Do any fans of Mature TT games recommend episode 1? (No spoilers please)

I've been a bit iffy about buying season 2 of Minecraft. I fairly enjoyed the first season (never played the dlc though). Is the first episode looking better than the first season, about on par, or worse?


  • edited July 2017

    I say if you enjoyed the adventure pass (you should play it, it's great). You'll like what the premiere has to offer. It not only improves the series previous game play mechanics (non QTE based combat, crafting), but keeps the sharp writing from the adventure pass. I chuckled quite a bit although I did find Jack tiresome at times. I don't think if you hated story mode it'll change your mind, but if you want a fun 2 hour experience for 5 bucks you could do so much worse.

    TLDR - Yes, In my opinion it's much better than the wither storm arc.

  • It's on par if not slightly better. Combat is much much more dynamic, you actually have an opportunity to build something, good dialogue

  • I was actually really pleasantly suprised with it. It's charming and the choices are fun, and the music is above any telltale game ive played. I think you'll have a good time, oh also you might wanna play the dlc before this.

  • I do. I liked it a lot better than the first episode, actually. Jack's a really cool character, I like him.

  • A little late for this but wanted to post my opinion. The short and simple answer imo is yes telltale actually focuses on gameplay which makes the game amazing from the combat to some of the hubs you can tell they took feedback from ANF and are putting it into thier future games so yeah give it a chance.

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