I think i know why we didn't get any NEWS?

So its been a couple of days since Telltale had they're Summer Event and like most of you i was pissed we didn't get any news, but let me tell you why i think we didn't get any news.
So lets be honest Telltale probably don't have any real footage to show yet, What i mean is Audio or Gameplay yet, So this is probably the first Telltale game they have to work on for a very long time because of the Choices and that. I think now they're starting to Record Audio now because if you think about it some of the Voice actors have been Teasing it. So yeah i do believe it's taken them 2 years to sort out the story and Choices and they have been quiet about it so yeah.
So guys don't worry i'm sure they're starting to record the first episode and they probably will reveal a Teaser or trailer at The Game Awards this year. I think they were only teasing GoT is because they wanted to let us know that its still in development instead of saying it. Am i a crazy or does anyone think that's the reason that we haven't had any news.
So that makes sense cause 26/8 actors are invited propably to discuss voicing for the game.
Yeah, They will probably begin doing voice work for the game on that date or some time at the beginning of September to i would say December time. or they probably have discussed it on a Skype meeting lol
But how many months to go for a trailer?
c mon its been too long
If we don't get one in December during the Game awards i would say E3 time or at next years SDCC
which game awards bud?
The Game Awards in December, Telltale always announces some new Shit there. Like in 2015 it was Batman S1 & TWD: Michonne. Then at the 2016 Awards show it was TWD ANF & Guardians Of The Galaxy. So it would be pretty weird if Telltale don't show up and announce something at this years show
Well, Wolf 2 had no new footage, or audio from Season 2.
Im betting that both Walking Dead and Wolf are still in the planning stages, but have been confirmed to be worked on.
As for Thrones, yes, I do think that it was sad that nothing was shown or talked about. All that promotion for S1 can't just amount to nothing. I'm betting that they're finally planning out all the licencing and voice actors on board for it.
Yeah, and they're probably beginning to start Recording real soon i bet, Wouldn't expect a trailer until the Game Awards
hope is only we have left
I want to believe it's because they had nothing substantial. Maybe they didn't have it in that video because they've technically already announced it and that video was for 'new' announcements?
I'm not gonna put much stock in 26th August. I think it's honestly just an informal meetup.
It's not even that hard to work out the choices for Rodrik/Ashers' storyline at least.
I hope this is the case and there is the matter of getting the actors from the show.
Could it be theyre waiting for the show to conclude since we have an end date basically.