What are your Early Predictions for SEASON 2

I know we're probably a few months out from any new NEWS on Season 2 but what is your Early predictions for Season 2. What i mean by early predictions is what Characters you think will be playable and what the story could be about.
My Predictions on Characters to play as are
Morgryn possibly
and maybe a Whitehill Family member
And my story predictions are
EP 1 & 2: The characters are gonna heal and that over the War of Ironrath leading into Determinet characters deaths like Rodrick/Asher/ and Mira.
EP 3 & 4: The Characters will reunite somehow and start to think of a plan to Retake Ironrath and all that
EP 5: will be them getting ready to retake ironrath somehow
EP 6: Will be The Forresters retaking Ironrath and we'll have Multiple Endings. One Ending where we can Kill off all the Whitehills and the Second Ending is The Forresters and Whitehills making peace.
Then we'll get an Announcement for Season 3 as it will probably take place during the events of S8
Mind you this is just me thinking of ideas straight out of my head so yeah
Let's see...this is a good warming for season 2.Here general responses.
1.The Rodrik/Asher is indeed a classic on the community.I understand that they'll be the center of next season;Playing the lord of House Forrester story with interchangeable scenes(Other characters would refer as them as lord forrester,)except concrete scenes in which they would only change their names(enter Rodrik/Asher depends on who is alive).I hope they'll have a huge plot armour as they are the principal link with season one.
2.Mira is a different one.The question is:Is Telltale willing to give her storyline a rising point? I mean Would they give her a sub-plot?
Imagine Mira manipulating Morgryn using still(if you stay in Margary's service as a trusted advisor/maiden)her influence in court to bring him down somehow.Otherwise a darker story is possible(raping and Murder of Mira) to get away with her narrative or a copy of Wanda's one on the show;if they go this way a happy ending would be great.
3.POVS,I predict 4/5 in season 2.One of this group could fill Ethan's role;playing an important part at the start but later kill and shocking the gamers again(They remember that none is safe on got universe).I hope this is not an excuse to cut off Talia's trajectory or even the main Rodrik/Asher or the sentinel/traitor storyline.I think Malcolm(Rodrik/Asher's uncle) will be the POV in ESSOS,interacting with Daernerys and its Mereneese court, memories of his youth fighting for the Mad-King himself would fit.Rodrik/Asher **would fill one of the spots surely.An unknown Forrester soldier could be the POV in Ironrath after Whitehill occupation with his own story,motivations, background...An interesting role that fans will like, understand the forrester's smallfolk would be cool,after the killing in the battle of Ironrath of the peasants (anger in them...).Gared is confirmed for sure in his North Grove plot.Beshka or a Whitehill family member would be a new interesting turn on the story,We know Beska's past as a slave and a pit fighter but this could be expanded in her own skin while teaching the young Rhyon how to fight.Or humanise the antagonists playing as Tohrren Whitehill Ludd's third-son and heir or even Gwyn.Otherwise playing as a last member of the forrester's allies I mean House Bole,Branch massacrated at the Red Wedding (Duncan mentions them in chapter two).He could be a lone survivor in the Wolfswood seeking surveillance and could help the Sentinel/traitor to his cottage, help them heal there.
4.Season one ended at the start of season five show?don't remember at all.But season 2 could end with the proclamation of Jon Snow as king.Being the Forrester lord one of the nobles that claims Jon Snow as king in the North.But depends on the release date and all that stuff they give us(could even get season 7 show if it is delayed)
5.With the North Grove plot,I trust they can do something great.If you stay they could explore the lord of the North and the Old God's with Gared and the forrester's bastards(more blood sacrifices to make the North Grove Stronger).If you choiced to march to Ironrath they would force the player to stay on the grove for its importance and central implication to the story.
Seriously no clue about the secret of the North Grove,I'll embrace what Telltale will give me.
That's actually a really good prediction
A man tries
Telltale should hire you as a writer for Game Of Thrones S2
Maybe they could show the relationship between the Forresters and their direct liege lords, the Glovers. Who knows if they'll get Tim McInnerny as Robett Glover. Perhaps Robett will offer to help the surviving Lord Forrester in exchange for help in retaking Deepwood Motte. But when the Boltons step in, it could be a problem.
