'Dragonstone' Episode Discussion
Season 7 hype! Let's go boy.
Doing this to contain discussion, this should be a good, albeit long one.
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Season 7 hype! Let's go boy.
Doing this to contain discussion, this should be a good, albeit long one.
Comment before, while, and after you watch.
Sandor motherfacking Clegane is facking back! I can already give this season a 10/10.
Fucking amazing start. Quite possibly the best one yet.
And I mean, without spoiling the promo for next week, next episode is gonna be fucking lit.
I thought it was a great start
I thought it was quite bad To Be Honest. First of all, Arya telling everyone she is going to kill the Queen in front of Lannister Guards was Awful its just another Feminist move by D&D. What pissed me the most tho was Cersei and the way her character was treated. First she doesn't care about Tommen dying now and wouldn't Cersei not be going insane and Scared now because of the prophecy. And Jamie is getting annoying now he should have left Cersei like he did in the Books really. Just show's you that D&D have no material left and is continuing shitting on Martin's great world and characters
Cersei is upset about tommen and she's knows it's her fault he's dead but Cersei is a bold woman and is most likely lying to herself abot Tommen death to make her feel better for example she called him a betrayer, Jamie on the hand is probably going to die soon so I don't see might thing happening for him, Plus what's wrong with a like bit of ferminist?
Plus deep down Cersei's scared of the prophecy
A decent season premiere. Was it really necessary for Sam to have a soup and poop montage?
That was great though
I thought it was nice. Not a lot has happened, but that is to be expected from the first episode where it is mostly a setup.
Still worried about Sansa. Granted I agree with her point of view that Karstarks and Umber should be punished in some shape or form and that those who fought with Jon should be rewarded for their effort. Mercy is nice, but you need to show your authority and not be soft.
I think it was a great start for the season. Not perfect, but there wasn't really anything I disliked, and there were a couple scenes that I really loved.
The cold opening of Arya with Walder Frey's face was magnificent, and possibly even my favorite scene of the episode. I've seen some comments about how she shouldn't be able to have Walder's voice, but that actually follows the logic of the show established earlier - remember Jaqen (or No One) being a black man with a completely different voice and accent before he revealed his face to Arya in season 5? Anyway, the whole Faceless Men magic's rules and how it works is a bit muddled, but nontheless I really liked this scene. And Arya's other scene with the Lannister soldiers (and Ed Sheeran) was a decent one as well. It was nice to see Lannisters that aren't complete dickheads.
We didn't see much of Bran, but his vision of the Army of the Death was nice (jeez, giant wights are coming), and I also liked the short scene he had with Edd, and how he has become this almost all-knowing being. Can't wait till he meets his family again
Sam's scenes in the Citadel were okay, nothing phenomenal. The poop montage, as weird as it was, was kinda funny though
And it was nice to just see more of the Citadel and it's everyday life. Oh, and Jorah peeking from his quarantine to ask if Dany has arrived was great.
The scenes in Winterfell were pretty good too, and I agree with Jon's decision to accept the oaths of the young Karstark and Umber. That said, I do see Sansa's point of view as well, and I think Jon should listen to her. However, in this case Jon is in the right, imo at least. It's still so weird to see Littlefinger creeping in Winterfell though... I wonder what he has in mind.
I'd say the scenes with the Hound and BWB were one of the highlights of this episode. I really like where they are going with the development of these characters, and the Hound seeing a vision of the White Walkers and their army was a nice touch. As was him burying the people he stole from couple seasons ago
King's Landing stuff was decent too, and it was to be expected Cersei and Euron would become allies. I also think Euron was much better in this scene compared to the Kingsmoot. I've got a feeling he has a great season ahead of him. There were also some hints of breaking out between the Lannister twins, and I really hope they follow that thread as the season progresses. I'd love to see Jaime finally leave Cersei behind.
Finally, there was Dany arriving to Dragonstone. A fine sequence, with some magnificent shots. However, it didn't quite have the punch I expected, perhaps because we had seen so much of it in the trailers already. In the end though, it doesn't matter, this episode did its job setting up the season and left me eagerly waiting for the next episode!
