I'm surprised

So three days ago they launched Minecraft story mode : Season 2 and which i was excited for since season 1 was the best game ever. But the wolf among us desrved better. I'm just starting to think you are not caring about your best work. Don't hate on me when i say this but i think the wolf among us is better than the walking dead. In fact they are all good but isn't just season 1 enough? Like even when episode 6,7,8 came out in season 1 it seemed like they were stretching the story. in fact I'd like batman to be like a better hype when you like include other people and problems that happen but im shocked that you ar eworking with one of the worst video game companies. I think if notch still owned mojanj the game would make more sense. The wolf among us needs to be focused on and trust me when i say it will go viral. And i didn't mean any hate for the younger audience that need stuff like that but mojanj/Microsoft is messing things up. Also i love telltale and don't expect me to hate on anyone because of what they love. You can old people dancing and i don't care, it you, and that was my opinion. Like from this screen shot it tells me that the story makes no sense
what is this
you can clearly see that the thing in jesses hand is a stretchout and like since in season 1 there were stores thtat sol body parts why couldnt he remove that thing by cutting his hand and building a new one. HONESTLY IF MICROSOFT MESSES UP TELLTALE IM GOING TO BE REALLY MAD. But anyways, this is my opinion.


  • Translation: Why Telltale won't make the game i want?

    Stop blaming Minecraft for the reason why there is no wolf among us 2. Its immature, and you were not promised a season 2 to begin with.

  • Well, i should've said i didn't play the game and i wasn't thinking enough if the game would be perfect, it was, i finsihed episode 1 yesterday and i gotta say both of them are good but it has just been a while since we got true telltale content (No Hate to you And no hate to telltale)

    Translation: Why Telltale won't make the game i want? Stop blaming Minecraft for the reason why there is no wolf among us 2. Its immature, and you were not promised a season 2 to begin with.

  • Minecraft Story mode sells 10 times (being kind here) more then TWAU did so ofc it got another season. You are kinda taking a shit on those that are trying to enyoj the game. Like It´s Minecraft story modes fault.

  • Hey...I don't know if you'll read this, but..please, Just let Telltale do what they want! It is their company after all! Since Minecraft Story Mode Season 1 was one of their best sellers (especially on mobile) they made a sequel so that more of it's fans could enjoy the game with another new story! Telltale is a really strong company, I am sure of it, I don't expect Mojang to ruin it in any way! Thank you for understanding. ^^

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