With the announcement of Season 2 of The Wolf Among Us (coming in 2018, hopefully), there are many questions that are hopefully going to be answered in the coming season.

Like, who WAS that woman at the end of Season 1? Who is going to be the main villain of this season? Is there going to be a budding romance between Snow and Bigby, or are we going to remain in that pre-comics stage of their relationship? What happened to the characters we DIDN'T kill (like Dee.... or was it Dum? I can't remember...), and to characters we met once but never saw again (like Tim). How is the economy going to be with the Fables now that the Crooked Man is gone?

And another, but less important question, is; are we gonna see more of that mirror? Cuz he's awesome! XD


  • i really want to know if fabletown is still afraid of bigby (if you chose to kill the crooked man) and if this will affect the relationship with snow.

  • Since TTG is kind of going along with the idea of this being before the actual Fables comics (and correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm certain that Snow and Bigby are already technically in a relationship in the first comic) I doubt it'll affect their relationship too greatly, and I'm not certain about this either but I think there may be a bit of a time jump and (once again, knowing TTG) Bigby's (or your) choices will be mentioned, but I dunno if they'll have that great of a factor in the next season.

    And yeah, I have no doubt that Fabletown will be and most likely still is afraid of Bigby. You gotta remember, he's basically a great terror in the fairytales. Even when Woody gutted him and filled his belly with stones, Bigby still managed to find a way to survive it. That in itself is scary

  • You are probably right but in case the second season takes place in a time not too far from the first it would be nice to see more importance of the choices we had taken.
    If, however, we are talking about a second season that takes place long after the first I would at least see some mention of the choices made, maybe the main ones as I said earlier, for example, have killed the crooked man or not.

    Since TTG is kind of going along with the idea of this being before the actual Fables comics (and correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm certain t

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