I'd give 7x01 "Dragonstone" a solid 8/10. It was perhaps a bit more of a typical premiere than I expected (based on the season being shorter), but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The story moved forward just enough, and everything is now set up for what I hope will be a great season. In terms of premieres, "Two Swords" from season 4 is still the best, but this one is definitely one of the better ones.
I love the scene with the Hound. It was a great humanizing moment for him and to show that he has changed. The Hound's story of redemption and inner turmoil is one of the stories I enjoy watching.
Indeed. This episode really convinced me that bringing the Hound back to the story was a good decision from D&D. That said, I have a bad feeling we'll see him (and Beric and Thoros) die later this season
It wouldn't be Game of Thrones without feeling the sheer fear and dread of a beloved character's possible death. Let's hope if the Hound dies, then he goes out in a blaze of glory.
All three of them? I don't know about that. I get that GOT has a reputation of killing characters that seem important but it just seems odd to kill every character from that plotline.
It's just that this particular plotline is heading towards the most dangerous place in the whole story. And the way they talked about death and why have the gods kept them alive... I just feel like that is a set up for them getting heroic deaths in the hands of the Night King. I could be wrong of course, and I'd certainly love for them to stay alive to season 8.
Pretty weak to me. Arya's scene killing all the Frey and the King's Landing one were great. But the other scenes did not make me fell anything. It was 4-4.5/10 to me. But I'm sure that the rest of the episodes will be amazing.
Kind of surprised that the Baratheon stag is still on King's Landing during the opening credits. Now that the Karstark and Umber houses are led by kids, I can see why Jon spared them. Makes me wonder what became of the Whitehills. Hopefully we find out soon from Telltale's end of course.
That's what war brings child's leaders.I expected Smalljon's betrayal last season on Ramsay Snow(not him dying for the boltons).
It was a shame truly;beyond that the Umbers and the Karstarks deserve to be punish if not Stark rule will never be secured.
I hope that Last Hearth and Karhold will be given to Stark loyalists,ejem ejem House Forrester.
Nice episode,I pray they keep the level on the season
Absolutely...I loved this episode...and The Hound is one of those characters I hated at the start...but now I just love...and really...The Hound would only ever go down in a blaze of glory.
That was hilarious and very important for the plot.
The episode was nice! I give it a 8/10
Westeros is doomed !!
im thinking beric s definitely dying since he s already dead in the books
Unecessary spoiler...
The episode was ok but there were many plot holes and illogical things that happened.
2.Why didn't Davos say to Jon that there is a place called dragonstone where there is dragonglass which Jon desperately need.
So cersei and Jamie know that Danny will capture dragonstone and what do they do? Nothing. This is mist be the dumbest military tactic in the show.
Why didn't Euron take an abandoned castle called dragonstone? This castle will occupied by his enemy. This map shows that Euron had to sail by dragonstone to get to kings Landing. He sailed there twice, when he came and when he left, it didn't come to his mind to take Dragonstone?
How do we know its two weeks? I know she says fortnight, but that is referring to the feast the Frey's had with the Lannister's, not to when Arya arrived. For all we know it could've been like couple days. And how do we know those are all the Freys? It's just a roomful of Frey's, there could still be some who weren't there. In general, of course pulling off something like that requires some supension of disbelief from the viewer, but that's why we had Arya training this shit for two seasons. She is op, but it's earned.
Perhaps Davos doesn't know about the dragonglass? Idk, good question, didn't really bother me personally though, especially since obviously we are getting that plotpoint by other means anyway.
Well what could Cersei do exactly? They learn about Dany's arrival too late, and they don't have a strong enough fleet to challenge Dany's armada (especially with the dragons). Now Euron has joined them so they have the fleet, which will no doubt lead to a naval battle.
It wasn't abandoned anymore at this point (pretty sure the scenes aren't always in exactly chronological order). And it's not like Euron sailed right past it anyway, because he came from the south, and Dragonstone is close to the northern coast of Blackwater Bay.
4.Even if Euron sailed from the south, he would pass by The Gullet which is near to dragonstone so there is no excuse for him not taking Dragonstone. When danny arrived, Dragonstone was abandoned and no one was there.