way better on my last speech.
I guess so...
One of the definitions of 'antisocial' according to www.dictionary.com is:
Not me, personally. I'm very open and outgoing, but fake people make me anti-social.
Kind of, I range from mildly awkward to unable to communicate. I can carry a normal conversation on most days, but I rarely ever initiate them. Despite that, I've still managed to make friends in the past, which means that I'm not unable to talk to people, I'm just too damn shy. However, most of these friendships didn't last long, mainly because I involuntarily neglect them by not talking to them (or rather seeing them) outside class. Almost all of my friends are childhood friends, and they live at the opposite end of the country, one of them even farther away. I haven't seen them in months.
However, all that is on a normal day, with enough sleep and coffee. On bad days, I feel like everyone is judging me and everyone is laughing at me. It's not true and I know it, but I can't help it. And speeches in front of the class are still horrible to me, even though I can talk normally to the teacher and other people while sitting in class. I did a speech in front of a relatively small class recently, and I thought it was relatively good (by my standards), but the class obviously did not think so, because I did not to get any applause, not even a pity one by the teacher (ouch). That shit really triggered my anxiety, I have to say. Was not a good day afterwards, and I was sick the next morning, not even just excuse "sick" in "I don't fucking want to get up", but actually sick.
What it boils down to is that I'm a bit awkward, but otherwise able to talk to people at the best of times, but a complete wreck on bad days. For what it's worth, I mostly have normal days. My problem is that I simply can't start a conversation. I'd probably be able to carry it, but not start it, which makes meeting new people very difficult. It also doesn't help that I can't seem to force myself to do more than the mandatory class time, sometimes not even that, and that I rarely ever suggest going anywhere to the few friends I have.
Yeah, I have social anxiety and general anxiety......it makes life exhausting.
I have social anxiety. I'm not really good with people, as I start mixing my words but also start sweating out of nervousness. It really sucks, as I really wanna have a proper conversation with somebody, but failing miserably in the process.
Same here dude, I can talk to people, I just can't initiate any conversations. Sometimes I want to start a conversation with someone, I just simply don't know how. It's weird, but we gotta deal with it.
I've been a bit less awkward recently, considering that I had my first relationship and stuff. I'm the type of person to open up to someone too easily, sometimes I open up to someone just a few days after we meet, but after seeing what people are like, I prefer being alone (I don't wanna sound edgy or anything).
Hobbies help. Some things can help you get your mind off negative stuff. Personally, I like to draw, play videogames, watch TV Shows, listen to music, work out at the gym and walk/jog really late at night trough my neighborhood.
I have no trouble of talking and meeting with people but my enviroment is sometimes making me sit on my ass all day.
I wish I could draw but my clumsiness on drawing made me not trying it anymore
Especially going on gym and/or long jogs and walks helps. My problems are going down when I walk 8 km through the coast. Its really peaceful in this stressful world.
When it comes to drawing, you gotta keep trying. If you look at some of my art in the TWD Fanart thread, you can see what I can do now. Hell, I'm still working on improving my style. Nothing comes by itself.
All I'm working with is a long-ass road with fields and trees around them, but I guess that's peaceful as well...

(pic taken at 4:30am, sun is about to rise lmao)
R.I.P picture I cant see it
That's odd. I'll see if I can fix it. Do you see it now?
Still. Nevermind
Well it's nothing special, so you didn't miss much anyway.
Really pretty.
10 minutes separating you from 4:20 tho