2 Questions on Game of Thrones (TV)?

1) Is it necessary for GoT to have nudity & sex scenes in order for it to be a hit?
2) If GoT didn't have nudes & sex scenes, would you still be watching it? why?

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  • 1) the sex screens are nice but I think the show can still be a hit even without them.

    2) Definitely, It's the story people should be interested in not the sex screens.

  • 1) No. But it gives the show more life, and reality. The books and series are based on lots of incest and shit, cutting that away would just be wrong. I don't see anything wrong about it either way. Those scenes usually adds something, not takes anything away.

    2) Absolutely not. How many watches Game of Thrones? 30 million? More? Out of those, not many watch solely for nudity, since that would be a major waste of time. Not every episode have nudity, and an episode is at least 50 minutes long and we have a nudity scene that is no more than a couple minutes.

    Also, other series, such as TWD, SoA, BB, Gotham, BCS doesn't need nudity, and most of those aren't even half as good as GoT acting-wise, story-wise, complexity.

    So, quick answer is No and No.

  • It is weird even talking about this. In a series where innocent people are cut,hanged crushed or burned to death...where they can freeze to death...where starvation is a thing...you seem to fixate on tits and peckers. It is HBO...while not an important part of the story...nudity does happen in the real world....so they show it.

  • edited July 2017

    The game of thrones TV show is the adaptation of the asoiaf books.
    Sex is part of the books with all that brings but I think the producers lose unnecessary time on portraying several sex scenes when they could have focused more on the adaptation of the story(No Littlefinger acrobatic whores or recently Grey Worm sex scene).

    I would be watching/reading the series/books anyway cause I'm a fan of the writing and situations that can be bring without recurring to sex-scenes.
    Still some sex-scenes are "necessary" believe it or not as feature of some characters or development of political environments on the saga.

    Some Women characters manipulate men using sex and the seduction skills it takes,remember Cersei's quote?:"A woman's best weapon is between her legs",It's controversial yes but at the end It's the essence of the saga.

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