Season 2 NEWS possibly in July

So i saw this Tweet from Job J Staufer if your not seen it here is the Link
As you see Job says "TTG Works On Some July Surprises" Maybe he's Hinting at some News on Season 2 i don't know but what do you guys think.
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I doubt i, because he said the 'core' fans have been waiting a LONG for this so it's probably going to be TWAU.
But he said a Couple of Surprises so TWAU and GoT could be them
Yeah, but i think GoT could be considered a core game.
I hope so.
No since most of telltale fans ask for TWAU S2, Tales S2 I don't see many asking for GoT S2
Tales is Overrated and a piece of Shit. The only reason people loved it was because its popular. People love stuff that's popular so they could be apart of the HYPE train
To be honest I would rather have a second season to Tales then TWAU
Weird, I thought people liked it for its characters, well written story, humor, pacing, impactful choices, voice acting, surprisingly emotional moments, consistent 2 hour long episodes, and overall enjoyment and quality of the game.
When Telltale first announced Tales from the Borderlands the majority of people on the forum hated the idea as "you can't turn a FPS shooter into a point and click game", once it released and people became attached to the characters and story it quickly became a fan favourite because of the writing and characters and not because the Borderlands franchise is popular.
Tales was not that bad,it was actually entertaining for me.Rhys was a great guy to play
Lol, no. Tales of The Borderlands is amazing, and I was never even really a huge fan of the Borderlands main series.
Batman and Tales are by far the two best Telltale games, imo.
Tales sure but Batman was awful and generic. The story was a trainwreck, the characters were boring etc.
Tales, TWDS1 and TWAU are the best Telltale games
I was one of them, Borderlands has usually shit stories and characters but they really delivered in that regard with Tales
Definitely agree to disagree with Batman, lol. The story and especially the characters were amazing, and the decisions you make actually matter.
If anything, it's TWAU that I didn't really care for. Definitely my least favorite, or one of them.
Do you really think its worth waiting anymore? I mean come on its been 2 years+ and nothing (even a screenshot or an update)..
Wont be surprised if the july surprise is minecraft s3 smh...
Damn telltale..
We must keep hope alive :•)
you know what, lets spam their twitter/fb, last thing to do lol
Telltale: We're SO excited to announce Minecraft: Story Mode seasons 3, 4 AND 5!!! We love listening to the fans!!!
and we always love to make games you enjoy the most
with the best plot
They are pretty much starting to tease season 2 in the form of a minecraft story mode achievement
you feel it right?
They even promoted some youtubers playing game of thrones s1 on twitter.
Now this trophie ^^
Damn i think we're gettin' closer
Hopefully this will be a good sign.
Check out my new thread
Is this the final waiting brother?
It seems there’s been a lot of potentially good signs lately.
Ive never thought Id live to see the day TTG releases GOT Season 2
well, you arent lucky if you are the one waiting since 2014, im lucky cause i just discovered the game (with ps plus since it was free i gave it a try) and i was amazed.
Despite the fact i dont watch the GOT tv show i liked the game, now 1 week after i finished it, news about s2 coming :P :P :P thats luck lol.
Ive been waiting for season 2 since before season 1 finished. I only started watching the show because of the game and its really great.
I would start it but some reviews say that its way too long (1 hour per episode) and its like bad for yourself in a way.
I love the game too though
Until Telltale releases a promo poster and/or screenshots, then we drink in celebration like Robert Baratheon.
It will be a feast. Worthy of the Red Wedding.
i see the realease date announced either this month (due to the surprise tweet) or november and after
I imagine there going to aim to get GOT season 2 out before season 8. Otherwise they'll miss the hype train money. So no surprise there.
A good sign indeed
The teaser is coming...
That's me (edit: check who liked it)
Nobody asks for GoT S2 because TTG confirmed S2 to be happening way back when S1 ended in 2015. There never was a reason to ask for it, other than the silence for over a year.
We're so close to either the best news ever or being massively disappointed. Oh, I'm getting nervous.