Rodrik/Asher would gladly join Jon Snow in the Battle of the Bastards but it wouldn't surprise me if Robett tries to forbid them from doing so.
why would we play as a enemy?
I like the idea but the pity is we can't explore the lore from the books(Forresters don't help Stannis retaking Deepwood)
But I am still a fan of the idea,they could also show us how much the Glover's have suffered under Asha Greyjoy on the show version.
Even Rodrik/Asher could make for himself a Robert Glover scene if you decide to deny helping them:"Where was House Glover when the Whitehills attached Ironrath..." it will not be a bright decision but they could make the double path there:%Player help the Glovers,%didn't help the Glovers.
A good chance to show us that our decisions matter.
Wouldn't you like to see the two sides of the conflict? Humanise House Whitehill make them "grey" learning their background and how they lived the blood feud with the forrresters on the past...
Yeah I was thinking the same...playing as a Whitehill seems pretty ridiculous to me.
And Morgryn being playable? Yeah right....it's determinant whether he evens marries into the family! What exactly would his role be if Mira loses her head in S1? According to the in-game stats, 75% of players refused to marry him....which is also why I really doubt Mira would have more than a small cameo role if she is still alive in S2.
Sure, I'd like to know more about the Whitehills and their past history with the Forresters....but I think that can totally be accomplished without making them playable.
No I didn't suggest Morgryn as a playable character...On the Contrary my suggestion was to bring a Mira sub-plot bringing the man down failing or being successful on her actions depending on the choices she made last season.
Earns Margaery's trust at the end and remains as a handmaiden with more possibilities or remains as Sera's friend,Being on that scenario possible to befriend Garibald(the man Sera wanted to marry) and even could be Mira's newest ally.
The possibilities can be interesting,We depend on the REAL writers.
While I agree that Beskha is a very tempting character to make playable....I think her role as a sidekick was what made her a fan favorite. I can't see Telltale messing with that formula. And wouldn't it make more sense if the kid she is traveling with, Ryon (who is actually a Forrester) be the playable one? From what little we saw of him in S1, it was clear with all the wooden swordplay that he is gonna be a fighter....so who better to protect and train him than Beskha the Basilisk? I wouldn't be surprised if their relationship mirrored Arya Stark and the Hound in some ways....(or maybe more like Brienne and Podrick?)
Telltale had all the Forrester characters follow similar circumstances to characters in the tv show (Gared and Jon at the Wall, Asher and Daenerys exiled in Essos, Rodrik and Robb in the North, etc.). So I believe the best way to predict Season 2 is to see how the remaining Forresters may mirror storylines from their counterparts on the show.
And I think you guys are forgetting two very important possibilities: Elsera and Josera! Imagine playing as a blood mage who can control warriors or a warg who can shift into animals. Plenty of interesting playable scenarios there, IMO!
Sorry, the Morgryn comment was directed at Alpha.
Sure there are endless possibilities regarding Mira...I just don't think many of them are realistic. Telltale is not gonna spend a lot of time and resources on a determinant character that ended up dead in most playthroughs. And considering where she ends up (in jail), those decisions you want to matter in S2 didn't even matter in that episode!
Would be quite the dilemma once Margaery gets arrested and Cersei's walk of shame becomes the hot topic in court.
If Rodrik is alive, he could explain in detail about Galbart Glover and how much he admired the man during the War of the Five Kings. Since the Boltons helped in the retaking of Deepwood Motte, that alone can cause quite the fallout.
On the books he is currently alive visiting Howland Reed at the Neck,but I doubt the show will bring him back.
So yeah that could be a great chance to emphasize for Rodrik with him;the dialogue would change with Asher remembering him as the exile son of Gregor's...
Failure of the writers man
i think rodrick/asher will participate in the battle of basterds and the starks will help them retain ironwrath.
mira will die. mogryn wont need her anymore since the ironwrath doesnt belong to her family, or some other bs will happen to her, she gonna die thou.
2 play as malcom would be interesting